Kirsty williamson


north yorkshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
8 years
About Me:
I have had dogs most of my life firstly Dobermanns but now my passion is irish setters, i also have horses and have bred and worked with top quality competition and racehorses for most of my working life

Comment Wall:

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  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hi Kirsty, Thankyou for the comments, but don't think I have received a personal one. Did you send it through Ning?
    M XX
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    OH my God - there are 44 in that box - I HAVE NEVER NOTICED THEM!!
    Have to leave now for a meeting, so will reply later, but Thankyou Kirsty!!!
    M XX
  • Carol Gill

    Hi you can see my name is actually Carol not Gill which is my title ..:))) i dont mind being called anything as long as it is nice lol at the bottom of the page you will see Exclusivley setters 10 or whatever number on line i just clicked that sent a message in the box that popped up..noone was eithetr there or returning my chat so i talked to myself lol
  • Carol Gill

    now that could be fun Kirsty ...singing from the same song sheet lol
    best wish's Carol G x
  • Carol Gill

    well just popped in to chat again this morning five names in the box nobody answering so i figure im a ghost!!!! and nobody can see me...sniff goodbye cruel world it is a far far better thing i do and all that im going to play bingo on line instead lol
  • Wendy Holehan

    Hi Kirsty,
    Like you say, it does seem like a good way to waste some time!!
    How is your knee ??
    Looking forward to our next show at Irish Setter Club of Wales - Are you there?
    Cant make Club of Scotland, cos going skiing to Norway!! Cant wait!
    We've now got our pet passports sorted so we can take Radley and Indie skiing to France for two weeks over Xmas.
    Say hello to your mum !
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Kirsty,
    how are things your side of the channel??? We've just had snow!!! Horrible snow....
    best wishes
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Kristy,
    Thank you for your comment !
  • Chris Knight

    Hi Kirsty ,
    I was in the process of trying to answer querie Re; Ballywestow affix when we had a short but total blackout and the computer went down . Yes who is Jona Cash anyway ? Have you any news yet about your knee op or are things improving a little. I was actually going to send you an e.mail to enquire .
    keep in touch .
    Regards Chris

    Hi Kirsty
    Brooke the pointer is fine and very spoilt. I don't think any of us realised we would fall in love with a pointer the same way we have with the Irish. But she is little Miss personality and has a space on my youngest sons bed at night time. She did very well last weekend by winning baby puppy of the gundog group she is such a show off. I will take some photos and put them on my site as a lot of people having been asking about her. Take care.JO.XXX
  • Carol Gill

    I Did Kirsty
    my Best Puppy Field Spaniel went RBPIS, and that was the first time i had seen this puppy and i was a smidgon away from giving it BEST OF BREED!!! lovely young thing
  • Michelle Webster

    Dear Kirsty,

    Thanks for your comments about my boys, I really appreciate them. You also have some lovely photos. It seems a lifetime ago that we were benched next to each other at the shows.....where has all that time gone?
    Best wishes,
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for the 'Beauty and Brains' bit - I'm not always convinced when it comes to the 'brains'... But lets give Glen the benefit of the doubt:-))
  • Susan Stone

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou, Kirsty. All's well, in fact you would think Lupin had lived here all her life. She is very settled and happy.
    Hope you received my email ok, sent through Ning.
    M XX
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your comment about Dillan - he really looks more like a baby in real life than he does on these photos. But he is coming along nicely:-))

    I think in the meantime you've found loads of information about genetics and coi etc - I've just added a post so we can share more interesting links.

    Enjoy spring!
    (still waiting...)
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for that, I just think that she is the best thing since sliced bread, she just seems to get better and better,
    Thanks again, it was nice to meet you today, glad you got home safely
    Dee and the girls
  • Wendy Holehan

    Back home now, having been in Norway skiing for the past week.
    Had a lovely week, but its always nice to get home to the dogs!!
    Looking forward to our next show this Sunday - Irish Setter Club of Wales.
    Are you there?
  • Dee Rance

    Wow it seems to be one of those ''in the moment things'' still if it lasts a day, then wow, its got to help. Jas is back to her dreadlocks again, she doesn't last the day not most of the time, She has that soft type of coat Saffy on the other hand has a different type of coat, she has now got one, a coat that is, but it is coming through slightly curly and I really don't know how to cope with that at the moment, but I will get the hang of it eventually...I hope....
    and Leo Sayer eat your hart out, lets face it he made it to the top......I rest my case....Dee and the girls
  • Elaine Joan Wall

    but I am in the pic arent I
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hi Kirsty,
    Thank you for nice comment on Toffee's pups. They really are very strong and well built. I think artificial milk and early start with dry food did better job than traditional mother's milk ;)
  • Carol Gill

    Hi Kirsty
    its not our best entry and im mad that Wales decided to change its date to our Club date!!! the entry is only 44, looking forward to seeing you there
    love Carol x
  • dee milligan-bott

    You are very welcome, he is a lovely quality boy.
  • Susan Morley

    Thanks Kirsty, Amy is Paige's mum, Paige is now ten years old and is Kai's mum. Sue.
  • Jane Mugford

    thanks Kirsty, Angela also gave me that info
  • Elaine Gratton

    hello kirsty no your not seeing things i could not get on to the other page it did not reconize my email so i had to rejoin elaine
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hi Kirsty,
    thanks for your nice comment about my Conni :)
    greetings from Poland
  • Susan Stone

    Help... I'm in deep waters here...spluttersplutter... sink.
  • sue morgan

    Hi Kirsty, yes I have many talents, Sue
  • lyn hathaway

    hi kirsty many thanks for taking the time to write to us.yes she is such a happy loving girl it just breaks my heart that a dog so special as her has to be disabled by such an horrid disease and today i felt like the first time she was diagnosed.i dont think personally id have reacted any differently had i been told one of my kids had gone blind.the only consolation is shes happy ,shes so much loved and shes extra special and shes coping fantastically .the answer to your question yes shes the only one out of her litter that has been affected.sorry to go on a bit its been a stressful day husband had surgery all morning on new knees and then this with layla this afternoon.many thanks once again
  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the comment on our 4-year old! First ever homebred foal...and naturally I think she is wonderful! :-) Next month we are expecting our third foal...and are getting quite worked up about all the things that COULD go wrong.
    Different mare, so we are keeping our fingers crossed...
  • colette tuite

    Kirsty ,Just to let you know that i will respond to your question soon. It needs some thought.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Kirsty,
    Well, small world isn't it! It would be about a two hour drive south, from us. When are you coming to visit us all, then????
    Lupin is a bundle of happiness......and at times, naughtiness! Love her to bits. Settled perfectly.
    M XX
  • lyn hathaway

    kirsty many thanks for your comments and for taking the time to look at laylas pictures
  • Susan Stone

    Hehe, you can bet they did not wait in he queue for long...;-))
  • Sharon Hopewell

    Hi Kirsty
    I think the misterious look is better looking than the real thing, are you kiddin me download a picture - Not technical enough but for you I will try.

    How are you all?
  • ursula wilby

    So far they SOUND like normal puppies...but you never know I suppose...:-)
    Keeping fingers crossed that they turn in to "normal" setterpuppies.
  • ursula wilby

    We have had two foals previously but this one seems more scary somehow, and yes we do check udders and all that.
    The other two went brilliantly so I guess we just feel that you can no be "3 times lucky" is a picture of Ivy (taken the day before yesterday) looking rather like an old cart-horse, instead of a Westphalian of good breeding. On the other hand women dont normally look their best just prior to giving birth either! :-)

  • ursula wilby

    Hello Kirsty, I think the scary part is that the other mare was pretty small and seemed more "handleable" size-wise.
    Ivy on the other hand is BIG.
    1.75 at the withers and according to a conversion-table this should be 5.7 hands.
    Yes she is a kind horse, on the other hand she is nowhere near as placid as the other mare.
    But it is amazing...having had lots of litters never prepared me for the miracle of having a perfect foal standing there and just walking up to you, checking you out just shortly after birth.
    I hope this one will go smoothly as well...
  • Wendy Holehan

    Hi Kirsty

    Not see the photo in the paper I only get Dog World will have to start getting Our Dogs paper also.
    Going to Scotland on Friday. Where are you next? Will have drinks at Bath for Radley's 3rd CC and BOB. How is the Knee going? Andy has gone fishing for a week with his mates so having ready meals for one nice!! Will have to go and see my mum for a proper meal!

  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Kristy,
    Thanks for your comment on Girly's picture ! ! !
  • Wendy Holehan


    Andy dose most of the cooking through the week. taking a bottle or two with me to SKC.

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Kirsty
    Thank you for that, I have actually lost nearly a stone, so perhaps I am able to move better (at least on the day) because of did you do?? didn't see, sorry, I was so so cold, I couldn't think straight..just thawed out today...I have to say that I was a little disappointed to say the least..I think that the point was well and truly made.. well all this saves me a great deal of money. Where will you be next. I have Border Union then Leeds, and that is it, for the moment...Still waiting for Saffy to come into season, I think that she is doing it on purpose...Dee and the girls
  • sue morgan

    Hi Kirsty, thanks for kind thoughts, I am hobbling around house with out crutches just use them if I am out as I m terrified of falling, I pottering about but every thing takes so long and seems hard work, dogs been really good, I think they sense Im not 100%......not bored yet, too busy going for dressings and physio, its not being able to drive and go any where thats driving me mad, I feel like I m in prison, would be better if weather was dry and sunny..but things can only get better.....Sue
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Kirsty,
    We are all well here. I am preparing my two dogs for Bath Show on Saturday. And Kim???? well she is still very slim (4 weeks now since the mating) so I will do a scan when she is over 5 weeks I think. I hope the two trips to Wales were not in vain!
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Kirsty...well that took some doing! She was stuck and it took the effort of two people to pull her out.
    Very tall and nice looking filly...
    Yes our others have started out brown and then turned grey (just as you say)...around the eyes.
    Difficult to tell here, she is so new, but I do find those legs looking as if ...perhaps...
    On the other hand the fact that this is a filly and that she is well-built is the main thing.
    A great show-jumper as a father and a fearless mother when it comes to jumps, it will be interesting to see what she turns out like!
    I put pictures on a blog...
    (Glad this is all over!!!!!!!)
  • ursula wilby

    I have had 24 litters of puppies (22 of them irish setters) but the three foals we have had just beats it all.
    Totally amazing!
    Go on then you can tell me about comlecated births now...this one was bad enough for me! :-)
  • ursula wilby

    No drink afterwards...I was just too scared to be called out on an emergancy call...the horses are not at my farm. So I need to drive there (takes 4 minutes on small mud-roads). But I am convinced that IF I went out on the roads...I would be done for drunken driving INSTANTLY! (Yes I realise...there are not that many police-controlls on small mudroads at the back of beyond (in fact I have never seen any)...but as soon I was out there, there would be!)
  • Sandra Nevitt

    Hi Kirsty
    Thank you, I'm afraid I'm not very good at this so it will take me some time to find my way round the site. Well done today.
  • Maggie Smith

    Hi Kirsty
    All my girls are fine now - a few weeks ago 2 had a 'bug' - and they were quite miserable. I had to miss the National show as a result. This weekend has been fab - I hope you enjoyed your success today and the lovely weather. May see you at Boston if I make it from work in time?
    Have fun with your lovely dogs

    Maggie and Girls