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It's only November and I'm already having to give Rigsby a bath every time we go out so I'm thinking of getting him an all in one suit to keep him clean and dry.  I bought him a Cosipet onesie to keep him clean while at a show but it's not suitable for what I want it for, so I've done some research and come across a range called Hurtta.  They do two, one they specifically recommend for long coated breeds, but they are VERY expensive.    

Does anyone else use these coats and what do you think of them?  If they work as well as they should, given the cost, then they should save me sooo much time, if not shampoo!

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Hi Lesley, We use a Hurtta raincoat when on tour i.e. when we do not want to enter a hotel or a b&b with a soaked dog; we do not have the one with the long sleeves though. The stuff is expensive but very well done - I don't think I'll ever have to buy another one. 

Thanks for that, Cornelia.  

I think I've already made my decision but thought it's worth running by someone else first.  To me it makes sense.  It wasn't so much of an issue last year as his feathers were a lot shorter but I'm now spending hours teasing out burs, grass seeds and twigs out of his coat.  Not much fun for either of us!

Just make sure, you get the right size - I think they're not one size...

Update:  I went for the Slush Combat suit, after measuring Rigsby very carefully, decided that the 70 cm would be the best size.  He's 64 cm from shoulder blades to base of the tale so I had a choice of 60 cm or 70 cm.  He's deep in the chest so felt the smaller size would restrict his movements.  

We had mixed results.  It DID keep him clean and dry but it rubbed his coat so much that I spent an hour combing out all the knots and tangles.  So on our next walk, I adjusted the ties out slightly.  This did result in fewer knots but it let the wet in.

I've contacted the seller and as they correctly pointed out, there is nothing technically wrong with the coat.  As a result, they will not be able to get a credit if they return it to the manufacturer.  I've yet to hear back from them.  

I hope that sense prevails and they at least offer me a credit or Hurtta decides to do the right thing.  It's an expensive item for it to end up in the bottom of a drawer, unused. 




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