colette tuite


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Portia was the first Irish I owned in 1975, however grew up with Joanmas Lollipop who we got in 1964.I regularly showed my mothers dogs from 1972.
About Me:
I love irish setters . I mainly have show dogs but have working irish as well which i train for field trialling.I have had a full champion CH Astleys Portia of Rua who was the first Irish to win BIS at CRUFTS in 1981 and a field trial champion FTCH Rua Connemara of Porschet.I have also owned and worked a Gordon Setter Lusca Black Shadow at Porschet and a Pointer Ferglen Feroda at Porschet who also won awards at field trials.I have also handled my mothers Irish Red and White setters at trials and have taken them shooting with me.I also have been successful with my show pointers. I am a championship show judge of Irish Setters and have also judged some field trials on Partridge and Grouse.Outside dogs i enjoy playing tennis, piano/keyboard/guitar and reading.This keeps me fairly occupied.

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  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you Colette,
    No no Girly isnt à Greyhound, I'm sur her mummy and her Daddy are IS ;-)
    Maybe her life before being an IS, it was a racing dog because she likes running as quickly possible ! ! ! Remembers you the video with the swallows.
    All the best, Charlotte
  • Rieky van Hal

    Hello colette

    thank you for you congrats for chic
    hi is a nice boy
    his brohter is comming to live in england by paula lucas
  • Hilary Crosswell

    Thank you very much Colette, as you can imagine we were and still are on "Cloud 9". We have to keep looking at the ticket just to remind ourselves that it isn't just a lovely dream!!!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Colette, thanks so much for the comments, if he lives long enough to go to a show I do hope that we will use all four legs and be able to stand as well as Aleks has got him, me I can't keep three of his legs on the ground at one time, little darling. Thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Colette, hope to meet up with you at the show, I don't think I have ever known so many people to go from the UK - I have been several times before but not for a long time, so don't miss your flight !!!!! see you there.........x
  • Anna Wymyslowska

    Thank you Colette for your nice comment about my boy :)
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you colette for the name from the dog
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Colette,
    just saw your comment to Henk - and I agree I would love to hear abou Nimbus and see photographs. I seem to come across his name often when looking at pedigrees of working dogs. I'm not sure but is he also behind Ostraby Athos (if I recollect the name correctly)?
    greetings from sunny but cold Switzerland
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Good Morning Colette, or should I say Evening!!
    Thankyou for your comments on the puppies. They are absolutely stunning and are getting to that lovely age of just starting to play.
    Lupin has been a wonderful mother, and has very much enjoyed them as we have.
    Hope you and yours are all well.
    M XX
  • Kasia Czapla

    Hi Colette, just checked photos of my puppies and the one you liked the most was no.2 - so Naughty But Nice Diervilla called Winnia now. You can check her new photos on ES in my album. Winnia made also her show debut last weekend in Junior class (they turned 9 months on Dec.1st) and she became Best Of Breed and one of 6 Best Juniors in Show!!!! So good eye you had and I was lucky to keep her :)
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hello Colette thanks for your comment.
    Your question on ft type, they are from USA stock I've seen them racing during horseback trials. The type disappears when crossed with continental European lines.
    Yes I agree on Nimbus - there are quite a few awesome Irish setters over there, great variety in bloodlines.
  • Susan Stone

    Hello Colette,
    I wonder can you tell me anything about Porschet Wind in the Willows (Marksway Marquis x Porschet Andiamo). Are there working lines behind Andiamo? I could not find any further details.
    Could not find any photographs of Nimbus either...
    I'm off to Kelso and Reeth first weekend of March:-))
    best regards
  • ursula wilby

    Hello Colette!
    Thank you so much for your kind comments about Ivy. A super horse that is very much missed by the whole family...
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Colette, what happened to you on Saturday? It took us 5hrs to get to the LKA they closed the M25 and then there was an accident on the M11, I only just got there for my grad class, Jet came second again !!!!! x Linda
  • Catherine Carter

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Catherine & her 3 Irish!
  • Rieky van Hal

    Hello colette
    what do you think about the combinatie Charmain and rua henri
    i will do a litter whit charmain next year and i look for a good stud dog.
  • Linda Baldry

    Are you entered for Boston tomorrow? I have decided not to risk going, I think it would be foolish, as more bad weather has been forecast, I think they should have cancelled the show, take care if you go x
  • Linda Baldry

    We made the right decision Colette, staying nice and warm at home, although I will be going into work later this afternoon, only because it is within walking distance from my house..........Boston are going to take some stick for their foolishness, have you looked at the results that have been posted so far on Fosse data ...........loads of absentees - and loads of idiots who decided they would still go............take care x
  • Linda Baldry

    Barbara has posted the results but you get them from Fosse Data home page.
  • Rieky van Hal

    hello colette

    thanks for comment on the foto form merlin
    hi is going to engeland to paula.
  • Claire Prangle

    Thanks Collette, hope you are well have not seen you for ages

  • Claire Prangle

    Hi Collette
    Good to hear from you, I will be at Midland Irish & Crufts

  • Rieky van Hal

    hi colette thanks voor the congrats and your lovely words from houston. rieky
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Colette,
    Thank you very much for your comments about Girly !
    It's true she is more mature, she is now a woman ;-) but always a baby for me.
    Best regards, Charlotte
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Colette,
    Thank you for your comment ! I would like that my dog stand up with his head naturally high, but it's not easy at all ! he is a little lazy. I should practice in front of a miror, it will help me. For sure, I see the difference, and you mean. It's easier to understand than to do it.
    I'm sorry with my bad photos. I will try to improve before his first show.
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Colette for your kind comment on the loss of our old lady Shannon. It is never easy to let them go, but we are thankful she had a long and happy life.
    I will be in Reeth on March 6th - will you be there?
    best regards
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Thank's Colette, I put another 2 photos of The Cathedral, come here and enjoy my City whith me. This year 2010 is Holly Year in Santiago. If you want to learn more about this event please go to
  • Deborah Christopher

    Thanks for your comment, he is going to leave a big hole in all our lives.
  • Loving red Joan - VITA

    Thank you on comment about Vita...I will try next year to show her so we will see!
  • Natasha white

    Hi Colette, yes i found my way to the site. Its very good, i wish i knew of it sooner!! Hope all is well, Natasha
  • Natasha white

    Hi Colette,
    Thanks for the comment re crufts ring photo. She does look nice and she did show well on the day i was very proud of her. Thanks for the info re Romys litter sister Lily she also looks a pretty girl like romy.
    Speak soon, Natasha
  • Alison Tancred

    Hi Colette hope you are well. I just can't help myself downloading daft photos of Ruby. Isn't it amazing that once you own an Irish setter how obsessed you become! My husband is unbelievable. He is absolutely smitten with Ruby! x
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Colette, I noticed a comment of yours that you own Rua Henri. I was researching a pedigree a little while ago which had Rua Henri as the sire. Do you have photos of him on your page?
  • Cheryl Gorey

    HI Colette, thanks for the information on Rua Henri. I did a search and also found some that Camilla has posted up on ES too. He is a lovely boy! cheers Cheryl
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Colette,
    Thank you very very much for all your lovely comments on my pups and on your good look about Girly ! ! !
    I'm very very happy with the puppies, they are all so simillar, head are simply gorgeous ! ! !
    Best regards, Charlotte
  • Rieky van Hal

    Hello colette
    thanks for your congrats.
    Charmain gets no puppies .
    thats why i take her whit me to switserland.
    I fhone your mother but i cant reach her.
    next week i try it again.
    love regarts rieky
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Hi Colette,
    Thank you for your comment !
    It's Girly on the photo, she is crazy about the puppies, probably a good futur mum ;-)))
    Regards, Charlotte
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you very much Colette !
    Hope you have a nice summer.
    Charlotte & Co
  • Ossian

    Red Ribbon
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Colette
    I would love to see a photo of your boy, Bradford Boy at Porschet. I see he has a lot of working lines in him. Do you show him as well? cheers from down under, Cheryl
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Collett, long time, no see !!!! what have you been up to? are you going to LKA tomorrow, if so will see you there x Linda.

  • Susan Stone

    A Merry Christmas to all your family and may 2011 bring many happy days!


  • Maria Mcgann

    Hi Colette I hope I've found the right person, I think we bought a setter from you in 1998 you were then in Swanley in Kent, his name was Jester Jones born on April fools day hence the name. His sire was Porschet Paprika and his dam was Rua Barley Sugar. He sadly passed away in November 2009 and brought the most joy to us in his 11 years. My sister is now looking to get a setter and would love to have one from the same lineage as he was so special to all of us. I hope to hear from you soon, kind regards Maria Mcgann.
  • Maria Mcgann

    Hi Colette i'm so pleased to have found you, yes please send me a message with regards to getting another setter, as i said he brought us so much joy and was a massive part of our family, we were devastated when he passed on. Look forward to talking some more, many thanks Maria.
  • Erica Tonolli

    Hi Colette,

    Thanks for accepting my friend request and for your comment! Really glad to meet another pointer&setter lover!

    Best regards from Italy!

  • Tania ..danwish-irishsetters

    Morning Colette,
    I was wondering if you could give me some information on training for field trials and where I would start ? It is something I have been thinking about or a while and would really like to try training one of my dogs .
    Thanks Tania
  • Tania ..danwish-irishsetters

    Thank you Colette .
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hello Colette, nice to meet you too!

    Yes I work my two boys, although I am still rather new to it all since they are my first two Gordons and working setters. I am hoping to be able to trial the older one sometime soon and so far we have been to training and shooting days in the Scottish Borders and I've been able to train a bit on the Cromlix estate and the moors up there with a gundog trainer - the photo on the heather was taken on one of the shooting days. He pointed three grouse and two pheasants there but the guns missed them ;-)

    I hadn't realised you'd had a Gordon too ... winning the novice stake must have been wonderful!

    Maybe see you at a trial sometime... Good luck with your young pointer bitch and Irish!
  • Nick & Sue Britton

    Thanks very much Colette, we'll have a look at the links.


    Nick and Sue

  • Rieky van Hal

    hello colette

    congrats whit your new beautiful puppy

    i hope he will be like  his father and have a lot off succes on the shows in engeland.

    i see the puppys whit 8 weeks they are all verry nice.

    i hope to see you on crufts.
