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Hi setterfriends : My question is: Would you give raw beef bones to a dog that is not used to them? Never had them before? Is this dangerous? Could these bones harm his throat? Or stomach?

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could cause diarrhoea (whatever it is spelled) for the first few times. raw bones do not split, not even chicken bones. i give the bigger ones with that big joint on it. the dogs just love it.
My girl never had an infection or diarrhoea from raw meat. Not all bones are suitable for dogs. Perhaps you can find more information on this site: http://www.barfworld.com/
Hallo Christine,
wenn du noch nie frische Rinderknochen o.ä. frisches Fleisch/Knochen gefütterst hast, könnte Vito Durchfall bekommen. Du musst ihn langsam daran gewöhnen (kleine Portionen). Eigentlich sind Rinderknochen absolut ungefährlich, aber ...
Ich habe bisher keine schlechten Erfahrungen mit Frischfleisch (Pansen, frischen Knochen) gemacht. Leider musste ich unser Futter vom "Barfen" auf Trockenfutter umstellen, weil eine meiner Hündinnen den frischen Pansen nicht vertagen hat. Ein "echter" Knochen ist doch etwas Natürlicheres für unsere "Wolf-Abkömmlinge" als Kauknochen! Lg
Hallo Christine,

Wir geben auch rohe Knochen. Ich habe aber auch Bedenken mit Rind, weil zuviele Rueckstaende im Rind sind. Kommst du irgedwie an Lammknochen? Unsere beiden Hunde vertrage Lamm am allerbesten.
Hi Christine,
I just saw your question. I fed my dog a raw meat diet for seven years. I did the barf for a while but I couldn't keep up with it. She really loved the barf diet. She would lay on her bed and wait for me to prepare it. I gave her frozen raw meat out of the package called Prairie or Primal. She never got sick. I started her on the raw bones first. I was told to let her chew the bone for 5 minutes the first night, 10 the second and 15 the third. Then I let her chew the whole thing she did not get diarrhea. Her system had to adjust to the raw meat just like changing any other food. She got a bone a week. I gave her.lamb bones, bison bones and marrow bones. She died with shiny white teeth.
Fran, funnily enough I was looking at a raw food supplier yesterday as it is something I am at the very early stages of investigating and contemplating. I was reading the testimonial section of a certain supplier and I saw one there talking about an Irish called Tallulah by Fran at Acorn Dog Training! I was going to message you about it actually as one of my concerns is regarding the smell and consistency. I know that sounds a bit pathetic in the grand scheme of Bella's health but I am the primary feeder and it turns out I have quite a low gag reflex - something that has been brought to my attention since the arrival of Bella!! At the moment I boot her into the garden whenever I give her a raw bone but that won't be practical come the winter. So basically what I am asking is - does it stink??!!
The only thing that smelled when I fed my dog raw food was when I added tripe to it. The tripe smelt awful. The raw meat itself had no real smell. She also had perfect poop and there was no odor.




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