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Diana van der Valk's Comments

Comment Wall (30 comments)

At 3:56am on June 16, 2009, Sandra Zivanovic said…
Hallo Diana, nice to meet you at this site. Kind regards
At 4:58pm on June 17, 2009, Michelle Webster said…
I love your photos. What a beautiful dog you have in your profile photo.
Best wishes,
At 12:07pm on August 5, 2009, Susan Mogony said…
Ha Diana,
Dacht al dat ik jou hier ook zou treffen. Leuke pagina, mooie foto's, maar had ik van jou ook niet anders verwacht!!! ;-)

At 3:53pm on August 10, 2009, sue morgan said…
Hi Diana, lovely to hear from you,Who is he dog on your pic... yes we still got Wickenberry Siorchia she is 9 now, I had 2 litters from her and kept a bitch from each litter...Mhairi...Pennally Devil Woman....W. Crocus +Goldings Casanova is a bit of a madam and only shows if she is in the mood now 5 years old.Then we have Grainne...Pennally Jumeau....W Crocus+ SHCH Scotselaw Jackson@Lynwood JW....she is 3 years old a hooligan but lovely with it , How are all your lovely red ones, Do you see I ngrid and Wijnand, hope every one well.. Are you coming to UK soon......Love Sue
At 6:10pm on April 4, 2010, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Happy Easter Diana,
Your baby, photographed on the Sunflame Blog, is simply gorgeous! Must be an Ibsie baby?
At 3:00pm on May 16, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
Hoi Diana, nog van harte gefeliciteerd met de mooie resultaten van je spaniel op de clubmatch in Rotterdam! Jammer dat je er zelf niet meer bij kon zijn! Leuk dat zij ook al van die mooie resultaten haalt, top!
Groetjes van Marjolein
At 3:52pm on May 22, 2010, Susan Mogony said…
At 4:16pm on February 5, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Congratulations Diana and a special cuddle to the winners - the girl is yours, but is the boy too?
At 7:08am on July 14, 2011, audrey roks said…
he zus, ja het begint nu wel zwaar te worden. Verveel me dood thuis, maar jah. Hoe is het verders bij jullie? Als het zo ver is hoor je het wel! liefs audrey
At 3:28am on July 25, 2012, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Diana, thanks for that information.  I will check out their page too.

cheers, Cheryl

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