Henk ten Klooster


Broekland, Overijssel


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
53 years
About Me:
Inspired by worlds best literature on Irish setters and those alive, I hope to help survival of an original red setter as an intelligent working athlete. A pay back for an adventurous life with redcoats. Nature becoming an open book was thanks to them.

Comment Wall:

  • Christiane Lohmann

    Holy shit ! I should have known that your a virgo,-)))
    So let's party together...me 30th of august. Andreas found another bottle of whiskey in the cupboard yesterday.
    Who is in the dutch team for the world championship in Belgium in october 2007 ?

  • Katariina Roiha

    Beautiful dogs on your pages clip. Your foundation does very important work maintaining the irish as it should be...
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome to the site ,Henk.
    Cheers, from Perth,Western Australia.
  • Mirjam

    Hi Henk,
    Nice to see you here! How are your dogs doing? I think they have a lot of fun in the fields... Good luck!
  • Alenka Pokorn

    Hi Henk, welcome to this site. Nice to have someone here with so much experience and knowledge. Love, Alenka
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Whoopie what a warm welcome, Alenka, Mirjam, Myra, Katariina & Christiane. Reading you all while enjoying a cigar and a good glass of whiskey encircled by silver muzzled Irish, makes life taste extra well!!! Hope to enjoy some fantastic debates with a smile. Cheers Henk.
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Haha Frances, you're as young as you feel. And never too old to forget about our youth:-)))))

    Hey ofcourse I remember you travelling from Ireland to England as a kid even working in Wendover kennels to Belgium with one big love: Irish setters. And Trawricka Golden Ambition (Tanya) being your ambition as well. With a lot of FT-winners in her pedigree.

    It would be the biggest surprise for me to see you back to where you once belonged: to the red setters as you called them and active in both fields: field and show. Great to read you've enjoyed those Dublin mountains as fantastic. I've enjoyed your wins with Charmed... I like enjoying!

    I've tried to get rid of my old love Irish setters but it didn't work. When - by accident- I saw some working fields the damn old story began to explode. That is where I feel at home prefarably alone. Its about bonding with your setter. Nothing beats memories born while working - like getting lost in snowstorms in Poland two reds working like swallows on four legs in front of you.

    Maybe training in Roxheim would be a good idea., thats the finish of training youngsters in the ISCN-scheme. Anyway Frances, before you become a living Irish setter monument, try to revive some of its heydays - those of Tanya. I'd like to enjoy that once again....

  • watergirl0153226

    You look so at home with a lap full of puppies! I had to smile when I saw your cute picture. Can tell you really enjoy your setters.
    Barb Janicek
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hey thanks. Yes it was a celebration those pups in a great Indian Summer. I'll never forget that first one on my bed. Can you imagine awakening like that. He has a good life now in Canada and flying all over the world for holidays. Hopefully life is good for you as well in Wisconsin, by the way pups mother is from Kentucky.
    Henk ten Klooster.
  • Carmel Murphy

    You seem to be quite the character(as we say here in Ireland!!) Full of the Blarney and loving to stir it up(start discussions/arguments!!!!!!!!!!)You sound more Irish than dutch!!
  • Henk ten Klooster

    You can't chose where to be born Carmel. If so I'd chose Ireland. And theres proof I'm the best Irishman. The first one who challenged me with illegal black Irish whiskey, ended up under the table. Not me!!! Well hope to see you one day! Henk.
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Henk! I was looking at your video and (its a bit difficult to tell) but the dam (and a lot of the puppies) appear to have a lot more white on them than at least I am used to or have ever seen in a purebred irish setter. Or is this just a trick of the camera?
    Greetings from Sweden!
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Well thanks for words from Sweden Ursula!

    Yes dam and pups have a lot more white than what people are used to see. The one with the most white Grouse went to Italy and his owner, an Italian diplomat, had been waiting veeeeeeeeeery long for such a pup!
    Hey and those pups got me rocking!!!! Just like it used to be......

    Henk ten Klooster.
  • Christiane Lohmann

    One day late, but better late than never...
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR HENK. There is still the Famous Grouse waiting here for you, if I remember right.
    Any IS in the dutch team for the World-Hunting-Championship/ St. Hubertustrial in Belgium ?
    I have the honor to judge the german equipe middle of september...but doubt any IS will appear. Pointers yes, GS yes.

    C u
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Melting away when reading this.

    I've just been typing away some moments on this site in between chopping woods for next winters, next is hunting... Know nothing about competition, but I'll do my best....

    Hey I've never met you, but sure know its great an Irish setterfan ends up in the middle of hunting-fields!!! Inspiring!

    Happy birthday for you & your family next Thursday. Yes: CU!!
  • Joan Clancy

    I searched and searched... and searched. I CANNOT figure out what "start me up" has to do with Irish Setters. Enlighten me??? I can't add it till I know why I'm adding it.
    Clancy's a great name for an Irish setter : ) I'll have to name one Klooster!
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hey Klooster great idea. But don't come complaining Klooster has sneaky stolen the meat from the kitchen:-))) Like Clancy does!

    Sorry Start Me Up got nothing to do with Irish setters. For others. But for me it does. I play it as start of working days with setters. And Backstreet Girl is my song for Clancy, thats a long story.

    There was a rockstar in the USA who was a biiiiiiiiig fan of Irish setters. But I forgot his name. Only known there not in Europe. Maybe he has written something special? Anyway, Abergavanny and Shannon is a good start! Starts up as well here, so thanks! Henk.
  • Joan Clancy

    FYI about the name Clancy. Clancy is a Mac name: the initial C of clancy is in fact the last letter of the prefix Mac. In Irish it is MacFhlannchaidh, out of the red, (son of Flannchadh, Flann meaning reddish or Ruddy). The Fh is silent.
    Told you it was perfect for an Irish Setter!
    Joan Ni Fhlannchaidh (Ni being the femine version)
    Told you it was perfect for an Irish setter!
  • Jessica Stuart-Thorne

    Thanks for the comment. I am going to show my Setter when I finally do get her but I believe in keeping the original function of the dog intact. Too many breeds have been ruined by "splitting" them into show and field. I will do both. It balances them out. You should have attractive dogs that have the heart and ability to be in the field. Thanks again.
  • Laura Kolbach

    yes, but in this case i am the beholder :)
  • Catherine Carter

    Thank you very much for your comment on Anacardium Exuberance. Of course she is Brachenfield through and through and this is quite a compliment for me . If Sybil is well enough she will be at Crufts tomorrow and I will certainly tell her of your comment. Thank you again.
  • Catherine Carter

    yes, Sybil has a bitch entered in post grad and she is hoping to arrive by eleven tomorrow morning with Steve her brother if she feels well enough. She has had yet another fall on the 31st of December when I spoke to her on tuesday she said she would leave it to the last minute to decide whether she was coming or not! I hope to arrive by 8 as I have my dog in veteran and they start judging at 9.
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for your comment, Henk! danka is "watching" the scents, i watch the fields and am concerned how danka will perform :)
  • Laura Kolbach

    my eyes got burned out by the sun :-)))
    i bet you like the dog on the certificate!
  • R.J. Schweiger

    Great to hear from you. I guess it's a small world afer all - your bloodlines being connected so closely to some of the dogs I've known.
    If there's anything I can do to help you - just give me a holler!!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    the serious look is called concentration :-) no more shows now for a while, i promise - but heading towards the field trials in september and october. wish us luck, we'll need some of it :-)
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comments, Henk. I think I'll have to get a r&w myself - makes the photographs so much more attractive than just the red ;-))
    Glen is certainly happy in the field, but I get the impression he likes impressing the girls at the shows too:-))
    but I agree that given the choice: he'd go for the field...
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Henk, just in case you wonder...that part of a dead animal did not stay in the dogs mouth too long...it ended up in the pot. (Oh god how my mother would hate THAT...eating something that once had been in a dogs mouth!) But I rinsed it well before...:-)
  • ursula wilby

    An honor from this side as well Henk!
    We can continue our battles in the forum :-)
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the comment on the "maximum bragging post". Perhaps I should just mention that I can not stand the taste (or smell) of whiskey. Ill go for the cigar instead! :-)
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Henk, yes the old Boy(Billy) has Periwinkle in his pedigree and also Tertius and Berle and many of the Hartsbourne Sh.Ch. like Trident and Starlight and Heron but he was not bred by Sybil...he is a Tamarisk dog.I have had 3 other Tamarisk dogs before him but when it came to starting my own breeding I went back to Sybil.. On the other photo,my husband shoots that field most weekend...it is ours and it is rough shooting ..one man and his dog,no beaters or driven birds! .At the moment we only have wild pheasants we are hoping to put a few birds down this summer(pheasants and partridges).One of my dogs is being trained and we hope he will be good enough for next season
  • Catherine Carter

    I can certainly try to email some pedigrees...which dogs are you interested in in particular?
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hello Henk, thank you for your comment and NOOO I don`t eat the cake, it looks very delicious, but there was some doggie sausage inside, I think it was made from boild entrails and I wasn`t very hungry so I let them the cake :-))
    Greetings from Austria
  • " Lordly " Jean en Rita Struyf-De Groof

    Hallo Henk,

    Ik heb oude foto van jou showing Dearbhall O' Muirthemne geplaatst op je blog Celebrating a setter centennial.
    Indien je dit niet graag hebt verwijder ik hem hoor.
    vriendelijke groeten
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Henk, Have sent you an email with all info....hope you get it,let me know your thoughts
    Regards, Catherine.
  • Catherine Carter

    Actually just got a note telling it could not be delivered...is there another email address?