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My puppy Nugget has frequent discharge from both eyes, which apparently collects dirt, as the discharge appears clear.  A couple of times it looked a bit like some pus, but then that resolved on it's own.  His eyes are not red, do not appear to be painful or bother him.  Anyone have any ideas about why this happens or how best to treat it?

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If there is no sign of entropion or ectropion , I would not unduly worry.....it might be that he is getting dust in his eye or a slight allergy to pollen when outside....obviously if it continues and you are worried I would have a vet look at his eyes.

The Irish Setter Association, England has it's championship show at Stoneleigh this coming Saturday and have an eye clinic running all day, if you could get there, why not have the eye specialist look at Nugget's eyes, you will have a nice day out too !!!!! details http://www.isae.co.uk/

I would love to come to England, but I live in California and it is quite a long trip!   Thanks for the details though.  I would especially like to see a championship show.


Hi Rosie

I am also interested in having a  specialist eye test since I noticed a little black spot in the Oberon's eye. Maybe is nothing, but we wish him to be seen..

I made  contact with  Gillian at Stoneleigh for booking a slot. But I am not sure:  is Dr Bedford doing some normal eye visits or he's just screening for breed deseases under the KC scheme? I will be happy to drive and see him, but I am not sure that what he's doing on the day is what we are looking for... Do you have any information? 

Sue, best of luck to Nugget!!!

I hope is just a bit of dust that is bothering him :)



Hello Silvia, 

The eye clinic is run so that the health of our dogs eyes is monitored, there are known hereditary conditions which are looked for and reported to the KC as confirmed to be clear or not of the condition and results are published in the Breed Record Supplement.

The eye specialist is also looking for new conditions or abnormalities and these results are reported to the BVA, they give an annual report to the KC for each breed giving only of the number of incidents of each condition found, if a high incidence of a condition is found it will be escalated as a concern for that breed.

Prof Bedford is the top man for eyes! If he finds anything abnormal with Oberon's eyes he will discuss it with you and advise what you should do. If you go to your vet they would give you a referral usually to the Royal Vet College which can cost £200 for the same examination you will have at the eye clinic. So come along and put you mind at rest. You will be very welcome and I'm sure you will enjoy your visit to the show.

Best wishes



Thanks for your replies.  His eyes do seem less runny now, so it may have been irritation.  Don't see any entropion or ectropion.

Turns out my pup has seasonal allergies witch cause the eye discharge, I found that Genteal eye drops work well.


It could be seasonal allergies or dirt from sticking his head in the holes he digs while he is digging.  Are Genteal eye drops available in a drug store or is a prescription needed? Your puppy is absolutely adorable!

  Our last irish Dugan had a bad discharge & was diagnosed with pra. Our latest Brady also has a slight discharge But it ended up being nothing. Hope all turns out well for your dog.

What is pra?

progressive retinal athrophy. It can be common in irish. Dugan was born with it. I believe it is a gene carried thru parents. He was a great dog & accepted his blindness.

hi  sue! having had setters for a while i think you are very lucky that you even experienced on pra issues... there are several forms of this, many are off of the breed by now since they have been discovered few years ago so many puppies are already nice and clear. But there is a form of pra that has been found just 3years ago: for  this nasty one you may want to test your puppy, in particularly if you wish to breed him.. is pra4 and the test is widely available, just search in this web side and you will find lot of info:)




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