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I'm not normally one to comment on here I just like reading the posts for good advice and looking at the pictures and videos. I had the the pleasure to attend crufts on Saturday although it was a very long day setting off at half 7 from Leeds and not getting home till half 11 it was fantastic to see so many setters under one roof all of them so well behaved and the owners so friendly and willing to answer questions and offer advice on what must of been a stressful time for them preparing the dogs. It did confirm for me that the irish setter is the most beautiful dog out ther but sure everybody on here agrees but my partner was smitten with the red and white setters. From reading a previous blog about crufts I know quite a few people attended I just hope they enjoyed the day as much as me and my family did.


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I had a brilliant day too. I wasn't showing this year, so that allowed me nore freedom of movement around the show, and I saw things that I normally miss when I have dogs there.  No wonder they call it the greatest dog show in the world. Roll on Crufts 2014.


Dawn R.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day too. We showed our 17 month old who, for once, behaved himself rather well (for him), both in the ring and out, and accepted lots of fussing from many people as we walked round the stands. Did some shopping, saw lots of old friends and took the best dog home as always:)))

The travelling was pretty good too for a change...left home at 5.00 am and was home by 5.45 pm.

Watched Best in Show on TV last night but still have Thursday,Friday and Saturday to catch up on.

Could not go to Crufts this year, but was pleased to see Christine Mclarnon's Sh Ch Northamber Just Cause for Glenarvna Jamie, receive Best of breed Irish Setter for the 3rd year running he was breed by Enid Hinslea, congratulations and well done.

I agree, although I saw some lovely dogs, Jamie (who is also my boy's daddy), is a beautiful dog and deserved to win.  Hopefully, I'll be there with Rigsby next year and I can't wait.  I spent too much money, though.

I too had a very enjoyable time on Saturday - spent mostly at the IRWS ring.  Watched some of the judging, did a two hour stint on the Breed Stand and was completely talked out by the time I got home at 6.30pm.  The thing about the Breed Stand is that you meet so many people interested in the breed, answer their many and varied questions, hand out information leaflets and tempt them with all the breed goodies.  I must say were had a financially successful day and sold out of some lines!    Sorry I only got as far as the Irish Setter benches but hey!  did you see that gorgeous big framed picture on the big stand of Paul (Somebody, forgot his name)  The one with the two Irish Setters frolickiing along a beach?  It was £150 and I would have liked it if I had a wall big enough to hang it on.... and hadn't spent a lot on a bronze Moon-gazing Hare...;o]))

A day at Crufts is never long enough for all the stuff you'd like to do and anyway could the feet stand it?? <vbg>

Having watched it on tv for many years was great to see what goes on behind the scenes and was great to see the flyball final and final judging in the arena really don't envy the judges who have to make the final decisions with so many well turned out setters who are a credit to ther owners always willing to offer a paw or be stroked by strangers just a great day out if your a dog lover of any breed.

I had never been to a dog show so thought i'd start with the best, what a lovely day so many beautiful Setters, i spent most time at Irish dogs ring, didn't have a clue what was  going on but there always seemed some very nice people ready to explain things to me, some very friendly dogs who were keen to have a fuss as they went past, just seemed like heavan to me (",)

You are lucky to live so near we have a bit of a trek to get there, could not make it this year. I love going and meeting up with Setter people we have met over the years. Love looking at all entries and buying treats for the best dog that lives at my house.

I watched it on tv,all of it! I have square eyes now.

I couldn't make it this tear ,I will be seventy next year and I am determined to be there and to meet all the lovely setters and their servants.

Our first visit too, and had a great day. Had to put Rufus with a boarder for the weekend so that we could go there and spend time with family nearby later. We missed him SO much, so it was great to get a Setter fix. They shared so many of the same traits, so now we know that most of what Rufus does is "a Setter thing".

I must say I've never seen so many people, and didn't so much walk as shuffle around the stalls. Apologies if I trod on your foot.

Maybe ES members should have badges for next time so we can spot each other!
Sorry you missed us Kirstie,Ken Jarvis put photos on his page.....so we were there !

Thank you for the comments about Bella ( Neathamill Isabella at Clonageera). Of course, I agree with your nephew and think he should start training to be a judge as he has good instincts!

It wasn't me handling her, however, but my much more experienced friend. I was very pleased that she did so well in a large class on her first visit to Crufts.




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