Maggie Smith


Market Rasen

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
20 years
About Me:
My first Irish Setter, Penny, came to me via the dog warden in 1987. My boyfriend owned an Irish Setter and thought that I could care for Penny over the Easter holiday until the dog pound could take her. She had been straying for some time and was a very sorry little girl - she never made it to the pound but stayed with me for 10 years. I loved her and when the opportunity came to have a dog in 2001 it was no contest, it had to be an Irish Setter. Jim Parker and I own eight year old Ruby, Lucy 5 and Georgie 2 and a half. Georgie is a reluctant show girl but we make it up to her with long walks in the woods and the beach and holidays in the Lakes and Scotland.

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  • Shelley Baron

    Thanks for your comments - well appreciated. Have spoken to Maureen and am also friendly with Gillian Townsend (from whom we got our previous Setters - Follidown). At night he is no problem at all. Left for about 6-7 hours at night and behaves beautifully. I think it is just during the day, he has so much to see and do that he jut simply forgets - each Setter has its own way - think I was lulled into false sense of security as Brandy my first Setter was trained by 10weeks which I realise now was unusual -
  • Kirsty williamson

    Thanks for your comments re Saffy, she doesn't look so lovely at present is covered in mud and other things!!!! she had a really lovely time at the show and seems to like showing off which is good. see you soon
  • Maureen Savage

    For all the women who have had breast cancer
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Maggie. He certainly thinks he owns the world... even at this moment, when he is jumping around trying to tell me it is time for his run! Unfortunately today the mist has come so there will be no photos... must go...
    best wishes,
  • Maureen Savage

    Hope you are feeling a bit better love M xx and the tagamago's
  • Susan Morley

    Hi Maggie
    Thanks for the comment on amy, she was such a character and strong willed, she did not like showing, being trimmed, nails cut and if she could do anythink to make it hard work she would.
    I had 3 dogs before her and l was looking to get another one and a friend said get a bitch they are easier LOL,if you bent over looking in a cupboard or sitting she would be on you, once my mum come around and amy got on her leg, we were laughing tears and could not do anythink.
    If l was next to Linda Baldry in the ring her lola and amy would try with each other.
    I was upset not to get her 3cc we lost her when she was 10 and still miss her.
    all the best sue
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Maggie
    I still can't believe that I actually breed them, they have all turned out so beautiful I will probably wake up soon and find that it was all a dream....just keep my fingers crossed that they keep growing in the same way. Thank you so so much for the lovely comment, greatly appreciated..
    Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Maggie
    She is and always has been 'cheeky' but she will settle down, Findlay is the same, he has now had four days 'by himself' and he is now settled into being a proper puppy now, so there is hope for Robynn/Lana but she would always answer back, but don't you think that you need that little extra sparkle to make a really good show dog?? Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    I just think that Wanda is going to have her hands full. I think that they were with me far too long, they learnt a lot off their mother, and I think me, (when I used to ride horses I had what they called a ''hot seat'' just one of those lovely phrases that mean I can get on any old horse and it becomes a nightmare...sorry about the pun....)
    But she will be 'harnessed' eventually, her mother is a real sweetie when she is in a quiet mood. They will learn to live with the sudden outbursts, and I also think that her Farther is a bit of a horror as well, so not all the blame of mum. Ha Ha!!!! All the best Dee and the gang
  • Tony & Bev Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    Hi Maggie Thank-you for your kind comments, we note you handled very well to win
    three classes at the resce show. Plus of course your success at leicester gundogs.
    CONGRATULATIONS to you also. Bev & Tony
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Maggie, thank you so much for the very nice comment about Ivy, a super horse and a very much missed family member.
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the BDay Greetings greatly received and a very happy Xmas to you too.. I just wish it was all over. I don't do organise very well. I can now definitely put it down to my age!!!! Ha Ha
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou for your comments, Maggie - I have actually written a reply on the Blog page.
    Looking at your snow, I am very envious at present, although the past two days have been gloriously mild. Saturday and Sunday will dawn very hot, and a little bit of a worry again. To be honest, I loathe Australian Summers, and long to be back in the UK at this time!
  • Michelle Webster

    Thanks and to you all.
  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Maggie,
    greetings from sunny, hot Australia. I love the look of your young girl. What is her breeding?
    Carmel Stringfellow
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hi Maggie, thank you for your comment to my photo! And yes, our cats are great with our setter:
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks Maggie for your comments - i imported Danka from sweden, believe her snow addiction is genetic :-)
    take care
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Maggie
    Thank you for the comment. He stood for those few seconds. And he did do well, and so did his brother he did really well too.
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Dawn Riddell

    Hi Maggie, thankyou for your message on Bailey's blog. He was a very special boy to me. Liz Rose -Hay tells me he had been the last one of his litter, so it's the end of an era. I miss him so much.

    I would certainly like to take you up on the offer of some photographs of his brothers and sisters. If you can e-mail them, my e-mail address is

    Regards, Dawn Riddell.
  • Dawn Riddell

    Hi Maggie, thankyou for the photographs, I will treasure them.

    I have lots of pictures of Bailey as a young dog, but not as many as I'd like of him as a frosted faced veteran. I suppose you always wish you had more pictures. I have all my memories though. I'm missing him so much.

    Thanks again for your kindness, Dawn Riddell.
  • Dawn Riddell

    Hi Maggie, Rory is a Cataluna as well. His name is Cataluna Doc Holliday Via Trunorth. Henry is his grandfather, and Georgia is his Great Grandmother.
    He's by C Regency Rake ex Clonageera Stardom Comes to Catalona.

    Did you recognise the 'type'?

    Yes I do show him, but not extensively. We'll be at Crufts but we're not Mr Atkinson's type so hold out no hope for success.

    I just realised I didn't give Bailey's full name in his blog. He was Cataulna Son of a Gun.

  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi maggie,
    Thanks for your nice comments re my pups and Saffy, my Anlory bitch, been a very busy 7 weeks so far mum and i are knackered !!!!! Pups have been on the table every day since 5 weeks at first they were all frightened but soon got confident, they were photographed after a minic play session so were a little weary which helps too.
    see you when we have recovered Kirsty
  • ian harvey

    hi maggie thanks a lot had a great day
  • Dawn Riddell

    Thanks Maggie, I was thrilled to be placed, I truly didn't think we would be. In fact it's my first Crufts placing with an Irish Setter. My American Cockers were placed but never my Irish..........till now. So yes, I had a great day. It was brilliant.
  • Claire Prangle

    thankyou for your kind words,
  • Peter Hennig

    thanks Maggie for your comments
    cheers Peter
  • sammi pease

    Hi Maggie...many thanx for the birthday greetings...!! I can write to you about the place we stayed in Galloway...and send details...might be easier if I have your email address...are you going to be at Newark tomorrow?? It would be nice to meet you.... We will be calling in for a while as we are going to visit our folks who live nearby....I'm not sure what you look like...(had this problem at Crufts..!) ( I have short dark hair and glasses and will be with hubby Ben) give me some clues....:-)))
  • tonie jaconelli

  • sammi pease

    Hi Maggie....lovely to see you on Saturday....really enjoyed our day...hope you did too !!
    With regard to the cottage...if you google Orroland...the website will come up....then click on Cutlars voila..!!! Any questions...just ask...hope you've got better weather than us today...rain, rain and more rain...:-(
  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Maggie,
    thanks for your comments on my card. Hope you are having lovely Easter as well.
    Best wishes,
  • Rebecca Goutorbe

    Thank You.
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi maggie,
    thanks for your comments re BJ Booth . I am pleased with both my litters but am totally knackered, never again, the 2nd litter wasn't exactly planned but worked out well for both parties and I love my b grinning bear babies , I still have 1 dog to sell from this litter you can see him on maritas website , if you know anyone, he is one of the 2 I kept back and really drives off his back end, hope to get Saffy out this weekend.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou Maggie for your lovely comment. Yes, they will have plenty of love!
    Hey, love your page here, with the super snowy photo background. Not sure how you have done it, but very impressive, and different!
    M XX
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Maggie,
    Thank you very very much for your lovely word about my video !
    It's my first litter and I am very exciting.
    Regards, Charlotte
  • Gill Hart

    Hi Maggie and Thank you. I emailed you when I got back from the show! How strange, must have got the address wrong. it was Val Wade who told me to use this on etney's tail and it worked. You can buy it on the internet, it comes in 500ml bottles, just dab it on 2/3 times a day initially, then reduce as you see improvement.

    Benzyl Benzoate

    Gill x
  • ian harvey

    hi maggie just to let you know murphy got group 2 we watched the puppy group and garbo got group 4
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Maggie: My dog is my favorite for a place where you made the photos :):)Thank you I'm glad that you like my pictures:) :) :)
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Hi Maggie
    thanks for Meagan's Birthday wishes:-)))
    Best wishes
  • Julie Weller

    Hi Maggie, Thanks for your comments on my Kira, we are having so much fun with her in the show ring and at home where first and foremost she is a much loved family companion but she is so naughty along with my young English setter Katy they get into allsorts of mischief when they are in full flow my others run for cover! Are you going to Stafford, perhaps we will see you there. Bye Julie
  • lyn hathaway

    thank you maggie for laylas birthday wishes yes we are having a lovely time at cleethorpes.the beach is just perfect for layla with her not been able to see and its empty at the moment so she also has the freedom to run free and not bump into anything or anyone
  • neil selman

    Just seen the photo, thanks for that!!!, we have thawed out, finally today, Oscars birthday tomorrow 3 years old but still only a baby. cheers Neil
  • Esther Siegrist

    thank you Maggie for your comment! Yes, swimming and playing is much better as the showring :-) the four boys enjoy the days stay together.
    Thanks and have a good time
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Maggie for commenting my post. Alas, it was really a dream, puppy wasn't mine but my friend Dorota. Well it was great pleasure to look at that volcano of energy and joy -when he was paddling.
    Anna with 13 and 9 years old girls - Bajka and Kruszyna
  • Carolyn Evans

    Many thanks for the birthday greetings. Had lovely day in the garden with the Girls!!
  • danielle rowles

    Hi Maggie, thank you, I was over the moon with Elise, this was only her 4th champ show, was so pleased that I cried!!! Was really pleased with Jensen to as he was VHC in puppy :)
    Not seen you in a while, when are you out next, we are at SCCA on Friday and ISAE on Sunday.
  • sammi pease

    Hi Maggie...many thanks for your nice comments...!! Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the sunshine....looks like it's about to come to an abrupt end tho'...typical...!! still, at least I won't have to spend quite so long watering the garden every day..!!
  • Ro Cox

    Hi Maggie - thank you for your lovely comments about our babies. Yes we are hanging on to two and two others are also being shown so they'll be out in October... heaven help us!!!
  • ian harvey

    hiya maggie when would u like to come see the pups
  • ian harvey

    any time on thursday will be fine mandy is in all day
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hi Maggie, thankyou for the comment! I won't be packing the mauve wig, so I hope you recognise me at Birmingham!
    Look forward to meeting you.