Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Cash and I waited all summer for our local town's 3rd annual bark fesitival.  We were there last year and had so much fun.  What a shame after a week of great weather it rained steadily all day.  I decided we would take the umbrella and head over there anyway.  He was all groomed and bathed for our special dog day out and within a few minutes he was a drowned rat.  Even so we were stopped dozens of times by other dog owners who wanted to talk about an irish setter.  We don't have many around here and we enjoyed talking to people about his breed.  He made me proud by walking so nicely and never being rude towards other dogs or humans.  He was excellent.  So I am at a booth and someone comes up behind me and says "is that an irish setter, wow I haven't seen one of those in years".  I turned and there is a couple with TWO of them!   Without missing a beat I replied, "Are those Golden Retreivers"?  Then the man says to me, "my uncle used to have an irish setter, dog was nuts".  We all roared with laughter and others standing by us didn't get it at all.  I had a great conversation with them, the lady is from Poland and both dogs were rescue dogs.  I did tell them to come over and join this site since they commented they never see other irish anywhere either.  Cash had a some pictures taken for a charity donation, wet as he was, and I can't wait till the man emails them to me.  I will share them if they look half way decent.  What I saw of them they had come out great.  Shocked that he posed and sat still that long.  He seemed to enjoy all the attention he got.

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Deb I did see a picture of an red english cocker and I did say to Cash that he was a "mini me" dog.  They remind me of irish puppies.


Okay Martina gets my vote for strangest comment!  You want to hand them a DVD of Westminster and tell them it is required watching!
OMG Sue!




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