Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

32, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 beautiful girls
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 2005
About Me:
I am the happy owner of two irish setters (Hawana Rude Ziółko & Neiven Allegorical Allusion). Havana lives with me but her bealtiful daughter Gaja lives with my friend.
We live in small town in Poland. Near us are a lot of fields and lakes, where we go for the long walks.

I hope that one time more dogs will join us.

In 2007 my dreams came true and I breed Irish Setters under affix 'NEIVEN'

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  • Diane Butterworth

    Thanks, I will be looking forward to talking to new people.
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Hi Anna,
    very nice dogs:) Tonic is also Lego's dad (there are some pictures of him on our page). He was a gorgeous dog. Your girl looks very nice as well :)
  • Ruth Findlay

    Hi Aga,
    I stripped out the pale hair from Bridget's face last week. It was coming out anyway and she didn't seem to feel it but she had her first champ show on Saturday and I wanted it gone. She does enough clowning in the ring without giving them anything else to smile about :). Happy to be your friend. I'll get more pictures of my dogs on yet, but your pictures are lovely. Ruth
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello, yes, I've seen the photo. i also have some, will upload them to seterkowo tonight, if i am not too tired. i also have some of the other dogs entered. you can see more pictures of my Danka taken in romania in my photoalbum, if you are interested.
    have a nice evening, laura
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Hello Aga,
    Nice photos on the snow and sweet video of young Hawana! :)
  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Aga !
    Unfortunately we didn't have chance to meet, but Ihope it will change soon:-) Nice to know that you are here.
    Big kisses,
  • Meldor-Sett

    Hello Aga,
    You've got a beautifull page and photos. Thanks for a visit. See you later.
  • philippe.deram

    Bonjour Agnieszka
    Merci pour tes compliments sur ma Tulssye qui est réllement une chienne d'exception.Content de te rejoindre parmi les amis du setter
    A bientot ...Amicalement PHILIPPE
  • Glory&Valery degli Angeli Rossi

    Hello Aga,
    nice to meet to!
    Thank you foryour comments, also your dogs are really nice ;-)
  • Mirjam

    Hi Aga,
    I add your website and litter to my webpage I'll do something with your problem, I never heard it before but I'll do my best!
    Kind Regards, Mirjam and Jolly & Blossom
  • Marta Magi

    Hi Aga,
    thanks for your comment in my guestbook :)
    I also wrote you a few lines when I was visiting yours, but my comment cannot be seen on the page, don't know why? :o) It's kind of you putting my site to your links :)
    Your site is great anyway, I will visit you often :)
  • Zbigniew Dzionek

    Witaj Agnieszko
    domyslam sie ze w napieciu czekasz na maluchy.Trzymam kciuki aby wszystko sie powiodlo.Do zobaczenia na ringach.
  • Viktory *Setter* Rastrigina

    Hi Aga!
    I very glad to meet u! U probably know that we from Russia. It's so great to communicated with setter lovers from foreign countries. It's take me a lot of new information, knowleges and opportunities.

    My best wishes,
    Viktory and Roxan
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi Aga,
    Thanks for the welcome. the dog in the photo is Kirwilldale Absolute who was by sh Ch Scoteslaw Jackson at Lynwood JW and out of Corriecas corinth at Kirwilldale. i have added some more photos of him.
  • Renata Berlińska

    a bo ja tu od niedawna i z braku czasu rzadko się ujawniam. Doszła moja twórczośc? Za pierwszym razem wróciła i mailowy demon powiedział mi, że wysyłam treści potencjalnie niebezpieczne...
  • Danica Morarova

    Hi Aga,
    Thanks for your the welcome and comment:)
    Best regards from Bratislava
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Thanks for your comment and good luck with the coming litter!
  • Esther Siegrist

    Congratulation! Wath for a great litter :-) All the best for the suit little puppys and the mum.
    Regards Esther
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello Aga, it was uploaded last night to this final domain. still not ready, lots of work to do, some design changes will come and lots more photos and text. thanks for your comment in our guestbook!
    kiss your little monsters from us!
    laura and the girls
  • Guðrún Dögg

    Thanks for your comment. And congratulation with your litter!
  • Jos en Els de Meijer

    Hello Agnieszka, Thank you for youre nice comment
    Greetings Jos and Els.
  • Ewa

    Witam, serdecznie!
    Jest nam również bardzo miło, tym bardziej, że nie spotkaliśmy się na żadnej wystawie.
    Gratulacje z okazji pięknego miotu. Pozdrawiamy i życzymy wytrwałości (nie wiemy jak to jest z maluchami).
  • Ewa

    Zdrowych, szczęśliwych Świąt i wszystkiego co najlepsze w Nowym Roku życzą Ewa I Jonaszek
  • Wanja Jorge Westerlund

    Thank you for nice words! You puppies looks really nice, good luck with them!
  • mahagonii

    Dzięki serdeczne za miła słowa .
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Happy birthday to Havana!
  • Katriina Toikka

    Thank you for your kind words. They were the dogs, I'll never forget them.
  • Marta Magi

    Hi Aga,
    a late reply to your message left on my site the 4th March, not too late, I hope :-)
    Thanks for your comment on my litter, and I am pleased you like our kennel affix. I like it too :-)
    Puppies left home, however a boy still with us, as a blood test is needed to enter Sweden etc, and I kept a girl of course, as this was the reason to do the breeding :-) Soon I am going to introduce her on this site, hope you won't miss it :-)
    Hope you all are doing just fine!
    Hugs to you and the boys / Marta
  • Magdalena Piela

    Hi Aga.
    Hania I Dexi dziękują za buziaki.
    Głaski i cmoki dla twoich rudzielców.
    Zdjęcia na pewno się pojawią jak tylko się odrobię :)
  • Magdalena Piela

    Congratulations for Amor's Arrow. Nice debut on the show rings. Hope it's gone be always like that :)
  • Brigitte Goossens

    thanks for your comment
    greeting Brigitte
  • Katerina Hulikova

    Hi Agniezska, thanks for your lovely message! Rose is doing very well, this Sunday, 9th August, we are going to a small show in Ostrava, which will be her first one, but others will follow soon, Brno and Ceske Budejovice, maybe even Wroclaw :-)
    Best regards,
    Katka and Everdene
  • Renata Hybka

    Hi Agniezska,

    thank you for your nice message. I love this website! Would be nice to organize
    some meeting with all those owners:)
    Have a great weekend!

  • Viktory *Setter* Rastrigina

    Thanks a lot :)
  • Red Feather

    Hi Agniezska,thanks for pict.,I realy glad for my boy....realy like Tourun show,and thanks for congrats!!!I hope to see you on some Polish show,we came in Pl on some show after 6month!!!Marina.

    Wish you a very happy birthday Agniezska !
    The Mcbirdy's clan
  • Dee Rance

    Happy birthday Agnieszka I hope that you have a wonderful day
    Dee and the gang
  • ursula wilby

    Have a super Birthday with LOADS of cakes and presents! :-)
  • Kate Condron

    Hi Agnieszka,
    Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
    I really like looking at your pics, nice puppy.
    Good luck for the future.
  • Nenad Mocorka-Red Irish Dream

    Thanks Agnieszka for Birthday greetings!
  • Daria Olko

    Witamy rodzinkę :)

    Pozdrawiamy :)

  • Ulvi Mannama

    Thank You!
    We are planning next year take part in Poland some shows.
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Agnieszka,
    YES finaly !
    Thank you for your comment ;-)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi and Thank you for comment on little snow! I am really proud of my Charlies puppies, so nice to see them develope and grow up.
    Wishing you a real happy and healthy new year 2010,
    //Kristina & Co
  • ilkay kurdak

    Thanks for your comments and kindly interest, Agnieszka...
    Best wishes for the new year with your dear setters.
    Love from Istanbul
    Ilkay& Mira
  • Katerina Hulikova

    Hi Aga, just to let you know that your little girl Rosie became a Junior Champion of Slovak republic. On Saturday 23rd January, she got her third CAJC at the International dog show in Trencin :-)
    Katka and Rose
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you for your nice comment on my Nakea :)
  • Caroline

    Dzięki za komentarz. Jedyne związki z Bydgoszczą mamy przez Polskie Towarzystwo Kynoterapii :P Nam za daleko...i studiujemy we Wrocławiu kynoterapię. Ale zapewne P.Wojciechowska-Cioć znasz? Fajnie, że blisko masz taką poważną organizację i profesjonalistów :)))) Być może zawitamy do Bydgoszczy na egzamin PTK w 2 połowie roku. A może macie ochotę na wystawę w Opolu?to zapraszamy na seterkowe spotkanie u nas :) Paaaa
  • Caroline

    Ale na walentynkowej wystawie zobaczysz siostrę Mamby- Nemesis.Jest do niej baaardzo podobna-powiedziałabym-klonik :))))Trzymam kciuki za handling. Pa
  • Justina Kiškūnaitė

    Hi Aga,
    thanks for your nice comment about Milly :) Havana looks lovely too.
    And yep we're going to Vilnius' internationals this March, so see you there soon!
    Good luck :)
    Justina & Milly