Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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Jean that is first real mention I have seen on here of a result from USA..and even though I am only a companion Irish owner I am applauding to know that testing is happening here also.  Wishing all good results and I am so sorry for the ones who have tests that come back afflicted .....you can never really know how much I appreciate the care all of you are taking in dealing with this threat to the Irish that I love....the  work to keep their future bright and healthy for all of our Irish....the working field dogs....show dogs ....and especially the companion Irish as I know both of those groups are included in those companion dogs shows it does not matter what sort of Irish Setter it is but that you all want the best for the breed as a whole.  Thank you.
That's good news, Jean.

I am delighted to confirm that my young boy Sametsuz Scriptwriter (Sh Ch Danaway Lancelot of Autumnwood x Sametsuz Secret Affair JW) has been tested CLEAR of PRA rcd4. 'Bleu' was tested at the recent Irish Setter Club of Scotland open show on Sunday 11th September and I received confirmation by email today...


Dougie Hunter x

 Very happy to get result via email today, our dogs were also tested at the Irish Setter club of Scotland show and both Tatterslee Bon Affectueux avec Montgreenan and Brabrook Flash Harry at Montgreenan are clear.


Pleased to hear your boys clear result Dougie.

Pleased to hear of your clear results Leigh and Dougie.  I have not heard ye tso starting to worry :-(
Fingers crossed for you Yvonne, hopefully you'll hear soon.

Just to say .  .  . last night I went into the kitchen and didn't put the lights on, just opened the fridge door to put something away. Then I noticed at the far end of the kitchen, Bella, the young puppy, tracking and catching a fly by the merest glimmer of reflected fridge-light, no more than moonlight, really.

It crossed my mind to give thanks at that moment to all the breeders who went through so much to eradicate the original puppy PRA, so thankful that I hadn't had to worry about my puppy's sight. And so it will eventually be with this.

I also had my two boys Monty (Sametsuz Curtaincall) and Charlie(Drumwhaur Irish Gold) tested at the Irish Setter Club of Scotland show. Monty has come back as a carrier and Charlie is clear.


Doreen christie

These are super news Monika! Be happy about Eddie, and the girls are not bad either!! Happy for you!
good results Monika!
Just got my result for Scott "Riverwood Jungle Rock" (Sametsuz Sunset & Chickadee of McBirdy) = CARRIER ! ! !
Not a big surprise as his father is also Carrier, now just hope Chickadee is Clear and keep my fingers crossed for Scott brothers and sisters and none of them will be affected ! ! !
Fingers crossed for the rest Charlotte! How long did it take to get the result for Scott? I read you had to send a second sample for him.




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