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Believe it or not, this spider is actually quite harmless, but nevertheless, to suddenly feel it crawling over you, when quite comfy on the lounge, well !!!  I am very glad that I can move extremely fast, when the need arises!

Views: 69

Comment by Cathy Forster on February 4, 2011 at 2:51am
I have every winter the same problem ! Each time the spiders come in because of the cold weather. They are black, great, harmless and haity ! so you can see them running across the living room while you look TV and while the dogs are sleeping on the carpet ! One time I wake up in the night because something was tickling me !!! It was one of thouse lovely thing, who was doing his jogging in my bed !!! it was the beginning of the war !
Comment by John B. Hughes/Absinthe on February 4, 2011 at 2:51am


        I live in Arizona and we have our fair share of critters, but we spray monthly and are usually bug free unless we live on the edge of the desert.  Me-I live in the city and no bugs and my shorts are clean and white -God willing!  At my age if anything hardens up I'll use it and enjoy, but something that looks like my ex on steroids-no thanks!  

Comment by Peter Hennig on February 4, 2011 at 2:59am
John we're LOL here, a pleasure to meet you
Comment by Peter Hennig on February 4, 2011 at 3:11am
I had one like that fall out of my sun visor land on the steering wheel on a bend at 100k/h and I was wearing shorts that was spooky
Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on February 4, 2011 at 4:00am
I thought I would get no comments on this silly blog, but instead I have had plenty of hearty laughs. Thanks Guys!
Comment by Dee Rance on February 4, 2011 at 5:38am
Hey folks if this is a 'him' think what his wife is like, probably 10 times the size. now that is really scary.....;o((
Comment by Melinda Auld on February 4, 2011 at 7:19pm
Arghhhh...  I once woke up with one of these crawling across my face!!!  We were on an outward bound camp, and sleeping on the ground.  It was early dawn and I was half asleep, and I could just feel...something...on my face.  I opened one eye a crack, and I could see one of its horrible legs stretched out over my cheek.  The damn thing was about the size of my hand-span!!  Like you, Myra, I think my feet didn't touch the ground LOL  Definitely responsible for my fear of spiders lol


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