Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Hi there! is it simply my impression or this forum is drying up a bit? I would hate to lose it, but at the same time I reckon that I havent been here as much as I used to do for a bit  (I have also travelled for 5 weeks...) and when i went back i havent spotted many discussions..

Maybe is just my impression !! (and, at least talking about Europe, with all the water that we are having we are quite busy in getting dry and sorting things and less time for nice chats and discussions :(

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ha ha I like the idea of such study :))) there may be interesting results indeed!

Totally agree with you Rob. As with all creatures there are horses for courses, some IS are dead smart some are just plain daft. Errol, my older boy, is really sharp: he reads my face like a book, listens to every word I whisper and understands hand signals at a great distance. I’m not suggesting he’s perfect but sometimes I think he’s just not challenged enough. He would have made a great field dog. Byron, however, is all over the shop, full of youthful exuberance, and totally random on commands especially when furry creatures are involved (and despite achieving Silver KC Good Citizenship – by the skin of his teeth I might add) so will require lots more training. In the end I believe you get out what you put in and to toss all IS in one pot and to declare them stupid, difficult, scatty, crazy or whatever label they get thrown at just reflects the laziness and ignorance of some people.

Anyone who has been on ES for any length of time realises that the community is in a different phase now, Silvia. It is just as in life itself....nothing stays the same. Many have left (most of their own free-will, and some of the administrator's will), and many more have joined. Of the 2,468 current members, very few are active in contributing, but still  access the site to see what is going on or being said. Historically, this was always the case, albeit things are quieter now. Facebook is partially responsible as it is undoubtedly difficult to find the time necessary to be active on several sites, and many of our members are also on there. I also am not on FB, nor have any intention to be. Therefore like the other non- FB members, I  value ES like I always have done, and intend to remain. The forum will not be lost and remains open to anyone to use, as you have just done. It is up to everyone to ensure that we both continue and evolve regardless of any other factors. My regards to all.

I agree completely with James's comment. Change was certainly necessary when Gene, the site administrator who established the ES site with the very best of intentions, made the decision to avoid his site because he became so disgusted with the behaviour of certain members. I prefer Quiet and Respectful to what was occurring on this site for too long. I also believe that many human beings around the world are finding life very tough, me included, so our time has to be prioritised depending on what is going on in our own particular circumstances. I used to have a My Space page and a Facebook page many years ago with the sole purpose of testing these sites to see if I could spread the word further about my stolen English Setter, Beau. I received much more help from my own advertising and much less abuse. I prefer to spend the limited time I have visiting ES when I can and I have no desire to contribute to any FB page. I believe the ES site will continue.

Re Catherine's comment about the intelligence of Irish Setters, English Setters are supposed to be even more stupid. Every single one of my seven English Setters has well and truly defied this unfounded assessment. My young girl, Misty is quite extraordinary. She can behave as "mad as the hatter" one moment and then the next moment astounds you with her awareness of the situation and her change in behaviour. She is typical of her breed. She is highly intelligent, and I am not being biassed when I state this.

I wish everyone well too.

Hi Silva, I'm glad to see that some are still on here on ES - it's very quiet here at the moment that's true, but I was also very busy engaged with work and other things - I didn't even post a blog for Joy's 5th B'day and she's approaching her 6th now in April! I didn't post the last blog of our 2012 summer holidays - and last year we didn't go anywhere adventurous! I'm also not on FB btw. and have no intention of joining. So I'll stay on here instead.

Hi guys,

I'm one of those who have been much, much less active here in ES.

I love all you guys, most of what I know about Setters came from this group and I've made some pretty good friends here.

But I have to confess that after receiving a nasty email from an ex-member, I was affected and hurt. I lost motivation to post here then, but I still come here often and check up on all of you!

But I would participate in a discussion with any of you that replied to this one in any moment of any day!
And I guess, since the member that hurt me is no longer here, I should be participating a lot more, and I will!

Hi Teresa,

It would be great if you could post here about your experience in the USA. My daughter is out there too at the moment and for us who cannot travel as much as we would like it is great to hear about others and their experience on the other side of the pond!

Will do Catherine!

I don't have a lot of free time, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a few moments on my weeks to write a blog post about what's going on, what I'm learning and my opinion about it!

I'm sure I'll have fun writing my own version of the American Dream just for you guys! 

Hi Teresa,

Where in the US are you?

What a shame Teresa someone had to upset you, my mum always said to me "why is it people who speak their mind, have such a nasty mind to speak" (not my mothers own quote). I'm glad they have left and I hope you do continue to enjoy ES. And as others said "time" sad isn't it......that there's never enough time! :o(

And remember. We own the supermodels of the dog world, people just can't understand how something so beautiful can have a brain!!! (We know they do) :o)

It was a very mean and sad thing. I'm not very sensitive to cyber bullying, but this person was just mean to a point I had no idea a human being could be and at a very hard time for me, as I was trying to accept Pi's heart condition and how to adjust our lives to it.

But those days are gone now, Pi's doing fine, we all adjusted and today I came here and finally felt ready to start sharing again! 

I've learned a bit more, I've gained new perspectives on many dog related issues and probably have some interesting new points of view to share (or so I hope!)

Dear Teresa, I have also been targeted and subjected to very cruel behaviour from current and ex ES members. This also happened at a time when I was very vulnerable. My English Setters, Hammer, Rose and Annie died in less than 10 months of each other and unfortunately all their deaths were very tragic which made my grief even more difficult. I was also fighting to keep my English Setter, Hobson alive, and unfortunately I still am. So, I can certainly empathise with you.

Like everyone else I am very busy too. I still haven't written a blog for my English Setter, Misty and she has been living with Hobson and I since 24 September 2012. I wish Time would slow down.

I am very pleased to see you back on ES and I look forward to reading about your adventures. I am also very pleased to hear that Pitanga is doing fine. Susan xxxxxx




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