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As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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rcd4 testing breeding stock would be a good idea as a precaution, joining the IRWS DNA samples that have already been tested but it wouldn't tell you if there is rcd''?' present.  However, their DNA samples at the AHT would be handy if/when rcd'?' is found.

Hi Cathy, Here is the latest news on IRWS LOPRA.

After the first 3 cases reported over a year ago, no more clinical cases of PRA have been submitted to the AHT, in spite of a good surge in DNA samples with eye certificates, from 'old dogs' being sent in 

However out of the 60+ PPC DNA samples (20 from PPC affecteds and 40+ from 'clears') 20 randomly selected samples have been rcd4 tested - with NO rcd4, affected or carriers, found.  This is slightly surprising to the AHT as they expected to find some seeing how close the two breeds are.

There is not enough IRWS DNA from LOPRA cases to identify the 'rogue' mutation, and the AHT think it may be some time before they have enough clinically affected PRA cases that don't have the early or late mutations.

In the meantime they consider genotyping or sequencing the 3 IRWS cases they have.

So Cathy, do not exhaust yourself stressing about IRWS yet ;o])) wait until it is worth it ;o])))

In Finland the first workingline irish has been tested. Ailigaslammen Aura (Flamefield´s Evita / Rushfield Finn) is AFFECTED.

Evita was tested PRArcd1 -clear and Finn has had his eyes cheched with no inheritable diseases before mating. But as we now know this was not the whole truth. PRArcd1 is an early onset disease and the other inspection is of no matter in PRA IMHO.

Both parents must be at least carriers. Rushfield Finn is a scottish-irish import.


Rushfield Finn was bred in N.Ireland although registered to John Kerr in Scotland. John's last dogs went to Carol Calvert in N.Ireland. This is not good news for the working setters in Ireland, when one looks at what this dog could be related to



We have two sisters to Finn in Finland, Kari and Rena. I hope they are now tested too! All siblings have litters... I´m testing Evita and other "pups" from this litter.

Can you put all the other results up for the related dogs when you have them? I'm interested in what is behind and related to Rushfield Finn. Thanks

Margaret, you can find the pedigree on the finnish database:


I am getting the impression that PRA rcd4 has been around for a very long time!

Just had a look at it. I see Rushfield Finn was eye tested clear in 2008
There have been some nice looking Lusca dogs, they catch my eye too. Deeper and darker  colour than some of the modern working reds too

Sorry for your news, Katariina, and very sorry to see how widespread this problem is now proving to be!

Well Susan as you said above, this has been going on in our breed for ages. In Finland we know this as a breedspesific disease.

Margaret, Finn was tested clear in a physical test. We have had those done for years for other breeds as well. This case makes my belief in a physical test brake down because it does not show the carriers or even the affected ones if one has not developed or gotten sick(if you know what I mean?)


Jonola-Mel Hillocks, you remember right! Could this be the dog you mean

http://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmKoira.aspx?RekNo=KCSB1178CD ?

Mel,I am shocked that you would make a sweeping statement about the nice field trial dog "which is PROBABLY behind Rushfield Finn" without knowing the facts, as this could lead to you being liable to litigation!!!!!!!!!!! In fact he is not!

The nice dog in question is Ostraby's Athos (the o should have 2 dots over it umla?) He was sired by INT FT CH Moanruad Sapphire x Chestnut Bess) bred by Bengt and Maria Sandin.

He was owned by Per and Tina Henriksson who imported him from Sweden when they came over to work at Cambridge, developing new forms of wheat which could be resistant to diseases.They took him home with them when they returned and he was later discovered to be a CLAD carrier over there. He sired 2 litters that i know of when he was here:- one for Mrs Jarosz and one for me. Not exactly extensively used!

He was indeed a very handsome male with strong boning,dark coat,and lovely head complete with a lovely wistful dark eye.All six of my puppies were good workers.

Katarina,the dog Mel described was not INT FTCH LUSCA MAX. Over here Max;s litter brother INT FTCH LUSCA PERRY was used quite a few times by field triallers.Max sired relatively few litters.

Margaret it would not be the dark coats that would catch your eye on the Lusca's it would be their style and speed which might take your breath away! There have been some very nice Lusca's, Declan's record breaking INT FT CH RANGER OF LUSK and Jean Browns INT FTCH LUSCA FINN were nice animals!




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