Exclusively Setters

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Marion's Comments

Comment Wall (15 comments)

At 7:11pm on August 29, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Welcome Aboard, Marion.
Cheers, from cold, damp, Perth, Western Australia.
At 7:28pm on August 29, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
It's a small world, isn't it? Whereabouts are they living in Perth? And how about you, which part of England? We emigrated here from Buckinghamshire.
We have had the best Winter for about 8 years, with badly needed rain, so hopefully the dams will fill at long last.
At 1:28am on August 30, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Thankyou for your comment on one of my photos. That set of photos was not easy. One of them always seemed to move, or look the other way, just as the camera was about to click, and it was before the super digitals.
You will enjoy this site, I am sure. There are some stunning photos on different people's pages. Very clever Setter people out there. Have a look at Katariina Roiha's page.
At 5:47am on August 30, 2009, Michelle Webster said…
Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it here. Looking forward to seeing your photos.
Best wishes,
At 10:02am on August 30, 2009, Mirjana Momcilovic said…
Welcomeeeee! :)))
At 3:17am on September 1, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Marion
Welcome to the site I am sure that you will enjoy it here, but it is addictive
Dee and the gang
At 8:01pm on November 24, 2009, Jo Ann Haseltine said…
Why would want to get away from U? :)
At 8:03pm on November 24, 2009, Jo Ann Haseltine said…
Wonderful Pictures!
At 4:40pm on November 18, 2010, Maggie Smith said…
Happiest of Birthdays
At 4:50pm on November 18, 2010, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday, Marion. Enjoy!
At 1:04pm on November 18, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Happy Birthday Marion, hope you had a great celebration with your "mixed" setters family  :-)

At 2:37pm on November 22, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Hi Marion. If you are interested to have a rescue dog there are two setters available for rehoming, one 14 months and one at two years. Maybe you could contact Dorothy Park, at 02870848995, she would be happy to hear from you if you are ready to have a Red for Xmas  :-)
Dorothy is the Rescue Coordinator of the Irish setter breeders club, the 2 years old arrived at her place today. This rescue scheme from the breeders' club is really good, they check the dog, go to the vet, make sure everything is 100% ok before giving them to their new home.  Good luck  :-)

At 2:51pm on November 22, 2011, Marion said…

I thought Barbara was the one to contact at Irish Setter Breeders Club. I've spoken both to her and Maureen at Irish Setter Rescue but that was about another matter. We adopted a 9 month English Setter in Feb 2010 after losing Rosie (ES) in Jan 09. We lost Ruby (IS) in Oct 2010 and Sham (IS) in March 2011. We've always had bitches but they won't rehome same sex dogs and ISR stipulates you must have a large secure garden. Something my dogs have never bothered with as we have 20 acres of heathland at the front gate and lots more round and about. English Setter Rescue was fine with us having bitches and small garden, the girls get their legs run off every day and with living opposite the Heath much prefer to lie on the bench on the drive watching what's going on when we are home. Thanks for Birthday wishes, usual day, housework and dog walking. x

At 2:56pm on November 22, 2011, Marion said…

We adopted Sham from Oldies Club in 2006 aged 101/2, she was 151/2 when she left us. Since adopting her I got involved in rescue and am now foster support (for fosterers obviously) for Oldies Club. She enjoyed 5 years of wonderful Scottish holidays and many weekends away.

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