Exclusively Setters

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spaying/neutering  an Irish leads on the whole to a less than desirable coat. In the English Setter does the same thing happen?



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Hi Sue

Thank you for the response .. I was only asking a question, which I am entitled to do.

I have owned and loved the English Setter breed for a long time. Even though I have chosen not to breed, and now not to show, because I love the breed so much I have carried out continual research on English Setter bloodlines, health problems, etc. I do not believe Luck has anything to do with the coat. It has been well documented that certain bloodlines in the English Setter breed are prone to allergic skin problems, particularly atopy. This can affect the coat irrespective of whether the dog has been desexed. Obviously desexing affects the hormone levels which can affect the coat. From my experience of owning 6 English Setters with 4 different bloodlines, I do not believe that desexing necessarily has to affect the coat. Good nutrition and grooming can make a difference. An English Setter's coat should not be clipped because this can make the coat grow back fluffy. However, the fluffiness can be changed again by different grooming. The way the dog is groomed has a substantial effect on the appearance of the coat. The shampoo and conditioner can also affect the coat. Even though I have no interest in showing I continue to try to learn more about grooming. At present I am trying to learn how to strip the coat and use thinning scissors. My goal is to one day learn how to groom my English Setters to a show standard level even though they will never be shown. However, what takes priority over this is ensuring that each one of my English Setters is healthy because this is usually reflected in the coat, but not necessarily. Everyone remarked how beautiful Hammer looked even on the day he died. Maybe this was because of Love.

This is my final comment on this topic. I usually avoid forum topics but I have been checking the main page more frequently to see if Asti has been found. I will go back to my usual behaviour now.

I'm sure all the owners of speyed English Setter bitches whose coats have "deteriorated" due to speying will note your words of wisdom & change their grooming, feeding, trimming, & general care of their bitches - thanks to the above.  All these years I've been doing things completely wrong...after all, what do I know???

After 40-odd years in English AND Irish, I find your posts patronising in the extreme.

Oh gosh it was just an enquriy didn't mean to put the cat amonst the pidgeons.

I guess the answer is yes it does in most cases.  Be kind everyone.

cheers Rosie

Hi Sue,

That's a very interesting comment you made there about the black hair of the Springers often looking fluffier than the white. I have experienced the very same thing with Legolas but I just thought it was his crazy hair :) The parts of his body that have black hair patches and flecking are certainly woolier etc than the white areas. I guess it must be something to do with how the lack of certain hormones affects the black pigmented hair. Good to know this is a common enough thing. ~Thanks

My blue belton bitch (unspeyed!) is the same - I have to strip out the black hairs if I'm showing her as they are longer than her white hairs.  Doesn't happen with the orange beltons, I've found.

Hi ladies. Sadly it is a fact that neutering brings about hormonal changes in a dog and that in turn definitely does affect the coat of many breeds, especially Setters and Spaniels, in varying degrees. Judicious grooming and stripping helps to maintain the coat but it will never be the same quality as that of an un-neutered dog, no matter how well fed it is.

Hi Rosie, I owned an English boy years ago. After desexing, time after time strangers would refer to him as 'her' he got quite a few compliments on his magnificent coat, so I would say I would not find any difference.

Cheers, Marie

Well ladies, it would seem I have "upset" a poster on here - dear me, now I wonder who it could be that complained about my post???

Fear not, I will not be returning to Exclusively Setters - I really can't be bothered being ticked off because of  a nobody who doesn't even breed...

I'm out of here...bye!

Don't go Pat!!

IMO, yes, the coat changes... Spartan's coat, which was a full show coat, turned to absolute crap after he was desexed. I tried to stay on top of it, stripping and trimming, but it would matt so fast. It was definitely the black hairs, as I have no issues with the white coat and it never gave me any issues.  The coat on the tail also seemed to go coarse, and i can't explain why that is either.

Perhaps it is a mixture of reasons why it does or doesn't change... but I can tell you I have avoided and will continue to hold off on desexing my younger ES because I don't want to deal with that type of coat. I am considering a vasectomy now as an alternative.

Just to add, with the right care of the coat, Atopy doesnt change the coat, desexed or not. spartan IS atopic, and he had a beautiful coat as an entire.

Oh for heaven's sake Sue..........why???  You cannot leave over one poster.  I reiterate to you what I said to Pat.  Where is your backbone.  You have to fight your corner and not let the complainers of this world get the better of you.  Your comments and advice are always very welcome........don't go!!


Glad to hear it sweetheart..........here's to many more good discussions!!!!!

Pat - Best of luck to you.  Anyone who refers to a fellow member as a 'nobody' just because they don't breed is not welcome here.




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