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...are your Setters allowed to sleep in/on your beds? `Just asking.....


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The book title is, "How to be good"!

... obviously, we never got to the end of it!
then they changed places, but I was still surrounded ...

Sue I believe that you have setters and Jack russells, would you mind answering a query for me? My daughter has a young Jack Russell and it constantly tries to lick my setters mouth as if she is drinking his slobber (yeuck!) do yours do this?
Hello im kate, with ruby the irish

This tickled me wen i read it!

Given the chance ruby would be in the bed! but sleeps down stairs, when we all out sneaks on the sofa spralled out on her back.

kate and rebel rubez
I said to my husband that i was not going to have Mia my Irish that i did not want her on the furniture, in the bedrooms and what do you think happened, Yes she now owns the furniture and when she is clean she goes into the bedrooms. She is totally spoilt.

She looks very at home. It does remind me of another little lady called Mia, she has always got her legs in the air whether on the bed or settee.
that photo is the classic pose of a setter on the bed
yes Molly sleeps on the bed but it so hot at the moment she gets up and down through the night which causes some missed sleep. She finds her spot and too bad about the humans they just fit where they can.

When I was single my dogs had the run of the house, my bed included, but then I only had 3 of them.  I eventually ended up with 14 dogs, all living in the house so I had to draw the line somewhere, so the bedroom was out of bounds.

I am now married and my husband wasn't really a doggy person, but he came to love Leon and he was instrumental in me getting Henry so soon after Leon went to the bridge.  He said that Henry was only going to have the run of downstairs, (we live in a town house), but he now comes upstairs, just 6 steps, and is allowed in the lounge and dining room also, where he spends every evening draped over my hubby.  He still isn't allowed to the top floor except for bath times and when he escapes our guiding hand and ransacks my stepsons bedroom...mind you, I think it's a bit tidier once Henry has been in there than it usually is lol.

that made me laugh. It is funny how they manage to expand their areas in the house, Molly is outside at the moment waiting to come in and when she does she will go straight to the lounge and rest her head and watch the world go by. It is morning here so she has the whole day ahead of her.  
Hi Christine, I seem to ge getting worse. Since I replied to this blog several years ago I have bred my first litter of Irish. I am delighted to announce that all mine now have turns in the bedroom. Kerry and Danny must share bed space not only with myself and Matt but with all the other red heads of the household. I did get a telling off from hubby last week when he returned from a night out and found eight setters either on the bed with me or on the beds scattered around the bedroom. But my reply is always "What is the point of owning a red one if you are not prepared to share life luxeries with them ". So far this seems to be working for me :-)




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