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Media highlight Irish setter as a sick animal

The image of the Irish setter got another big blow in Dutch media this week because a breeder was fined to pay 6000 euro for selling and subsequently denying primary epilepsy in a dog. Nearly all media, from national television to dailies and social media focused on this. Last year it was only television, now the impact is way broader. What do you think, is there a way to get out of this misery? And how?


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Hello Catherine, I've posted a response but it will fall on deaf ears.  Was it Eva who was removed from ES?

She had so much fun and success with her setters for a long period of time,  judging and making new friends and yet she makes such a silly remark.  I would have expected more from her, great pity.

And your comment "secret as possible" probably makes them very uncomfortable!!!

Hope you had a good day, we've got snow and the dogs just went potty!!!   By the time we left the forest track it looked as if it had been trashed by a herd of elephants...

No snow here ....only very cold and rather wet drizzle most of the day!
Sad that people in prominent places make such poor comments....such is life!

Your attention please for Astrids post. Does anyone know exact numbers. Sources available vary from 0.5 to 25%. The ISCN committee in 2008 described as “A first step forward for future” a maximum coi. Reason was  “a rise of inheritable defects” like epilepsy. 

See archives ES Conflict over coi 


Sams owner reported on FB ten minutes ago that IRS of her friend had an epilepsy attack this night.

Is this dog related to Sam?

The question is asked on FB a minute ago.

Ok! I am on FB ....is this fB Forum a closed one? o r can one access it?


inhoud: De Ierse Setter van een goede vriendin kreeg vannacht een epilepsie aanval, hopelijk blijft het hierbij. Ik ben enorm geschrokken.

translated quick: The irish setter of a good girlfriend got an epilepsy attack this night, hopefully an incident. I am shocked.

Thank you for posting the link here.

Catherine, because the exact number of cases and/or percentage is a question mark, I guess a report like this and those of others here like Astrids provide sound reasons for all real setterlovers to do what Susan Stone advised: try harder to find solutions. And my advice: don't keep it a secret, thats probably been done and the reason that we are debating it now. 

Answered: yes related. By pvte mail a few more: yes related. Pedigrees concerned all of the most influential breeders, topping more circuits, succesfully opposing lowering coi in 2008 in NL, dealing mostly behind curtains, more known for trying to silence people who go in the open. So its the very center of the kingdom of Irish setters. We have a problem!

If you know so much and even doing research why not publish it here? As for the Dutch club, it is in a post before what was adviced. People who send pedigrees can publish here themselves.If a Coi was lower in 2012, thats good news Wilko!




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