lyn hathaway


Barnsley south yorkshire

United Kingdom

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How many Irish Setters do you have?
I have one irish setter layla, she was diagnosed as havng lopra at 2 and 1/2 years old (shed probably had it for 18months before diagnosis )she is now 7 years old and as been totally blind to this disease for the past 3 years .layla was hereditry clear and clear herself from pra(rcd1) UPDATE some 5years on we have had layla tested for pra rcd4 and she has tested as been AFFECTED for this type of the disease.finally we have some sort of closure in getting to know the cause of my girls blindness at such an early age i also have a boxer whose name is lucy she is laylas other eyes
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
we got our first red setter on new years eve 1976 and had them ever since
About Me:
i am an housewife and i have owned 3 setters since 1976 .

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  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear Iyn, thanks for words of solace, pain and sadness are unspeakable, it's a big loss for me and my family. Once again, thank you
  • Nadine Bonjean

  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Happy New Year Lyn, Layla & Lucy, big hugs !!!

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Lyn, thanks for your warm words for my Kruszynka.

    Now is everything almost OK, she'll stay with us many years to come - this is my New Year wish.

    Happy New Year for you, your 2 and 4 legged family, big kiss for Layla and her friend



  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn, thanks so much for the comments on my pictures...She has put up with such a lot lately, but, she has really found a new lease on life. she is running around like a puppy at the moment...long may it last....but thanks again. hope to see you all soon...
  • Tony Williams

    Hi Lynn, thanks for adding me to your friends and for your kind comments on Mitch.

    Lovely to see the photos of your beautiful Layla looking so happy and enjoying life to the full. A special girl indeed.


  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Lyn !

    Thanks very much for your well wishes for the big-man ! he could certainly do with getting this injury sorted, it's been going on for a year now & I'm sure he's fed up with it too, it can't be any fun limping all the fingers crossed !

    Thanks again ~Michelle & Legolas

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn

    Thank you so much for your support I am hoping that the owners will contact me. I left my name and number with the BBC and hope that her owners will contact me. but not holding my breath...I am just keeping my fingers crossed that the vet that they left her with can keep all the animals abandoned with them alive until they can be repatriated...

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn thank you for the comments on my latest pictures..still trying to get the camera sorted out...not good with that kind of thing, Really hope to see you all at Crufts..hope all is well with you and yours

    Big cuddle to the lovely Layla

    Love to all Dee and the gang

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Lyn ! On behalf of Lego ... Thanks very much for both the birthday wishes & well wishes :) Oh if only grooming would solve the problem ! As soon as he's brushed etc he just shakes his body and poouuff ! back to the 'i've just been dragged through a thory bush backwards at high speed !' look :) at least Layla can be 'cured' :)
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Lyn ! Thanks for the well wishes & yes ! it's going to be very tough trying to keep him still, especially when he loves to run & jump about the place so much. he's still a bit out of it today so no problems yet...but I'm sure he'll be back to his 'normal setter self' by tomorrow and hen the fun will start :)

    Sorry to hear about your daughter's pup...that sounds awful and for it to happen so young..poor little thing, I hope it turns out ok for them both, I'm sure the three weeks were a nightmare ! Wishing her a speedy recovery.

    ~Bye for now, Michelle & Lego

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Happy Easter Lyn!

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Happy birthday to lovely Layla!!!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn, thanks so very much for the lovely thought on fins wonderful only took me 40 years to win a group and then on the same day to go BIS WOW I won't forget that day in a to all big cuddles to the 'kids' Dee and the gang

    ps have you got your package yet???

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Iyn thank you for the friends invite your dogs are lovely

    Layla is so sweet

  • Delia Bryce

    Lyn thank you Murphy is doing well he has a bit to go yet but he is getting there :-)
  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you for adding me as your friend.Take care.Howard
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Many thanks for thinking of me, Lyn.

    M XX

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Lyn we counted three kangaroos today including mum with joey we are hoping to get a look at joey at some point they are very timid and hard to get near.If anyone could get near it'd be my wife Susan animals are drawn to her i've seen her feeding roos in parks that no-one else can get close to
  • Andrea

    Hi Lyn and thanks for adding me as your friend and for your suggestion to talk to my vet.  I'm trying to stay positive but its difficult.  This is my first go round with a "show dog" and of course, I feel like I'm already one foot out of the ring.  We go to the vet Friday and I saw the breeder last night and looked at photo albums of his father and grandfather.  It "looked" like his grandfather's eyes were green hued as a puppy and darkened with time.  I will continue to give kelp as it can't hurt (?) and keep my fingers crossed that they darken in time or that I accept that it is what it is, eventually.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn thank you for the lovely birthday greetings for the 'kids' I am looking forward to seeing you soon....will have a talk then....Love from all here...Dee and the kids
  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Lyn! It was indeed a beautiful and very special evening! the North Cape was worth the long trip!! All the best, Cornelia
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Lyn !

    Many thanks for your well wishes for Legolas, we're all keeping out fingers & paws crossed that this will finally be it, the poor chap deserves a break...of a different kind !

    ~Thanks again, Michelle & the boys

  • James Doran

    Thankyou for your friendship, Lyn. Regards to Layla & Lucy from Romeo!

  • Andy Benstead

    Hi Lyn.

    Thank you so much. Quite an interesting site.

    Kindest regards


    Andy & Riley.

  • Dee Rance

    Thanks so much Lyn he is doing so well for me, I am so very proud of him....thank goodnes he at least behaves in the ring..unlike when he is outside of boy...;o)
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Lyn! 

    Wishing you and your girl all the best,


  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Lyn;o))
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Lyn!! Kisses to Layla
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Lyn!!!!  I am sure you will have a fantastic celebration with Layla and Lucy!!!
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Happy Birthday Lyn, I'm sure your girls have been extra lovely on your special day.  I know Bella is always that little bit more saintly when there is a sniff of cake on the go. xx
  • James Doran

    Happy birthday Lyn. Thanks to Layla & Lucy you are another year younger!!

    Sincere regards,

                            James & Romeo.

  • lyn hathaway

    thank you for your birthday wishes very much appreciated not been on es all phone lines down in our area due to wires been stolen .
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks for the comment on the Setters meet up blog, and we would have loved to see your beautiful Layla playing on the beach she likes so much with plenty of other setters and of course her beloved lucy too... may be next time?
  • Maggie Smith

    Hi Lyn - have thought about you all just lately - just wondered if you managed to get to the beach with your dogs this year? Have been to Theddlethorpe a few times and do think of Layla (and Lucy) running free.
  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for your comment Lyn his name is Azif it was a little play on words
  • schwung irish setters

    Hallo Lyn,

    Nice to have you as a friend.Today I've decided that it can last a longtime before my dog gets problems.I always live in today and today I enjoy my lovely dog.My dog enjoys live today.Many greetings and goodluck for your bitch.Ingrid

  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Lyn, 

    thanks for your comment on our puppies. They are so cute. I was also very sorry to read about Layla's blindness in such an early age. She is very lucky to have you!

    All the best to you and your girls!

  • Deb Bouttell

    Thanks for your note. It was a big shock when we realised that Freddie was blind (or near enough) but you just have to get on with life don't you?
    We lost our Tallulah to cancer when she was only 5 and that was a worse feeling.
    Freddie is coping well (so well that it took us a long time to realise how impaired his sight was).
    He occasionally misjudges but it's never serious because he's very slow when he's goes toward, for instance, a gate that may be shut, so he taps his nose on it gently.
    I'm sure Layla is having a wonderful life- as is Freddie.
    It just sometimes makes me sad when he looks deeply into my eyes and I remind myself that he cannot see. Keep in touch
    Deb x

  • Viviane Dietens

    Hello ,

    When I see this photo, I see Ynez. 

  • Viviane Dietens

    Hello Lyn,

    The doggies on the picture are Queenie (13,5y) and Spencer 15 months).

    Queenie wasn't tested but had an eye exam. She still sees. Spencer is a carrier (fortunately). He has the same ancestors as Ynez.

    Ynez became blind when she was 10 years old. At home she didn't had problems but outside (when you see my husband and me, you see our dogs) we always had to talk to her and pay attention. Otherwise she would have walked against all that came on her way.

    It's because of her blindness she lost her 4th title of Clubchampion in Obedience and Behavior at the ISC of Belgium. And that hurts.

    She always had a good caracter but the moment she became blind she would have bitten to dogs who came to short in her neighborhood. Once she even bite in the tongue of Queenie while I was given them a cookie.

    We had to go to the vet with Queenie where her tongue was sewed and where she had to stay for 2 days.

    But when I see the picture of your Layla, I see Ynez.



  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn

    How are you all doing??? great I hope....haven't heard from you hope all is to all Dee and the kids...

  • Peter Hennig

    thankyou for the birthday wishes Lyn

  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Lyn

    I am afraid that I have got a touch of ''ah humbug'' I just have too much on my mind these days to even consider Christmas decorations, so if you have time please come and do mine...pretty please...

    Saffy and Fin are fine dad is causing no end of troble...he is now on the conspiracy theories (everyone is out to get him, and the home is being badly run) also have a lot of other problems...but hey we will get to the bottom of them in time...

    LKA is one that I will not be going to, but will be going (weather permitting) to Boston in January...and we will take it from there...

    Fin seems to be at last starting to grow a coat..well hope that it stays there...

    Speak soon have a great time at Christmas with Eva... so nice to have kids at this time of year...(although this year may be for mums dads and grandparents.) lol but next year....make sure the tree is tied

    Love to all Dee and the kids

  • James Doran

    Romeo sends cuddles in return for your Birthday wishes, Lyn. Thank you.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Lyn, yes Kruszyka is running now after rainbor bridge with Pielgrzym and tousands of other dogs

    Cuddles for Layla and her boxer eyes

  • martina mckeag

    A happy Christmas Lyn and a peaceful new year cuddles to the lovely Layla

  • john murphy

    Thanks for request Lynn....layla and lucy look like they are enjoying the good life

  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Hello Lyn,thank you for offering your friendship !

    All the best to you and your four legged family members!

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Happy birthday Lyn!