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It is with sadness that we tell everyone that our Freddie (Konakela Red Admiral at Ixia) has Late Onset PRA - not to be confused with PRA (rcd 1 ) which is virtually eradicated in our breed

He was seen by our vet in late April who said it looked like a retinal atrophy. He then had a consultation with an eye specialist who agreed it was LOPRA. 

We then saw Ian Mason who although now retired still does his work for the KC, he confirmed the diagnosis. He tested Jen's eyes and said that they were healthy and he would have expected to see some degeneration if she was affected.

Just as I was about to publish a (similar) letter, we decided to ring Meg Webb, first in her capacity on SEISC but also because she had personal experience. Meg was very helpful and explained that a few other Irish had been diagnosed with LOPRA and a couple had been found to have PRA (rcd 4) which is usually found in elderly Gordon Setters. 

Freddie (aged 4) has been DNA  tested and diagnosed with PRA (rcd 4)

The reason we have not talked about this before is because the SEISC and the AHT asked us not to go public until they had a few answers, i.e. they will very soon allow Irish to be tested for PRA (rcd 4).

Pat Harris has been as helpful and supportive as she could possibly be.

We have been as honest as we can and hope for your support in this.

It has been a very upsetting time.

PS Freddie wonders what all the fuss is about, he says he's fine! 

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Deb, Bob, Hannah

Thank you for posting the above....it must have been very painful for you to write....I am very sorry for these sad news but you know you can count on my support....

hi debs i am so very sorry to read your post about freddie and my heart goes out to you,freddie and your family.its such an horrible disease and he like my layla are so young to be struck down with it 

it is so upsetting when the news is broken to you and i make no apologies but i grieved for 18 months about my layla .and yes i think the dogs share in your sadness i knew layla was picking my vibes up and this was making her an unhappy dog but the tears flowed everytime i looked at her i couldnt help myself.

after i realised the affects i was having on layla i tried to be positive and i knew i had to treat her like a normal dog within a few days she was back to her normal happy self and still remains so today .

i know its of little consolation to you at this moment in time debs but laylas adapted to the situation a lot better than myself and i think before she went totally blind shed everything mapped out because she finds her way about without bumping into things her ears and smells have taken over from the loss of sight its amazing.(she was special to us before but she is extra special to us  now )

thinking of you all at this very sad time 

hugs to freddie 

How very sad for you and Freddie.I can only commend you for being so quick to go public with such devastating news.From information I have been seeing lately this is yet another problem our beautiful breed seems to have aquired. I'm sure there are many others who will find themselves in your position when a test becomes available. It is only through openness and courage to admit you have a problem that this dreadful condition can be tackled in a similar way that CLAD and PRA rcd-1 have been.Thank you for sharing. Best wishes to you and Freddie. 

Hi Debs please see update just posted on SEISC website

Deb I am so sorry to hear this news about your Freddie. Shock is always hard but with your help (and help from other ES members) I hope that Freddie lives a long and wonderful life with you.  I grew up with a blind farm dog at Granny's who had adapted so well to this life he was even able to catch and kill snakes.  Duke did everything any other farm dog would do but he did it in his own way...amazing to see how well he adjusted to his life without sight. 

  I do hope that soon this is also not a thing we have to worry about in the genetics of our setters......and I admire all of you who are working to make our IS as healthy as possible and free of genetic diseases.  By sharing this sad news you also allow us to be there for you as you adjust to things in the future....I am betting that this will bother you more than it bothers Freddie. Hugs.

I am very sorry to learn Freddie has late onset PRA. I know his life will be as happy as always with you.


Oh Deb you know you have our 100% support.   Of course it has been a very upsetting time for all of you.  Bless Freddie, such a handsome boy.  He will not change but will adapt.  Hold on to that. 

The Breed always works together and with the forthcomming DNA test will overcome this as it has everything else.  

I'm very sorry to hear your sad news, it is so much worse when it strikes a young dog. Thank you for being so open and thank you to all other owners who have been willing for the names of their dogs to be published.

I wish you and Freddie all the very best. I know they say dogs cope well... but it is still hard...

I do believe your openness will help increase awareness and make more people decide to get their dog's eyes tested sooner rather than later. The DNA test will only show up diseases we have a test for wheras the eye testing can show problems we did not know were there...

I am very sorry to hear your sad news and wish you and Freddie all the best.

Thank you Debs for sharing this information - all my support to you and the owners of  Irish with LOPRA. Big hug to Freddie..

Hi Deb, Bob and Hannah,

I am very sorry to hear your sad news although I have to confess I am extremely ignorant and do not fully understand what is happening to Freddie (such a beautiful boy).

We had an Irish bitch who developed diabetes late in life and she too went blind.  I think probably the most important thing which the vet told us to do was to keep everything in the house and garden the same, never move a chair or table, that way the dogs know where everything is whilst they still have eyesight and more importantly when they don't. 

It is amazing how resilient animals are, much more so than us humans!!

Love to you all and a big hug for Freddie


They think he's more or less completely blind.  

His sight must of been deteriorating for quite a while, we never move furniture and the dogs only exercise in two places, so we never noticed anything much- occasionally thought he was a bit clumsy!

Thanks everyone for your kindness, it does help.






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