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Celebrating a Setter Centennial 3: Stepping into Setterparadise

After Rex (1) came Astrid (Lady) paid for by delivering newspapers. Chasing Lady’s family meant meeting O’Cuchulains, descendants of Hartsbournes (2) stamping Dutch setter history. Reports and pictures made as thirteen years old kid show this was like stepping into setter paradise. Celebrating a Setter Centennial is sharing thrills, enjoy setters of the sixties! Especially Shandon, my favorite. If you want more tell it, I’ll scan them. Starting with Shandon, arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, headstudy, conformation).

Views: 155

Comment by Petra Kasznár on February 20, 2009 at 1:54am
Dear Henk,
You don't have to ask if we want more, just post it:)! We always want more!
Thank you very much!
Regards, Petra
Comment by Dee Rance on February 20, 2009 at 11:42am
As always lovely, do you know who drew the head study??
more please!!! :-))
Comment by Marta Magi on February 22, 2009 at 3:31pm
These days one cannot see pictures like these that often ...... so YES, YES, MORE, PLEASE!!!
Also the stories you share with us are always exciting, so keep on posting them! :-))
Comment by Henk ten Klooster on February 23, 2009 at 3:02pm
A late reaction, Kasznar, Dee, Marta, we've been away training. For your enthusiasm: recycling pleasures of the past. Sorry Dee can't find the settermag in which the drawing was published when Shandon died - quite a few pages bought by the owner Karola Roloff-Frank honoring his breeder that way. Maybe one day...

A black and white (alas!) reproduction of a color photograph of an oilpainting of Shandon was above a second article, made for the leading Dutch dogmagazine at fourteen years of age. Hope it shows up ok here.

Ouide Huis Tongeren in the middle of Hollands biggest natural reservate the Veluwe where O'Cuchulains were bred, a green paradise in rapidly urbazing Netherlands those times. In it everything was culture - from huge paintings to a huge collection of classic music. Life revolved completely around art & setters.

Main illustration of the first article. Hartsbourne Hallmark second on the right became eighteen years of age, dying away in a coma on his owners knees. Marianne de la Rie shows a group, she took care of them.

A group of O'Cuchulains with their breeder, Jan Hesterman. Probably one of the greatest experts on setterhistory in his part of Europe those days.

Umpteen headstudies of Shandon were made. In my eyes it is exactly what the youngest breedbook The Irish Red Setter says: without exaggeration. Likewise his conformation (used in many books and a few encyclopedia).

Pointing and retrieving pics of Shandon were made as well in a huge amount. This one was chosen for article number two.

A few youngsters those days - look at the mischief in their eyes and alertness!

Pups, there was a special room for them. It was as well the room for the kennelboy (me). Once Derrycarne Harp threw her bunch of pups on my bed. She carried them cerafully in her mouth. Following with pleasure my ears hair etc becoming playing material. Ouch.

Left my favorite end of sixties: Ailean O'Cuchulain, daughter of (middle) Derrycarne Harp. Already at first glimpse first visit in the kennels, these eyes told about adventure. Just like the books told (Big Red!!!). More about that in next one.....
Comment by Marta Magi on February 23, 2009 at 4:25pm
I appreciate these photos very much. Just love those naughty eyes of puppies and grown-ups too.
Lively breed we have!
And the house of my dreams again, thanks! :-))
Comment by Petra Kasznár on February 24, 2009 at 6:38am
Thank you very much! Pleased to see these old photos and hoping to see more of them!


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