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Missing irish setter Molly - Congresbury, North Somerset area

Molly is a 12 year old irish setter.  She went out to spend a penny on Boxing Day and has not been seen since.

Her owners are not on the internet so we do not have a photograph yet (will post one as soon as received) but all relevant authorities have been notified - dog warden, local vets etc.

If anyone is in the Congresbury BS49 area, please can you help spread the word and look out for Molly. Her owners are desperate to find her.

Click on the link for more info and contact details.


Many thanks,

Kathryn / Jackalee - DogLost Area Co-ordinator NW 

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I do hope poor Molly is found soon her owners must be so worried

Hope she is found soon. I have shared on my Facebook page, we are in North Devon so will be keeping an eye out!

Have also shared this on facebook...do so hope she is found soon, doesn't bear thinking about.

Thanks for sharing Molly, everything helps.  No new news I'm afraid but local co-ordinators and helpers are doing all they can to help the family.  Will let you know as soon as I hear anything.  Please stay safe Molly until you are found.

Thanks Sue.  The owners are being helped by quite a few local people.  I'm not sure of the geography of the area (I'm in Manchester) but there has been mention of a railway nearby :(  It has been recommended that they contact Network Rail, if only to eliminate.  Not a nice prospect for any of us but at least they would know.

Molly is micrchipped and tagged so hopefully someone kind soul will take her in and contact the dog warden, but you'd be surprised how many finders don't think to do this.

I hope Molly is safe and well.

I lost a mongrel once,she had done the same thing as Molly,we all searched the streets and countryside then ,on my way back I heard her bark.I kept calling and she kept replying.Eventually I found a house where the bark seemed to be coming from , I could see her tied up in the back garden .I hammered the house door but got no answer.The high gate to the garden was locked so I forced it open...I was angry.... and rescued her, I eventually discovered that the house was lived in by a man with serious mental health problems and he just liked Charlie and wanted her as a pet.Sad for him but a happy outcome for us.

I hope Molly is found soon.

Thank goodness you got Charlie back Howard :)

My hopes and prayers are with Molly and her family. I hope she is home safe and sound soon.

Still no news of Molly...come on girl, where are you??

Poor Molly and owners, hope she is safe some where and re-united,,ring the police n vets  twice daily,dog wardens   in neighbouring towns,, use local radio and the press,even offer a reward, posters in shops   etc,,,thinking of them x

Hope she is found safe and well soon.Friends of mine had the same worry for 2 full weeks before Asti was found safe and well a few weeks ago. Good luck

hope molly is found safe and well soon,my thoughts are with her and her family who must be going through a dreadful time




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