Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Calling all setter owner/devotees in Northern/Southern Ireland and indeed further afield.

Following on from the last meet-up discussion on the forum, a firm date of Sunday 18th of September at 1300 hours on Downhill beach near Castlerock has been set for the first setter meet. Come prepared for all weathers and bring refreshments for yourselves and your setters. Parking will be on the beach itself. Initial confirmations so far include myself & Noreen,Kim & Drew Smyth, David & Chantal McIveen-Wright, Rita Wilson and Carmel Murphy. So,spread the word and lets make it a first setter meet up to remember! 

Yours in sincere friendship,


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Thanks Joan,i hope you & Saffy enjoy your break as well. Keep an eye out for some pics after the event.
Just to give you an update. I have spoken to Dorothy Park to-day and she has given me an initial confirmation that she will come along to our friendship meet and bring one of her gordon setters with her. 

Oh nooo as once Trevor see's a Gordon Setter he's going to want one LOL

He's really looking forward to the meet now!

And further to my last update, more good news as Martina McKeag has also given me an initial confirmation that she will attend!

Great the more the merrier. We are really looking forward to it. I'll bring our little gas stove so we can cook up some sausages.


Will bring the rig aswell and give a mushing demonstration. No guarantee the dogs will run right on the beach lol 

Great!! I might finally get to see your boys in action;o))

Oh boy!!...Do I wish I was going to be there!

A beautiful country with beautiful people (and dogs)

I look forward to seeing the photo's.

We all wish you were coming too Val! Still, you will be there in mind,if not in body!
The day before will be time enough for him. Hold on to his tail and you will make it as well !!!
What ??? considering not coming!!!  you must be joking Val, if you do not come I will send the police to get you  :-)
Shall look forward to seeing pics!  Hope it's warmer than it is over here. We are off tomorrow but forecast better on South coast for us than back here in the Midlands.
this sounds a wonderful day!!!! Wish to be able to come, but we are too far unfortunately :) dont forget to do lot and lot of pictures :)




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