Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Hello ,

We will have the great pleasure to see the wordl dog show taking place in France in 2011.from the 7th to the 10th of july 2011

Here are the judges for setters :

 English Setter (2) (Setter anglais) M. DUCOM Jean-Guy (F) Mâles
  M. COIFFIER Bernard (F)

 Gordon Setter (6) (Setter Gordon) M. GUILBERT Yves (F) Mâles
  Mme COLLINS Jane (GB) Femelles
 Irish Red Setter (120) (Setter irlandais rouge) M. SANCHEZ-FERNANDEZ Javier (E) Mâles
 Irish Red and White Setter (330) (Setter irlandais rouge et blanc) M. REIGNER Dominique (F) Femelles

Does anybody know these judges ?

Who will come in Paris in  2011 ?

Here is the website : http://www.worlddogshow.fr

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are you sure it is all??
all what ? ;-))))
I checked on website - I don't see the judge for Irish Red Setter females, for IRWS males as well...
lot of mistakes on so much important (I think) site... and informations only in French..
I think it's the same judges for red an red and white.

Maybe, more informations will be mentionned on the website later ?
Pity, only one judge from the 'British Isles' for the pointing breeds from Britain and Ireland... Nothing unusual, this seems to happen year after year - but a pity all the same.
I assume the name should read Joan Collins (Amscot) rather than Jane Collins.
her name is Jean Collins.
we are thinking to go to Paris but still time left so lots can change in 1 year




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