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Jon & Jane Roden's Comments

Comment Wall (14 comments)

At 1:00pm on March 22, 2010, june walsh said…
Hi Jon.

Hope you enjoy the site... photos taken today will forward when l get them.
At 2:23pm on March 23, 2010, june walsh said…
Hi Jon.....received them on other site ..many thanks,,.. june
At 1:46am on April 12, 2010, Cornelia said…
Hi Jon, all the best with your new pup then!! After such a long gap, you're writing history (does one say so in english as well...? Never mind!); I'm looking foreward to see pics of your youngster then. Greetings from Switzerland, Cornelia
At 7:57am on April 13, 2010, sammi pease said…
Hi Jon...Good Luck and lots of fun with your new puppy...!!! Sure you'll have a lively summer ahead !!! Best wishes...Sammi and girls...
At 2:35pm on April 18, 2010, Anna Kazimierowicz said…
Hi Jon,
thanks for nice words about my dogs;)
That's must be very happy to have such a cute tot, lot of fun, I'm sure. Good luck to Charlie.
Fine music:)
Anna with Bajka and Kruszyna
At 2:51am on April 20, 2010, Cheryl Gorey said…
I Hope Charlie has settled in now. I look forward to seeing updates on him as he grows up! cheers
At 2:46pm on April 20, 2010, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Jon
Sounds like he is a character. Sorry, I don't have any ideas. Just keep perservering with the toys and teaching him to learn the word "No" and he should respond to it, hopefully sooner rather than later. It is not as necessary to have a loud voice, but it needs to be a low deep voice, more like a growly sound... similar to how his mother or another dog would respond to him!
cheers, Cheryl
At 6:08am on May 23, 2010, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Jon and Jane, just to let you know, in case you have missed it, I have Charlie's sister, Bridget. She has just flown into Australia last Friday!. I have put up a blog and some pics. cheers, Cheryl
At 3:11pm on May 28, 2010, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Jon

I would love to keep in touch and share their growing up with each other. Have a great weekend too! cheers, Cheryl
At 1:21pm on September 8, 2010, Jane Moule said…
I know what you mean - our eldest, Dillon who is 6 is a complete kleptomaniac but not at all destructive, whereas Ruairi, (3 and a half) is very wilful!
At 6:51pm on February 18, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Jon and Jane, Happy Birthday to you?  Not sure the wishes are for.

Sister Bridget sends her Happy Birthday wishes to Charlie for yesterday.

Hope Charlie is doing well.  Love to have an update.  Bridget is just such a character and a lovely little girl.  We love her to bits!!  cheers, Cheryl


At 4:29pm on February 19, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Happy Birthday to Jane? to Jon? to both????  :-) 
At 1:56am on February 27, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Jon

Glad to hear Charlie is doing well and starting to settle down. 

Bridget is a little ratbag too!  She loves to steal clothes and particularly socks (but we have been doing some tracking training with her with socks, so we can't really blame her!!!).  She is just a delight to own.  We love her to bits.

Our yard is doing very well and I attribute that to that fact that we had a sand pit put in when our boys (2 legged) were little and so now the dogs have it and they love to get in an dig in there, but they tend to leave the yard alone.


chat soon


At 2:36pm on March 3, 2011, june walsh said…



He looks really gorgeous      have you seen the picture of his sister Miss Bridget on Cheryls page for her 1st birthday

Its  nice to hear from you and am glad all ias well


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