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So often I moan a bit that judges put too little thought into a write up and in thi day and age when we spend such a lot to enter, fuel etc its often the most worthwhile part of being placed at a show.


I have just had the loveliest writeup for my IRWS Norna and I am thrilled to share it!

Perhaps you have a favourite (or a disastrous one) you would also like us to read?

Here is mine.......


Dalriach Non Pareil.  This bitch was a pleasure to go over.  So sound.  She has a soft expression, dark eye, good ear set, very muscular neck.  Her body fits the breed standard perfectly, strong and muscular, deep chest, well sprung ribs.  Her hindquarters were strong and powerful, which she used so easily on the move, effortlessly covering the ground.  She was not trimmed as a show dog but this could not hide the fact she is so well put together.  Best of Breed.  (Kate Condron)

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That's lovely! Congratulations, you must be ecstatic!!! (and Nora too!)

oops Norna, sorry

That's great and so satisfying!  Confirmation that you're doing the right thing.

I've really only been showing since January and so far we've been to 10 shows (6 Opens and 4 Championship), and despite having several first places and a 3rd @ Bath, we've only ever had one critique.  It's the one aspect of showing I find most annoying...how am I supposed to progress if I don't have accurate feed back?!

Yes, it's very annoying, Lesley - it is part of the Judge's Contract to write a critique and send it to both dog papers as soon as possible.  However editors will only print critiques for the 1st in every class at an Open Show and the 1st and 2nd at a Championship Show (but also 3rd at Crufts)  Given the number of shows on every weekend, to publish more would make the dog paper huge - and even more expensive!!

We all like to see nice things said about our dogs (which are, of course perfect anyway) ;o])))

In addition to individual critiques, a Preamble is also useful:

This for IRWS at a Championship Show....

"On a very hot day and after a long wait, being third breed in the ring, all the dogs (and their handlers) demonstrated their fitness with pleasingly sound movement - making full use of the spacious ring with energy and drive.

Overall conformation was satisfactory although there was a distinct variance in breed type - for instance one or two exhibits veer towards the taller, racier, lean-headed Irish Setter; one or two could do with a little more length of leg or neck to balance their substantial body or head.  No mouth faults were seen, tail-sets were correct giving the desired level topline and with a few exceptions, feet were close-knit and strong.  In fact there were no glaring conformation  faults  and I could happily concentrate on the positive.

Colour could have presented a problem, for some dogs were more heavily marked and some had body ticking than is technically undesirable - but it is, in my opinion, only one aspect of the whole dog and priority should be given to correct conformation and soundness for function and type.

One of the penalties of being a numerically small breed is that, with smaller show entries, young dogs win through the ranks too quickly and have to compete in classes beyond the scope of their current physical develoment - to their disadvantage."

The follows the indivdual critiques....


That is a very well written and thought through critique. I am a new judge and have been shocked in the past at the very poor standard of critiques that I have read. This is one to be proud of. Love and hugs. JO.XXX 

Jo you are right. I was just so thrilled with it I didnt think how well thought out it was. So good to see a judge taking the tim

Good luck as a new judge and remember when you ae writing your critiques how important they are. I think they are an art form

Lovely critique for a lovely girl ;o)

Carmel thank you I know you love her. I cant make up my mind if Ireland having no write ups is good or bad <g>

I wasnt hogging the limelight! I was hopng to encourage some other good (or dreadful ) reports!


At one show with the Gordons my bitch Piper spotted someone she knew outside the ring and veered straight through the tape wih me behind. As she was the only dog in her class I did get a write up but the judge finished by suggesting that one or two ringcraft clases might not go amiss!!!

OK!! A favourite short critique for Rua from Club Sh. 2006 Judge David Laidlaw was "Pretty with soft eye expression,well bodied with firm topline, nice shape, moved well" 

And Abbey's first critique from Club Show 2009 Judge Ronny Bloome "Very elegant and feminine,nice body and ribs,enough forechest, but I would prefer more, Feminine head but headlines could be more parallel, Excellent angulations.  Needs a bit more bone. Croup a bit rounded. Good coat structure. Excellent mover with good Irish temperament"  A good description of Abbey as a puppy ;) 

I know Abbey had a very short critique from Valerie Foss from the Euro Show, but cannot find it!!!!

IKC has a new rule that a new judge must write a critique for each exhibit at their first Champonship appointment!!




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