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Please help me with recall before I lose the plot!!!!

As most of you know I have reuben the monster, who can be very bolshy and cheeky at times; however lately his recall is slipping again and he is ignoring the whistle more and i end up retrieving him and going home in a huff.
I am not sure how to really get this bad habit sorted and he is not interested in food or toys particulary and i am not sure that going back on a long line is the answer. He sems to get really excited and goes into his own world and I am getting more frustrated daily.

Does anyone have advice on what would be a good strategy to work on this aspect of training as I do not want to accept partial recall and feel like I am on edge all the time when on walks. My frustration and anger is obviously detrimental to our relationship and I am determined to persevere with training and do whatever necessary.

Would it help if i found a gundog trainer? Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Ah well, Susan et al;-) I'm sure we all agree that teaching the recall is probably THE most difficult exercise to master. Not just for setter owners! In my training classes I often hear owners saying: I don't want a top class obedience dog, all I want is that he comes when called... it is not easy and it can be hard work!

I see Fran is offering you help and I am sure that is exactly what is needed.
My one and only suggestion here is: if the recall is not working, back goes Ruben on the long line. Every 'get away' takes Reuben and yourself further away from the goal you are aiming for...
Whatever you do, dont get cross when he doesnt come back and dont punish him. However long it takes , tell him he is a good boy when he eventually comes back, make a fuss of him, give him a treat. Dont put him back on the lead straight away
If he takes no notice when you call him, try turning your back and walking in the opposite direction until he follows you
If he gets some distance from you, he may not hear your voice when you call him. Setters tend to run into the wind, and your voice doesnt reach far when walking into the wind. Try getting him used to a whistle - it also avoids him picking up on the cross or angry tone to your voice!
Try going for walks with an older, well trained dog who always comes back when called.He will probably come back with the other dog. I take my puppies out with one of my older bitches , Polly or Bruar, who are both well trained and obedient, when I whistle them tocome back, the puppies learn to follow automatically
Hi Margaret,

I am so glad to see you write NOT to get angry when the dog eventually gets back....on the contrary to praise and make a fuss. This is what I do but I have been told by trainers that it is wrong and one should tell the dog off for being disobedient in the 1st place. I think if you tell a dog off when he comes back, he will always associate coming back with being told off and that defeats the object of the training. I also agree with you about training with an older dog who is obedient.
Ah, I remember it well! Darwin took on a rebellious phase when he was about 16 months. There's nothing like standing on the side of a wind-swept hill in February, when the sleet is hitting you horizontally and the last rays of sunlight had disappeared an hour beforehand and a formerly biddable setter has gone missing, then defies you when he returns!
I had to practice the recall all over again. First indoors, then in our back yard, which is enclosed. Always praising, never scolding. During this time he got no walks off lead. I intended to use a long line after this when we were outside, but it wasn't necessary. As soon as we left the car to start a walk, I would call him back two or three times, praising him and then letting him go again. It took about a month, but he's never done that again - well, not persistently!
Not necessarily. Putting a dog on a lead is responsible behaviour in locations where it could be dangerous for the dog to be off-lead e.g. around sheep, near busy roads, in town. My dogs have always been brought up in urban and country areas, so they are used to being on or off lead, and accept both.
This has nothing to do with punishment.
Been there, done that and worn the t shirt! She did it for 7 years (Sorry Louise, very frustrating I know but mine are not the best at coming back so I won't suggest any remedies) but what I would do to have that lovely girl back again, cause when she was good she was very very good but when she was bad.............................
Hi Louise, Murphy is around the same age as Reuben so I know they can make you look like a fool playing hide and seek trying to get them back when they are having fun so I know what you are going through...... But its important just to praise them as the other have said. If I think the walk is going to be busy and I dont have time for all his socialising I click him back on before we meet anyone as if he finds a friend then he thinks its playtime and calling his name is useless .... I either stay near and chat with the other owner(s) and let him play or start to walk away sometimes even out of sight and when he eventually wonders where I am I just tell him how fab he is! One day I was in a hurry and let him run and got frustrated not even angry but I am sure he twigged and thought oh no way am I going back to her cos she has a big bad mood on! I also sometmes just call him back to remind him what to do without clicking him on just so he doesnt think everytime I call him its back on the lead ... But each time I have tiny slither of chicken or another yummy treat ..... Good luck, deep breaths , tiny treats and a bit acting should hopefully help!
Yes Sue, but you need to open the fridge and pour a large glass of wine!
I gave up shouting to and at dogs when I lived in Shetland. In the strong winds up there my voice just got carried away in the wind, and the dogs couldnt hear me anyway. The whistle sound carries much better in a strong wind. Its quite stressful shouting for several minutes, especially if the dog ignores you , I find I stay a lot calmer using a whistle
But oversuse of the whistle leads to the dog simply ignoring the whistle too
I feel your fustration! Riley (my dog) can be exactly the same. I have no experience, but I can tell you what I'm working out at the moment, and if it helps you, then great: Riley is 7 months.

My husband would pass out if he knew, but when I cook up a roast (especially lamb) I skim on our rations and save the rest for Riley and cut it up into treat size bites for walks. When we go, I always show him what treats I have...he sniffs the bag but what i found is very important - the bag has to rustle so he can hear it from further away (theory being if he can hear me eat a biscuit in the other room at home....!) and we call treats yum yums, so he knows what he's getting. I know I sound stupid shouting Riley come, Riley yum yum - but it works at the moment, so what can i say!!!! lol :)

Beware as sometimes you can get mugged half way round the walk by Riley wanting the treats. At least he's with me and not running away!!

We play hide and seek too, so when I think he's not paying attention to me, I will hide behind a tree and call him. Hopefully this will teach him not to go too far when we're out.

If we see other dogs, It's a bit different as he's so jolly he wants to run and play with other dogs. Fortunately he does pause before hurtling towards them so I could grab him then, but I'm never that quick. Otherwise I stay with the owner, tell them training is in progress, they call their dog(s) back and Riley comes too, so I get him then.

As I said, it's not a proven method, but just might help you try something else for Rueben before you crack up with fustration.
haha.....I agree it's maybe a case of try and find something that works and stick with it, curiosity always gets the better of dogs - and always remember when you've chosen a phrase and feel silly shouting it over fields, other dog owners have worse sayings than you!! Dogs in general I think are quite nosey so will come back for something they really really adore....just don't overdo the 'yum yums' or you'll have to start again. I've probably given my own method now the 'kiss of death' and I'll have tonsilitis tomorrow!!!! lol. Good Luck.
Just to quickly swing by and thank everyone for all your input and I will reply properly as soon as I get a mo as swamped by college work this week. Thank you though and am swinging by reading all your informative posts!
Oh and feels better at least that I am not alone, haha...




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