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BREEDING CONDITIONS in your breeding club / country?

Hi everyone,

I need your help. I write an article for our breeding club (Setter and pointer club in Czech republic www.mskao.cz) about breeding conditions across Europe (or world, if there is anybody out of Europe).

My question to you: WHAT ARE BREEDING CONDITIONS in your country? (or in your club in your country, if there is more breeding clubs in your country...) I mean - what must your dog/bitch meet to become stud dog/brood bitch?

For example, in Czech republic (www.mskao.cz) are breeding conditions:

1) Dog show - one mark excellent or very good

2) Hunting tests - natural ability testing - simply working in field with an emphasis on inherit abilities of pointers - pointing, speed, quality of nose, system of searching, desire to work, behavior after the shot... and all these disciplines in highest possible ranking - 4 points from 4 possible.

... or Field Trial with minimal 6 points (mark good).

3) HD X-ray - FCI scale maximum "C".


Please, write your country, breeder club (webpages?) and your breeding conditions.

Many, many thanks for your help!!


... and finally, sorry about my english! :-)

Have a nice day!

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Germany - We have started to measure all setters and found most of our breeding stock being at maximum height level of standard and several are way taller than acceptable (70 cm +). Until now this is only noted as "oversized", but has no influence in breeding. Maybe one day it will be written in the agenda that oversized setters may only been bred to setters within standard limit, but on the other hand, if 72 cm setter can win shows...people want to breed them that big;-))))

Christiane . do not forget the teeth / bite rgulations in germany !!


Ireland - and no, I did not turn an expert over night :-) but thanks to dear Carmel I read on the Irish Red Setter Club breed standard the following:

Size (Height)

Desirable height at withers :
   Males    23 ins. (58 cm) to 26.5 ins. (67 cm)
   Females 21.5 ins. (55 cm) to 24.5 ins. (62 cm) 

It is proposed over the next twelve (12) years to standardise the height to a range of 23 ins. (58 cm) to 26.5 ins. (67) for males and 21.5 ins (55 cm) to 24.5 ins. (62 cm) for females.
During this period, setters that are balanced and in proportion, but outside the recommended height ranges should not be penalised.

LKD, Lithuanian Cynological Society.

1. FCI pedigree with 3 generation

2. 2 shows results with "VERY GOOD" or "EXELLENT" from 2 different judges - for bitches. 2 shows results with "EXELLENT" from 2 different judges - for dogs.Results from 9 months till 8 years are acceptable.

3. Bitches can be used for breeding from 18 months till 8 years, between litters should pass 8 months or more. First litter - not later then at 7 years of age. Dogs can be used for mating from 12 months.

4.Official HD test from 12 months - A, B, C.

5. Behavior test (we can't use for breeding shy and agressive dogs)

6.Close inbreeding like "father-daugter", "mother-son", "brother-sister" (1-2, 2-1, 2-2) is forbidden.  

German Irish Setter Club (ISCD)   www.irish-setter-club.de

We breed two different lines.

The show dogs need

  1. Two show results with very good or excellent. If one partner only has very good, the second needs excellent.
  2. Test of behavior, including a shoot proof
  3. Health test: HD A or B , CLAD clear. From 2012 all dogs need a rcd4-PRA test too, only combinations between affected dogs or carriers with clear dogs will be allowed
  4. From the year 2012 we additional recommend a standard evaluation test made by two judges from our club.

The working dogs need  2 very good as show results. Instead of the behavior test they need  2 field trials. The remaining requirements are the same.

Richard Didicher,

president of the ISCD

Don't apologise for your English, Tonda - it is WAAYY better than my Czech!!

In New Zealand - no restrictions/requirements/testing at all - as long as the dog is NZKC registered you can breed what you like...:(((

Our NZKC won't even put DNA test results on the Register!! 


in France, the breeding rules are coming from the Societe Centrale Canine. The Red Club can only suggest some more conditions but cannot impose them. As breeder you are directly in contact with the SCC. Our dogs (all breeds) have to be confirmed. It means that the dog needs to succeed a conformation test with regard to the FCI standard of the breed. Thats'a all. No working test and no behavior test.

I was the first in France asking for a CLAD test in 2003/2004, and to be honnest there are less breeders that verify HD score, CLAD ... and now PRA.

There is no control about the kennel and the breeding conditions and no control about your ability to breed.


Every foreign dog may be used for stud in the ISCD if he meets the requirements of the club. We only do not want a "X-ray-tourism" in other countries, a dog must be evaluated in the country where its owner lives or in Germany with our conditions.

No more, no less.

I stand to be corrected, but the AKC doesn't recognise other countries' Ch titled dogs either - we recognise their titles, so why don't they reciprocate?

I thing, this discussion isn't about german club ISCD and their rules, isn't about recognition of titles...


What about breeding conditions in your countries???

If there can be discussion about germany, you can write on topic, what about sweden, belgium... ?

Thank you Silke, I think the small difference between German Kennel Club (VDH) and ISCD should now be clear to Mr. Lawers too.
Doesn't the restriction in some countries to breeding only from dogs that have won shows or field trials unnecessarily restrict the already small gene pool of our breed?




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