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Does your dog ever go through a day without a walk?

Hi, strange one I know but my little boy was off school yesterday and today ( but worse today) and don't think I can drag him out again today for walkies with Reuben. So Reuben may not get his usual run. My hubby not home from work until late and I have never gone through a day of not walking Reuben. We have the garden and u can do some play etc but is this enough? Just interested
in what other people do in these situations?

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Thank you, that makes me feel much better. Best make sure we do some more playing indoors today then!
Hi Louise
I have the same guilt when it is pouring sheets of rain. Had to just play inside and sometimes I will then take him for a walk inside our petstores. You don't have that option with your little boy. I think the garden is fine for a day. It was so windy yesterday that I could only keep myself out with Cash for 20 minutes. He was way more active than normal but I gave him a nice chewy cow ear to keep him busy last night for a while. Today, nasty out or not I have to brave the winds and get him out. For me it isn't the cold, it is the 30 mile an hour wind that does us in. Blows me and him over! I am sure Rueben will be just fine without a walk. Roll a ball in the yard for him or in hallway in the house.
Hi Susan, luckily we have an area from dining room to lounge for nice long ball rolling! Done lots of that today! Then we all snoozed in lounge, lovely ESP as been up for two nights withy little boy.
Hey Louise

That is not a problem if you skip one day or two ..
If he can play in a garden en do his thing than he wil accept that ,
It's posseble that he wil become a little restles , because of building op his energie ..
He will run that of the next day , so don't worry ..

Fair enough Louise - it happens. If he can empty out in the garden fine. Suggest you look at the clicker for this kind of situation. If you use clicker for training, then you could spend twenty minutes later this evening and cue a new behaviour. guarantee after half an hour of thinking and working out for himself , he will be happy to head off to bed and not miss a walk.
Setters often end up with bumps and knocks which necessitate cage rest and this is an ideal time to get in training.
Clicker train to stand, to be groomed or simply to offer some new behaviours, go on your bed, go to a mat, find me each toy in turn *name the toy. Tons of stuff which will make you feel less guilty about not walking.
Hi Ossian, now I an interested in clicker training but didn't want to use it predominantly. Can I use it for tricks etc and not confuse him. What articles or tips are best to read on teaching him and ideas?
You made a valid point also as there may well be times when he has to be confined in doors ie injury etc . If they are too reliant on routine then not always a good thing as circumstances arise like mine.
Hi Louise,
I've had a couple of occasions where I couldn't walk my 6 month old Ollie (mainly due to a dodgy knee injury of my own!) but he was fine. Lots of 'hunt the treat' and games have kept him well occupied. It's not like you don't usually walk him so just take him out a bit longer and he will sleep like a baby when he comes home. We've just discovered a cricket ground which backs onto our park has just been opened up to dogs so it's great it's like a giant back garden across the road from us, so we just go in there and the other dogs just run with Ollie which is great socialisation and it wears him out! After half hour he's wiped. Love it!
Karen Pryor is your best exponent and have a look in places that have training vids etc.

Its fairly wide spread nowadays.

dont worry about "wasting clicker" on tricks. The whole idea is to use the clicker and set off with a goal in mind but if another interesting behaviour appears you can use the click to formulate that. A dog that works on clicker even on little tricks to begin with will be more receptive to training altogether
It rains a lot where I'm from so we've perfected indoor fetch, and play a game of chase where we open all the rooms in the house and run laps. We use it when its just too nasty outside to go for a walk, and it seems to work ok. Although nothing is as good as playing fetch on a hill outside!
I have owned Irish stters for 39 years and have never NOT taken them out twice a day. I cannot imagine how bored they would be if not taken out
Well done julie, would you like a medal ?Sorry to be rude but I found your post to be a tad on the harsh side and pointless.
All I can say is that you have obviously been very lucky that in all circumstances you have been able to take your dogs out.
I totally agree that our dogs need their daily walks for many reasons and I have done this up until my little boys Ill health struck. Since weds Reuben has missed two days of walks as I wasn't able to get a sitter for my son. On the other days people have kindly helped out and I have been able to take Reuben out. Reuben had survived two days of no walks and I have played, trained etc with him whilst also nursing my son. I am shattered, not much sleep and quite frankly am more worried about my son than reubens possible boredom levels.
I am sure Reuben will survive 2 days without walks.....don't feel guilty about it! You love him very much and do everything you can to give him the best of life........I would welcome any new owner to one of my puppies to be as dedicated as you are , Louise!




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