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Myra Thomas-Rhodes's Comments

Comment Wall (728 comments)

At 10:21am on May 14, 2009, Esther Siegrist said…
Thanks Myra for your compliment about my photos!
have a nice weekend and regards
At 4:29pm on May 17, 2009, Annika Liikanen said…
Thanks for comment on Timons birthday.
At 4:26am on May 18, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you for the comment on Vildas photo...they are doing well and Vilda is looking after them brilliantly! Im keeping my fingers crossed it continues like this.
At 6:24am on May 18, 2009, ursula wilby said…
One bitch to stay here, and one more I will keep the breeding-rights on.
PS How is the reading coming along????????:-)
At 4:12am on May 19, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Oh my god Myra!
I dread the thought of a traslation via the net!!!!!
I have tried it once just for fun...and it was fun! But not meaning the same as being correct!
It falls flat on its face when there are words with different meanings and there are plenty of those in both swedish and english.

At least you can look at the drawings:-)
This litter will have the theme Bob Dylan-songs.
As to the actual name of my puppy and what I will call her...I am not certain yet.
I feel I need to "test" it once I have chosen so that it feels right...(stupid, I know)
From VERY sunny Sweden!
At 4:27am on May 21, 2009, Brigitte Goossens said…
Hello Myra
Thanks for your comment
Greetings Brigitte
At 6:55am on May 22, 2009, Angela Roberts said…
I found time last evening to at last read all about Bumble and the blogpost 'Water Babies'. All such lovely and interesting reading. It's lovely when a dog that has been such a sweetheart all of her life can live to such a great age and still have such good quality of life and be a good mentor for the other youngsters. It's a lovely sunny but not too hot a day here in Cornwall, beautiful when it's like this for humans and dogs. I hope Lupin is continuing to enjoy her life with you. I had my little Lynwood bitch at 15 months and her confidence grew daily, I had hoped for a litter from her last year but she wasn't interested in mating at all so I mated her half sister instead and will not try mating Diva again until I want another puppy so maybe next year. I love hearing about your life with your dogs down under even if it does take me a while to get around to reading it!
At 8:19am on May 24, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Thank you for this nice compliment.
At 3:15am on May 26, 2009, Mariana Åhnberg said…
Thankyou From up above ;-)
At 3:57pm on May 26, 2009, Kikki Dyrendahl said…
Hi Myra,
Thank´s a lot for congrats :-))
Cheers / Kikki
At 1:12am on May 29, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Good morning (?!) Myra!
Thank you for comment on my photos, we have been having a bad time with the foal and both her and mother Ivy have spent the last week at the animal hospital (at HUGE expense) and to top it all the outcome has been rather uncertain. But now it looks as if they are coming home today and I am just waiting for the last confirmation from the vet.
Remains the scary act of transporting foal and mother in a trailer for 1 1/2 hours drive.
I will do an update on all that.
Vilda has coped fantastically with her big litter and they are now beginning to eat...and covering me in the process.

Good thing I am past caring about my appearance! :-)
At 6:09pm on May 30, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
have an as great weekend as we have ;-)

At 5:10am on May 31, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
wow, congrats to you and half-sister of course! looking forward to see some pics of her!
we are supposed to have full summer by now but yesterday it snowed near my parents town!!! where we took the photos yesterday, it was 15 celsius degrees but sunshine - and today heavy rain and only 5.......
love to you all,
laura & the reds

At 10:13pm on June 1, 2009, Elizabeth Maher said…
Hello Myra--did you receive my reply about Seamus--I somehow think it didn't send properly as it doesn't show in the thread?
At 5:39am on June 3, 2009, Jo Fisher said…
Thanks for the welcoome Myra. I was interested to see that your first dogs were Wendovers. I notice from your picture that the two dogs look very much like Rory - even down to the white tuft on the chest. I have always said that dogs with Wendover in them have a particular look and seeing your pics and Michelle Websters (whose dogs are related closely to Rory) proves this for me. I'll add some photos of Rory when I have more time (and find out how to do it!)
At 12:25pm on June 3, 2009, Jo Fisher said…
Hi again - there are now more photos - must try and find some more - I'm sorry to say, I don't have as many as I'd hoped - not much of a photographer, I'm afraid - tend to leave it to others! Also, most don't show the white tuft.
At 5:41pm on June 3, 2009, Jo Fisher said…
Hi Myra. thanks for your lovely comments. I know the Christmas ones are a but daft, but they just summed up his personality completely - always so laid back at home - a complete looney when out - just as an Irish (even an Irish girl like me!) should be
At 6:12am on June 5, 2009, Linn Cecilie Moen said…
Hi Myra! Thanks for the nice comment! Im going to take more photos and update my page more often! :) Linn

Love your dogs btw!
At 2:13pm on June 5, 2009, jim cuddy said…
Hi Myra,thanks for your kind welcome ,I,m looking forward to the interaction on the site.
Where are your dogs from?
At 10:30pm on June 5, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
saw you were online and thought i could say hi. just waiting for a friend and off we drive to a show abroad. if we manage to win something, i'll let you know :-)
hugs to you all, laura & the girls

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