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Petra Kasznár's Comments

Comment Wall (169 comments)

At 2:43am on May 7, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
hát, ki kell, hogy ábrándítsalak: csak ilyen gabalylábbal tud futni :-)))) de hát te is láttad már, milyen csámpás. amúgy tényleg csoda, hogy ilyen gabalytechnikával ilyen sebességre tud szert tenni - vagy lehet, hogy pont ezért? :-) minden okés itt, várjuk a szombatot. ugye jöttök? és mikor? különben hogy lesz kettős szetter állásos videód? hehe.
At 2:10pm on May 12, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
írtam mailt :) amúgy már csak azt nem tudom, hogy ha ma szabadnap volt, akkor ma miért nem mentem ki...
At 2:32am on May 14, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
jó lett, már vagy 20x megnéztem és elemezgetem. páran jól lefikázták az ismerőseim közül, hogy dehátcsak futkározik a mezőn. még hozzáértő is azt mondta, hogy nem keres semmit, csak élvezi, hogy rohanhat :-(
At 2:46am on May 22, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Hi Petra,
what a pity you don't come to Switzerland any more... you could stop in and see the puppies!
You must have meen the pics on my website as I have not had time to download on ES recently... in real life the pups look much smaller than on the photos! We have one fatty who is known by the name of 'Knödel' or Dumpling, poor little thing;-)) They increased weight rapidly once they started eating Bosch puppy food and puppy milk.
All the best
At 2:47am on May 22, 2008, Susan Stone said…
sorry about my spelling mistakes - should always read first and then post..;-(
At 9:20am on May 22, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Yes, they gain weight quickly once on puppy meal and I have to watch out they don't get too rolypoly...
At 5:28am on May 25, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
mohácson vagyok, mielőtt kérdőre vonnál :-) voltunk a dunán, odinka állt vadkacsát, majd úszkált is utánuk, ahogy andy a videón :-) danka meg állt a parton és nézett ki a fejéből, hehe, de a csigák után beúszott lelkesen. viszont a mezőn ment mint az állat. a búzaföldön meg pattogott, és nagyon vicces volt, ahogy a feje meg a füle minden ugrásnál kiemelkedett a táblából ;-) na megyek ebédelni, jó kis házikoszt, nyaminyami.
At 5:33pm on May 26, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
köszi! van még vagy 450 kép, amit nem tettem fel, pl sorozat, ahogy danc ugat a vízparton, hehe...
At 8:04am on June 1, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Thanky for your kind comments Petra - I am already getting upset that they will all be leaving...;-((
At 6:34am on June 17, 2008, Marta Magi said…
Köszönjük szépen! Mi is nagyon örülünk ám :-)
Kezd végre beérni, nekem is egyre inkább tetszik :o))
Biztos találunk valami alkalmat a találkozásra, bár jobb lenne előbb mint utóbb......rég beszéltünk :(
At 3:38am on June 19, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
megkésve bár, de köszi! :-)
At 7:48am on June 19, 2008, Christiane Lohmann said…
Hi Petra !

Sorry for being out of contact for so long. Busy time here with hunting etc. Furthermore I will go to Stockholm as student judge on the world dog show.;-))) Great experience and lots of fun (I hope). Puppy plans are also developing. Let's see what future brings.
Regards to Andy
At 10:11am on June 19, 2008, Christiane Lohmann said…
It's wildboar right now -most tasty on the grill;-))) and I hunt them without dogs. Shot one last night and - although heart shot - ran off in the woods and I had to find it on the track with my best girl Anni, a shorthaired dachshund. Only had difficulties to bring it out of the wood with trees still upside down after last two heavy storms.
Promise to update english version of hp...sooner or later. And will tell you about these events in Sweden.
And yes, Momo has finally packed her suitcase and will travel with Andreas to Poland...let's see.

At 1:55pm on June 19, 2008, Christiane Lohmann said…
At 1:54pm on June 19th, 2008, Christiane Lohmann said…
Waidmannsdank;-) Alone in the wood at night isn't that bad, but crawling under bushes, getting tangled with the gun and lead and not seeing anything and hoping that wildboar is totally dead when you find it...
We use setters for roedeer tracking, when it leg-shot etc. Front page on our hp is latest result of Heidis work. One of our friends shot a roedeer a bit too deep and only hit the leg. It ran off and Heidi had to find it the other day, chase it around and finally bring it to the ground. Don't ever mistake a setter ! Heidi has the finest nose, pointing instinct and style you can imagine. Well, my 'last-night' wildboar was male just out of piglet age and had 61 kg (without stomach), so had to call for help to get it home. For difficult tracking work, I use Dachshund Anni, as she is specialist and is used ONLY for that. I did about 60 trackings with witnesses and about the double amount alone with her. She simply is the best.
Momo sees the vet every second day and Andreas is prepared to travel, when he says ok. Same game as last year, I am afraid. Thanks for your crossed fingers !
Keep in touch
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At 2:19am on June 20, 2008, Christiane Lohmann said…
Waidmannsheil is correct for wishing success in hunting as well as congratulations for 'a full bag'. The right answer is also Waidmannsheil...and Waidmannsdank if the hunter was successful.;-)

We prefer to have support from the vet this time, as Warsaw is pretty far away.

At 10:22am on June 21, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Hi Petra,
sorry have not been in touch - you know why I guess! Thanks for your friendly comments!
Now the time is drawing near when they start to leave - from 9 weeks of age they can go to their new homes. I am of two minds: first 'thank goodness' and second 'oh dear, how will they cope in life?' Finger's crossed they all have a good and long life ahead with lots of setter fun!
At 10:30am on June 22, 2008, Susan Stone said…
they were... but now my favourite boy is stopping a little longer...
At 7:49am on July 4, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Hi Petra,
yes, they are sometimes allowed into our tiny bit of 'normal' garden under close supervision! Or else there would be no more bushes, no more roses - no anything actually!!! I take them for little walks also and they always find something disgusting to eat...
At 8:21am on July 15, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
dancus szombaton fürjecske fejét a szájába fogva rohant el vele... fürjecske élt, s mi több, túlélte; szegénnyel utána monty végzett :-(
dancus az 50 fokhoz képest és amúgy is fantasztikusat futott és megtalálta többször a fürjecskét is. de má biztosan hallottad. szerintem danka anyuja svédhonban beszélt a fejével, hogy szedje máá össze magát és munkavizsgázzon le :-)))
At 1:41pm on July 17, 2008, Marta Magi said…
Köszönjük szépen!
Megyek meg is húzogatom a fülüket, majd Sarah legfeljebb elbotlik benne, Pici meg fölakad valami fára mert ugye neki fölálló füle van :-))

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