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But Bess ate a whole rabbit today (skinned and gutted) and with the most enjoyment she's ever shown for food.

Have taken a delivery of meat from a new supplier and it all looks such good quality.

With a girl who's always thought any time spent eating was a waste of playtime it was a real joy to see. Hopefully we can get her eating sorted out now and she'll put the weight on she needs. Unless she tries to insist on rabbit everyday!!

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My girls adore rabbit - they would eat it every day

Very exciting to someone who also has one who is a fussy eater. Go Bess you are on a roll. Kerry likes Belted Gallaway meaty scraps. I am willing to drive on the weekend just to get his monthly supply. The joy of not having to gently encourage but just pop it down and watch them go. Kerry has his as a topping to get him started.

i understand, we are also a bit noisy here, when it comes meal time :)

doing well with natural instinct, but often we need to rotate since Oberon get bored.. which supply are you using Trish? good luck with Bess , i  hope she keeps enjoying :))

We have just brought 10kg, not too much incase like Oberon, Kerry just decides one day that he is bored with it. Also soaking his Proplan Sensitve stomach dry has taken his fancy. Things we do!! Murphy his litter brother eats like a horse.

I'm using Manifold Vallet Meats. They are established butchers and have just started supplying pet food. As their meat is so good and fresh their trade is blossoming. They have an active FB page where people are trying to get together to organise nationwide delivery routes. If anyone is interested here's the link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Manifold-Valley-Meats/249568061823078...

Jocelyn - I ordered way too much as the cost is so reasonable. I have filled a 5 cubic feet freezer as well as one drawer in another freezer! I've probably go enough to last me to Christmas! I've got various minces of all flavours (some with bone), liver, pigs trotters, chicken carcasses, rabbits, hares' shoulders and probably more which I can't remember. I also have a huge bag of very meaty looking veal bones as they ran out of lamb bones. Oh yes, and tripe.

I've tried Bess with the game mince today, but she's doing her normal cant be bothered to eat thing. Hopefully she'll try it layer. She does keep looking for another rabbit though!

Thanks for that link Trish am always looking for suppliers....my meat man has been unable to get beef or lamb for two months now so will give Manifold a try...Riley and Cassie also love rabbit..bit scarey for me as I have pet rabbits in the garden lol....

I'm hoping Bess doesn't realise what they look like with fur on!
Gosh I feel like my home cooked chicken mince veg and their dry kibble is a bit boring after reading all the lovely things your kids have. Flame has always been fussy and now after bloating he can't have bones, the vets tell me. But I do go to a farmers market too like Rhonda and I'm able to get but it's a race..... shark cartlidge from the fresh fish man as a treat. I have a ready source of fresh meat and bones but to be completely honest I hav'nt tried Ruby and Poppy with any of the bones yet. I think I should after reading everything yours have. I've also just been told that ox cheek and kidney minced are fantastic too, a wonderful source of protien. Kangaroo would be another thing I'd like to try high in protien but low in fat but it's not that easy to get where I am. The kelpie farm dogs next door to me look really healthy and you would be amazed at their diet!!!! A good topic to talk about trish thank you, ive discovered other things to feed the fur kids :)) Dianne and red kids

Woo Hoo they deliver to Essex....I feel an order coming on am pleased I have 2 freezers for their meat can stock up for the winter just incase the roads get bad...I have been having to buy beef and lamb from the supermarkets because my man cant get any and I like to give plenty of variety in their diets good job they love chicken and tripe.(have loads of that) I have friends in Aus who feed Kangaroo and they rave about it shame cant get in the UK...Riley and Cassie have only ever had BARF diet and are doing amazing..........Thanks again Trish

I think the next Essez run is the 7th December unless their getting lots of orders in. MVM like to supply what you ask for so you could mention kangaroo! Would love to see their reply! :0)

Although all 3 have caught rabbits in their time, DaisyMae my red and white is the only one who has eaten them. She also only likes them freshly caught, if they have been butchered and then given to them, none of them are interested, I have even tried cooking them, but no.  They are raw fed dogs too. Very strange. I will check out the link though to see if there is anything else there they might like :-)

I'm trying Bess with a hare shoulder later!

It took her36 hours to succumb and eat the game mince but once she deigned to have a taste it was gone in seconds. It has a very thick texture - much less watery than the other minces I've tried so I think that's what put her off to start with.




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