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Can anyone give me any information about the new Melanoma injection, I am looking into the use of this injection and wonder if there is anyone out there that has already used it yet, and what the outcome was on their dog??

I need the information ASAP because we have just been diagnosed with a malignant Melanoma...and time as you all know is of the essence.

I do hope that someone can help

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Hello Dee, What can I say? You will know how this news has affected me. I hope and prey that Jas will come through this. I know if anyone can get her through, you will. All the love in the world and big hug for Jas.
Pamela and Henry XXXXXXXXXX
Thanks to all for your thoughts, I am off to the Royal 'Dick' (The main Veterinary Teaching Hospital here in Scotland) next Tuesday with Jas, and hope that they can give me some good news, I will let everyone know how it is going, unfortunately I don't think that this new vaccine will help Jas, but will be discussing it with the oncology vets there, I think that she will be having, at some point, a CAT scan to see if it has metastasised, Again fingers crossed that it was found before this has happened.
Good luck to you and Jas!!!! Hope it all goes well;o))
So sorry to read this Dee! Jas is such a brave soul and I hope she doesn't have to suffer too much. Thinking of you all!
For anyone in the future that has this dreadful complaint:- (and it does seem very common,)
The vaccine is a very new thing, as we have all gathered, and is called for when the main Melanoma itself is removed cleanly, no invasion into the lymph nods or into the bone, Unfortunately Jas's melanoma had spread to the bone, but we are not sure if it is in her lymphatic system, (highly unlikely that it hasn't spread, as this is a very aggressive form of cancer) It works like a Rabies vaccine, it stimulates the the animals immune system to fight the cancer invasion, if it has the rite situation it must be a wonderful thing, still not sure if they will give Jas a go at it.
I am taking her to the Royal Dick on Monday for a scan, and then we will have more information, although she has slowed down a terrific amount, (but this could just be her age) and she is loosing weight, but she is still eating well and will jump around and 'talk' when I come in for shopping etc. She also loves going anywhere in the car, and loves going to shows, just for a mooch around, and to meet people, she just loves meeting and greeting.
Thank you all for the information and support at such a difficult time, I will keep everyone who is interested up dated as to how she is doing.
Thanks again for your support, Dee and the gang
Thinking of you Dee x

Dee, How is Jas getting on now?  And do you know if the injection is effective if the the lymphatic nodes were removed and the whole mass of the tumor was removed successfully and cleanly? 

Hi there Martin

I do hope that you aren't talking from experiance....I don't think that the injection works if there is any other histology anywhere else, unfortunately....

Jas responded really well to the injections...the cancer actually never came back...the problem was the side affects...

When she got ill it was her liver that was the problem, it kept failing her, we fought, her and I, for a long time...but unfortunately the times that she was well, were getting smaller and smaller and she was put to sleep at the end of last year....very difficult..I don't think that I will ever get over it.....she has crossed the rainbow bridge and we will meet again..

I hope that you will not have to go through this...but the injection did work...if you would like to ask any questions just write...I will try and help if I can...if you have the same problem....




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