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Getting Reuben to focus on me more when out?

I am sorry if I am being repetitive but here goes:

Again Reuben is going through the phase of ignoring my voice and whistle when out, not all the time but enough to warrant unacceptable behaviour I think. He has been quite good with the whistle for recall but then there are days when he seems to go deaf again or wont come near me when requested. he gets a real streak of defiance about him and he knows he is being very naughty. I do use the long line but it does become a pain in the fields/woods when getting caught up etc or around people. Obviously I will still use to enforce recall but do I have to keep it on him permanently? As this can be tricky and not always helpful if too far in front etc and I want him to be able to run off his energy etc.
With my trainers advice etc, I have been trying to get reuben interested in toys and playing with me etc, but this does not seem to 'float his boat' at all. So she has also suggested only feeding him when I whistle and he comes and if neccessary making him really hungry for a few days as he is not a real foodie.
I know I have to now make sure i do some walks alone with him as he has probably walked with other dogs too much and they are more important than me to him. So maybe I have made a rod for my own back possibly.

Any other ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated please

P.S I have also got a little book to pratice some tricks with reuben at home as thought this may strengthen our bond a little and thus help with obedience.

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He is a teenage boy and they dont rate their mum much at that age!

Your relationship with your dog is not right and only YOU can really make it right.
That's the question I ask myself Ossian, is our relationship right/normal? I mean I am putting everything into it and trained since he got here. I read books n it and listen to good advice etc. Maybe I worry too much perhaps. Reuben will play with me inside house but not outside because too busy sniffing! He will run with me etc 
I know for us it helps that mine sees me as the protector. So he always has one eye on where I am. Never getting too far ahead of me. Also I am the keeper of the water. Mine is a water hound and has to return to me to drink, it's hot outside! When younger Cash would go off to explore the woods without being near me. Now he will wait until I walk out there with him. Again I feel it's because mine isn't the ballsy type. He is rather submissive with other dogs so he seems to stay closer than he used too. Maybe I am wrong, but I feel this is a good thing. He sees me as the protector of him, runs to me if he gets hurt or scared. Ossian is that a good relationship that he has with me then? Too see me as the one who takes care of him, food, water, protection, play etc? I am curious if this is okay or if I have a wimpy dog! I thought that a good bond is that the dog does rely on you for those things. He doesn't cower away from other dogs, quite the opposite he is happy to meet new dogs, but he is aware that some aren't as friendly and is cautious about who he plays with.
Yes I often try things that people must think I am a looney!
And sue, I understand what you mean about nagging and I will try not to do this.  I think that I will take more walks alone from now on as other dogs must be much more interesting for Reuben ( obvious really when thinking about it). And also today I had the opportunity to take reuben out for second
 walk alone and had him on a long line in an area with lots of people etc but he was far more attentive to me. He met another dog, had a quick play but then came when I requested him too. I think I have answered my own question really... Thank you everyone . Also we had a successful play in the garden and that wad a good result!
You are getting there Louise. He will push the envelope to see if you are "on the ball" but you need to be "interesting" More that the other distractions he will meet.

Decide whether you are walking with your dog to enjoy a walk or whether you are doing a "training" session. dont confuse the two. If you still need to strengthen behaviours then make sure you are first of all working without distraction before you try working among dogs, smells, interesting people.

I also demonstate lack of relationship with my class.
I ask for an informal recall and let the dog off lead. I ask the owner to call the dog and if he goes off to greet the others and sniff round I will ask the owner to leave the room and close the door. If the relationship is right then within a few seconds the dog will realise he cant hear his owners voice, her scent has become less strong and he will begin to look for his owner.

If however he doesnt give a hoot about the owner he will continue to sniff and play and run round and try to engage other dogs in play.

If thats the case then the relationship has gone wrong and we go back through everything and get it right.




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