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Hi folks !
Just a little up-date to let you know how Legolas is doing. We were back at Gillabbey Veterinary Hospital in Cork again yesterday...left Wexford at 6am & got there just after 8. He was booked in for his arthroscopy procedure on his left shoulder. The ortho-specialist Shane Guerin, who also treated Lego the last time he was there, explained everything that was going to happen. Initially the mineralised tendon was going to be removed but luckily new x-rays were done & Shane noticed that the bone fragment on his scapula had broke loose & shifted about 2cm further down Lego's leg...this was the cause of the major relapse in early July from simply getting down off the couch. He decided that it was the main culprit of Lego's pain at the moment & needed to be removed (the tendon was left alone for the moment & may continue to do well on the previous steroid injection).
Apparently it was a difficult procedure & took alot longer than initially expected, a few smaller bits were removed via the scope entry points but he had to be cut to get out the bigger piece as it was in a very awkward spot.
He had a bit of a rough night at hime last night but was glad to be home...he's still a bit dopey from being under the anaesthetic for so long but I'm hoping by tomorrow he'll be more alert.
As you can see from the photo...poor Legolas has lost alot of his trademark crazy hair & now looks like a cross between a Chinese Crested & an English Setter ! There's nothing actually wrong with his paw but it has been wrapped up to prevent him from putting any weight on the joint. It'll be like this for a week, there'll be a lot of swelling too in the coming days but Shane said it should all drain away naturally over the next three weeks or so.
Luckily I'm still on hols at the moment so I can keep very close eye on my 'Big-Man' and give him lots of T.L.C :)
Shane gave me the biggest bone fragment to keep, it'll certainly be the strangest souvenior I've ever had :)
We're all hoping that this will finally bring and end to something that has been going on since March 2010 and that in a couple of weeks my baby will be totally pain free.
I also wish to sing the praises of his vet, Shane & the wonderful team in Gillabbey that have taken such great care of my special boy while he was with them. Thanks a million !!!
The largest bone fragment.
I hope Legolas makes a quick recovery, and that this will be the end of his unfortunate adventure. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your boy, and wish he has a pain free future, full of running and jumping around, like setters always love to be!
Give him lots of cuddles from us!
Teresa, Pitanga and Romã!
Poor little boy, hope he is running around soon
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