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hello everyone can any one help! summer has a very sensitive stomach she gets full of wind ,and her toilet very loose so been to the vets they suggested chappie!! actually shes been loads better not smelling and toilet been good ,still full of wind in her stomach ,shes very slim and dosent putt weight on she goes to the toilet at least 6 times a day ,really want to find a biscuit, she was on james well beloved  does anyone have the same problem as summer?

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I've found this apparently non-commercially biased information which is interesting about honeys for gastro-enteritis and peptic ulcers. Link to proper research. It doesn't flag up any Manuka dangers, but there again, it is from a university in New Zealand!


I don't know whether this will help but Zooplus sent it to me in an advertising email:


  I have donned my crash hat to enter this discussion!

like the last sentence howard :)
Thanks Susan,I hope you will tie a ribbon around it!

It also contains Canola Oil which is the GM equivalent of Rapeseed Oil (not organically grown as in the UK as we cannot even use GM seed of this).  I remember Catherine Carter commenting on the dangers of Canola on a Blog I did last year and it has had some bad press.

Good idea about the crash hat Howard.......I will go and put mine on, maybe full body armour!!

You are right about the Canola Sue.....there is reams of advisory literature against it.  It is a GM produced crop, as you say easy to grow and cheap to buy.  You will be surprised how many products include rapeseed oil.  It is also in vegetable oils, and  Biofuel of course.   

I did write to two of the manufacturers of organically produced Rapeseed Oil in the UK, I think Mellow Yellow was one of them and they both assured me that they are not allowed to use seeds from GM crops.  Cold pressed organic rapeseed oil isn't cheap in this country.  It is a mine field out there.

hi everyone thanks for your advise,the road i went down was getting a bag of burns chicken & rice,and introducing a bit of both, there has been a difference she,s not going to toilet as much about 3 or 4 times a day so thats good but it,s not as firm as it should be.when she goes first thing it,s good  but gets looser through the day and we noticed that shes gone back to blowing off again!!!shes not starving anymore chappie just was,nt enough.I think i should try the yohurt as well.

Hi Sue. The Burns chicken and rice suited both Dudley and Humphrey but as you say, they both were a bit loose and windy. We also bought a bag of Burns Pork and Potato which solve the loose side of things to such a degree that we could have played golf with piles produced. The answer for us was a mix of the two on about a 50/50 basis.,.

It's worked for our two, no wind, firm stools, stacks of energy, great coats and they clear thier dishes at a great rate of knots. OK we have to have two bags around but yet again we have two dogs and they demolish a sack in aboy 3 weeks.

Sorry if this has been commented on earlier but I did stop reading this forum after about page 4 :-)

Apologies for not reading all 8 pages of posts here.  Just wanted to say that Cosmo was VERY windy and pooped 5 to 6 times a day.  He also had almost constant ear infections that would not clear up with multiple antibiotics.  Long story short ... he was allergic to all grains.  Not just gluten.  Not just corn.  Not just rice.  Any and all.  It took a bit of work to finally discover this with the help of our vet.  We are over in the States ... we feed him Blue Buffalo Wildnerness Salmon.  http://petcareeducation.com/dogfoodreviews/blue-buffalo-wilderness-...  It costs more for the bag, but we feed him less of it than the other types as he is much more satisfied on this food.  Best wishes.
I am glad you found something that worked and that Cosmo likes it.


You have jogged a failing memory. I remember a vet suggesting a diet of meat and potato admittedly freshly cooked potato but certainly something to try. I like the Golf analogy!

I feel hungry!




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