Exclusively Setters

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Hi all.
We know that our Ollie wouldn't win any shows or anything like that because our breeder said his neck was short.  However, we still like the idea of taking him just to experience it.  My cousin in Canada has shown for years and won many competitions but he's gone out of the game as he said people were very cliquey and if you weren't a certain type of person then  you would never do well.  I've always had that concern here.  That and I know Ollie is just so boundy and mad that he'd be more interested in what was going on outside the ring than anywhere else.  Before Eva passed away I took her to ringcraft and was told I shouldn't continue as she had an underbite.  What kind of things do you need to do if you are an ABSOLUTE beginner - are there any 'fun' shows that we can take part in in the South East of the UK that would just give us the 'experience' we are looking for?  How do you even get into it?

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Hi Nicky, first of all, I would start with the ringcraft class. Also, it would be a good idea to go along to some shows, without Ollie, and watch the breed. Observe the detail of how to go about handling in the ring. See what sort of leads the exhibitors are using. Look at grooming and trimming styles and ask for advice from the owners.

The fun type shows you are thinking of are called Companion Shows, you might find them advertised in the Vet surgery and local papers. They are usually held to support a charity. There should be quite a few coming up over the summer months.

Have fun and enjoy, good luck.

Dawn R.
Hi Nicky, definatly go along to some ringcraft classes, and don't be put of by anyone saying its clicky, I only started showing in Dec with my home bred boy and had so much fun that I decided to take his mum along too, she was 5yrs4mths and that what her very first show, a few months later she qualified for Crufts!!! The main thing is to enjoy it, I find that the actual showing is such a small part of the whole day really and that its a great chance to meet new people and share the love of the breed.
Perhaps have a look on the Kennel Club website for their info on showing, not that they really give much info!!
I found this site helpfull, http://www.greatdogs.co.uk/

Good luck, I'm sure you will love it, I do!!!
Sue, your day out sounds like loads of fun, shame I dont live further south otherwise I'd be there!
Thanks so far, danielle I'll check out that website. Sue - it's such a shame, we are away on holiday then! I would like to do ringcraft but Ollie's always so bouncy - we love him for it but I think he'd be more excited by seeing loads of dogs than doing as he's told! Maybe if we took him for a huge run first :-)
Hi Nicky, we go to ring classes near Enfield, dont know if this would be to far but there are people from Essex who do attend, will ask them if they know of any ring classes that may be near to you, we show Ollies brother, we had problems to start with but after a couple of weeks he got the hang of it. We are new at showing and have to say we really do enjoy it and so does our Gibson.
As you are based in Essex, it might be and idea to look up your local papers, very often they advertise county shows which more than not are likely to include a Companion Show among their events. Or ring your breeder and see what she could suggest. The other way is to get the weekly dog papers........'Dog World' or 'Our Dogs' they will provide information on Open Shows in your area. Go along and see what it is like. The show people will be very helpful......good luck.




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