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In my garden...and not only - for Cornelia

When I saw first spring flowers in my garden I began photographing them with abandon:) I became lost in my thoughts...

I haven't even heard Kruszyna shouted for me to go for a walk. So she bored resignedly laid down somewhere under the pine.

But soon sun shone for her as well;) We set off...

Me still mad... I saw only flowers...

...and birds. One jay didn't want to fly away, but, on the contrary, was posing for me.

So I set up my easel...

Forgive me, painting isn't finished, but suddenly I heard Kruszyna shouting: "Mummy, help!".

I run back fast by the river. Oh my, Kruszyna couldn't climb up steep bank!

As fast as I could I took her paw and helped her get out of the river.

Furious Kruszyna told me, she was fed up with my... art. She threatened not to point for me pheasants anymore.

Kruszyna is a small lady but with huge character. I recognized threat was real.
So we get back home playing along the riverbank.

Wet and dirty but satisfied Kruszyna later whispered to my ear that those pheasant she was only joking;)

Sorry, story is too long but that was a long day, full of adventures;)

This story is dedicated for Cornelia, she knows why;)

Views: 72

Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 22, 2010 at 10:17pm
Just wonderful - thoroughly enjoyed it all.
Comment by Kristina on April 23, 2010 at 2:21am
Lovely story and not at all to long. I like flower as well, so I really enjojed loking at your photos and reading this story. Thanx a lot for sharing.
Comment by Agnieszka Rola on April 23, 2010 at 5:41am
you should adding more pictures and stories Anna! really nice day! lovely photos and sweet Kruszyna!
Comment by Anna Wymyslowska on April 23, 2010 at 6:09am
Piękne zdjęcia! To pole z taką fajną wodą to gdzieś w okolicach Warszawy? Poszukujemy z Newtonem miejsca do nauki pływania przed próbami polowymi ;)
Comment by sammi pease on April 23, 2010 at 9:34am
Lovely story Anna...long may you enjoy your flowers, Kruszyna and your camera....!!!!


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