The Summer Newsletter 2009 and the Winter Newsletter 2009 of the
ISBC (UK) both contain important information on health issues. Anyone interested may be able to order a copy via the secretary (see website).
The advice given on page 5 Vol 1 Issue 27 by the breed clubs' KC Health Liaison Representative Prof Ed Hall to vets and breeders is quoted as follows:
"1. A gastroplexy should always be performed when torsion is corrected.
2. Inflammatory bowel disease is not common in young dogs and to use steroids and other drugs with significant side-effects is inappropriate at such a time.
3. Bloat is probably inherited and whilst it may take a long time to determine the genetic problems, it makes sense not to repeat a breeding that has produced puppies with bloat.
Points 1 and 2 are things I will continue to try and educate my colleagues about, although owner pressure can have an effect too.
Point 3 is for breeders and breed societies to consider."
Further in the article (written by Lynne Dale):
Health Record:
The ISBC is keeping a record of helath problems in the breed. It is our intention over the next few years to see if we can get a good knowledge of the problems both past and present we have encountered. This information will eventually be handed to the KV Health Rep. in the hope it will be useful for future research.
Finally a request for information from people with dogs experiencing problems is given, saying that there are two sections for the storing of information: Open and Closed, the closed section being for those wanting confidentiality.