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2008 UK Pointer & Setter Championship Video

15 minutes of footage - held in Scotland. 50 qualified dogs in the Championship ran in one morning, 12 were called back for the afternoon second series; there is some commentary; the William Tell Overture is prominently featured; and an Irish Setter WON!

APOLOGIES FROM LONDA - the Pointer Forum to which the previously-posted link took us has very politely requested that the link be removed as it is causing their own members to not be able to access it. It seems so many of us have gone to look at it, from this list as well as Setters-L, that we have consumed their available bandwidth. Please refrain from further attempts to either watch the video on that site, which is now blocked to non-members anyway, and do not forward that to anyone.

But the GOOD NEWS is that the winner of the trial has the video on her own personal website, it is placed there by permission of Red Mills Dog Food, and the link to that is:



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I have downloaded it also, but I think we need written consent - I will ask for it and try to put it on also! But after the weekend as we are going away soon.
Londa, I am sorry.
But the links were posted by many other people on many other lists, even the PuS-List in Germany and why is it wrong to watch the video?
Evidently so many of us are watching that we're using up their available bandwidth and those members of the Pointer Forum who want to watch it can't get to it. And since it's evidently been widely posted, I assume we're not the only list being asked to remove the link. That's all I know, but I'm doing my best to get it available somewhere else, and will let this group know if that gets done.

http://www.reddeersetters.com/album.htm try there under video! Or under www.reddeersetters.com - go on the german site and then under Fotoalbum. The link is there und video - you need to click the paw, may take a while though!
Gosh, Silvia, I'm don't think that's a good idea. The Pointer Forum was very polite in asking us to remove the link, gave valid reasons for doing so, and I promised (and have already told them) that I have removed it from this site. Unless the Reddeersetters has permission from the Pointer Forum to have done a downloadng of the video, Reddeer is also not in compliance with their wishes. Do we know for a fact that Reddeer has such permission? I would respectfully ask anyone going to the above-referenced Reddeer site to ensure that it is in compliance before going to the link.

I sent a request - waiting for answer - the link is removed, but I did not get it off your site, but off some - in fact 7 - other lists....
But I find all that rather strange.
No lies, Gennadi, just misunderstanding and mis-explanation on my part. From what I can now gather, it's the fact that so many of us were going to the Pointer Forum to watch the Red Mills video that we were precluding some of their own members from watching it. At first I thought it was "their" video but apparently it's Red Mills'. But we were taking up the Pointer Forum bandwidth, for which they probably have to pay, etc. So calm down, and go watch the video again and enjoy life!!!

I just heard from the Pointer Forum person again and he said "We do not own the video. It was produced by Connollys so there is no problem with sharing it at all...it's just a bandwidth issue. In the last couple of days more bandwidth was consumed by those that are non members than those actually using our site."

So, I have once again changed the subject heading by deleting the reference to it being Illegal - it was simply inconvenient!

I assume that perhaps Connollys is the parent company for Red Mills, but that's purely conjecture on my part. And I agree, they'd be pleased to know we're so interested!

The Link is back on my website www.reddeersetters.com in the Album - German and English now. There is also no problem with the bandwidth of the provider.




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