Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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Great news for you, June! A relief I am sure.

Hi Gill,

An E.Mail from the AHT this morning informed me that Scotselaw Sapphire Skyes has been tested CLEAR of Pra Rcd4, Saffy is by Tredura Behind the Mask (Sh Ch. Scotselaw Jackson at Lynwood x Tredura the one and only) out of Scotselaw Jacinth ( SH Ch Konakakella Zagar by Romarne x Scotselaw Hollywood Madam).


Many Thanks,



Well done ,so pleased for you
Thank you Sue.

Just had results for the first 3 of my dogs to be done

Ch Trawricka High Jinks  Dog  -  Carrier  (Ch Supertrooper vd Adelaarsvaren (carrier) x Ch Hillsborough Charmed ?)

Trawricka I Am Special - Dog  - Clear   (Coppers Prat Bubbla (genetic Clear) x Ch Hillsborough Charmed ?)

Trawricka Is So Pretty - Bitch  - Clear   (Ch Ardbraccan Noble Spirit at Trawricka ? x Trawricka Dreamdance ?)  - pleased for her as she is in whelp to High Jinks, pups due end of the month;

Great Results Frances

I am pleased for you & for your future litter, Frances.  
Good news Frances

Great Result Diane


Great new Diane..    Chance looks forward to seeing Saffie again

I have received my last outstanding rcd4 result and am disappointed to hear that Porschet Paterson is homozygous recessive for the rcd4 gene. (strathmead snow leopard x porschet precious pearl).

.As his sister Porschet Pearlita is clear, this means that both his parents must be carriers and not affected by default!

Great news June and Diane and very sorry Colette. Very trying times!




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