Pedro Completo PortoRioSetter

61, Male

Lisbon / Torres Vedras


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
With us,at this moment,leaving at Porto Rio Place's 25 Setters;Irish:Males;Cash"(Settador Red Rum), "Ascott","Calvin","Lagavulin","Ardmore","Dan","Casanova","Upon The Wind and Waves".Females:"Glenmorangie","Rosebank","Littlemill","Just for You","Stritcly Confidential","The "Whole of the Moon", (All this breed by us under the affix :do Porto Rio).In IRWS;Males"Beau"(Glennessa Benefector),"Junior"(Sun Star do Porto Rio).Females;"Kaileen"(Liric FireN'Frost),"Sunshine","Carlota","Matilde","Sugar" and "Pepa"(All under the affix :do Porto Rio).Gordon;"Tiffany"F(Sunsetter Crime of the Century) and English;Male"Holmes"(Sunsetter Sherlock Holmes),and finnaly the female"Ria"(Wind Spiritit Blue Porto Rio).They all are our Pets,Lovers,Devils,friends and family.with all we talk with the eyes and the heart.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
25 years
About Me:
My name is Pedro Ferrao Completo and since I remember,I'm in love with setter's and his history.
Around 20 years ago I started a breeder project based on the originals standarts and i try breed with rules and healthy stock.
I live 60 kms north of Lisbon,Portugal,in the country side near the Atlantic Sea.
Our Setters live with us.The olders are at home and every day more 4/5 of the others come to join from is comunitary living rooms.
They have permanent attention all day from several friends and persons envolved.
Our Setters love and trust us like we love them, they are happy all the time,no matter if they are at home,on the woods,in the city,in Shows,playing on the beach or running on the fields.
Because Setters are dear friends
We try breed by my understanding and sensibility of the standarts
we try do the best for serving the breed!!!

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  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Pedro,
    I am sorry that I haven't got back to you before but my computer crashed and it has taken about 6 weeks to get it going again, and I lost everything that was on it, so am groping around in the dark now.
    I have just got back from the Munster Circuit (in Ireland) the weather was appalling and we were paddling in mud most of the time, My girl got another Green Star and went BOB and G2 so was very pleased with that, I would have preferred more but hey can't be greedy.
    Hope to speak soon Dee and the girls
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Pedro,
    I remember you:-) Happy to be friends...
    I see you are doing a great job promoting setters in Portugal!
    All the best
  • Marc Ruymbeke

    Nice video thanks for charing and well done, lovely dog
  • Tanja

    Hello Pedro,
    we meet us in Lüdersburg.Your dogs are very nice.
    All the best
    Tanja and Silvanus Mortimer
  • MalamutesBabe

    Olá, o Lag já cá estava, a Maria e que é estreia hehe, tens de ir visita la e ve -la a caçar!!!
  • Frost


    we'll i hop eit works out fine with the dogs of your breed. I'm sorry to hear your disappointed with the new home the've gotten. We love setters and give them all the love. My inlaws have four. One gordon, 1 englisch, and 2 irisch red. My boyfriend owned two reds before. You have amazing looking dogs too!

  • Diana Haustein

    Hallo Pedro! I wish you a Happy Christmas and a very very good next year. I hope we see us again. Your friend Diana
  • Sharyn Latchford

    Lovely photos

  • Sandra Mather

    hello pedro merry xmas and happy new year from us all here.
    lovely puppy pics ....
  • James Martin's

    I’m speechless.
    Congratulations for your extraordinary work with setters and for a life dedicated to a dream.
    Me, Cristina, James, Anaís and Van Gogh wish all of you, a happy Christmas and a nice new year.
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you Pedro for friendship!
    Yes, Lancy, the father of Jamie is really an absolutely lovely boy :-))
    All the best for you and your Setters. See you sonn ...
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Pedro,
    thank you for inviting me as a friend and nice words about my dogs.
    I admire your job with setters, and first of all - dogs, they a great.
    I see that if you are doing something, you do it in complete way, like Pedro Completo.
    Does your name means the same or something similar as English "complete"?
    Greating from cold Poland
    Anna with Bajusia and Krusia
  • Schurer Manuela

    Hi Pedro, thanks for your friendship! It is a pleasure, because you have such wonderful Setters - and so many! I'm impressed! And congratulations for your video with the cat, so lovely! My Setters too, they're just best friends with our cats...

    Greetings to you and your animals from Switzerland, Manuela
  • Nele

    Hello Pedro,
    i enjoy very much to meet you here at this site! Let's keep in touch!
    Lot of greetings to you and Cila!
  • Luisa

    Boa tarde, obrigada pela sua messagem, conheço o James sim.
    Obrigada pela informaçãosobre a feira de Birmingham. Estarei atenta
  • Katrin Friedlaender

    Hallo Pedro,
    thanks for your welcome. I`m really enthusiastic about your Irish red and Irish red and white Setter. They are so beautiful!!! I`m very impressed.
    Nice greetings from Katrin and Camus
  • Maggie Skene

    Thank you for your kind thoughts. We do love him very much-he is a great companion. Your dogs are very beautiful and I recognized your Kennel name today from researching IRWS here in the states for a least a year before we got Duncan. You have very lovely animals.
    Maggie and Duncan
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Hi Pedro!
    Thank you for nice comment of my old boy Viktor!
    Hard to believe that he soon will turn twelve.

    Greetings from Sweden
  • Frederica LC Mateus

    Tudo mais que fino com o Old England, agora petit-non Curro. Curro de Romero- toureiro espanhol de grande arte.
    Responde a tudo. So ainda nao esta habituado à sua nova casa de banho e perde-se um pouco pela casa se nao vai ao jardim.
    Bjs, espero que esteja tudo bem com os restantes vintes.
    Aguardo a caderneta! =)
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Fantastic IRWS working pics. Gracias!
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Greetings from sweden, maybe we will meet again at crufts :-) / Kikki
  • Susanne Legneskog

    Hi Pedro
    Really sad to here about Bliss. Her progency has really made good quality of IRWS. It would be nice to see them in real some time.
  • Red Feather

    Hi Perdo!
    Realy glad to be your friend!
    But I live in Latvia,it is near Lituania.
    You have a wonderful dogs in Portugal,it is great!!!
    Best Regards Marina.
  • Teresa

    É com muito gosto que vejo que há admiradores portugueses neste site, ainda por cima mais experientes que eu, no que diz respeito aos setters!
    Agredeço o comentário deixado, e tenho a certeza que conversaremos muito mais!
  • Silvia

    Pedro, your *friends* from Rosstal/next to Nuernberg are hunting for another
    IRWS puppy !!!! woundering how long this dog will be allowed to stay with them
    just remember ... 1 terrier, 1 GS, 1 IS and 1 IRWS diappearing during the last
    2,5 years !!! Hope they do not find anyone selling them ....
    Corinna has the information as well.
  • Corinna Stroempl

    Can't believe that they try to get an IRWS again!
    I feel sorry for this puppy.
    We need to warn all setter breeders of this couple. No respactable breeder should give a dog to these horrible liars.
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank you Pedro for kind and comforting words about my beloved Viktor. It is a difficult time but soon I will remember him with a smile on my lips,

    Greetings Kristina
  • Eduarda De Sousa Pires

    ola pedro bom dia
    obrigado pelas palavras amaveis - video da Maria.
    Que bom saber que ajudou um setter perdido:-)
    penso q é o gostar tanto da raça que nos empenha em reconduzir os destinos perdidos e ajuda a ultrapassar as dificuldades inerentes a tudo o que isso implica.
    no entanto, confesso-lhe q. começo a ter saudades da companhia de um setter que ande a correr campo fora e a cantar" life is good" :-) !
    p.s. boa sorte para 11 e 12 Julho
  • Kristina

    Happy birthday, Pedro! Enjoj your day.
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Happy birthday, Pedro! I wish you a wonderful day!
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Pedro! Wish you a wonderful day with all your setters!
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Happy Birthday Pedro!!!!!!! Hope you have a nice day:-))
  • James Martin's

    Há mais um Porto Rio no Exclusively Setters!
    É o Duke do Miguel Castro!


  • James Martin's

    Como correm as coisas com os pequenitos?
    Adorei o video!
    Que inveja!
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Gracias Pedro, seguramente que se estaría mejor en la playa ¡qué envidia! pero nosotros estamos epezando en Portugal y parece que hemos empezado bien.
    Este fin de semana a Sintra, ya te contaré.
    Besitos, Alicia y Rula.
  • Linda Baldry

    Hope you had an enjoyable birthday Pedro................will you be coming to Crufts again in 2011? Regards, Linda (Derryveagh Irish Setters) UK.
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Pedro,
    Happy Birthday,
    Hope you have a super day....I think it is still warm enough In Portugal to go on the beach today.....
  • Carmel Murphy

    Have a great Birthday Pedro;o))
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    happy birthday Pedro!!!!!! Hope you have a nice day:-))
    Best wishes Carmen
  • Yves Peeraer

    Hi Pedro,

    Congratulations on your birthday.
    Have a nice day
  • Corinna Stroempl

    Happy birthday Pedro!!
    Big kisses
  • xavi campmany

    hay fotos en mi pagina de koto y eki con kika saludos
  • Tonda Halla

    Thanks for adding me between your friend here. I am big admirer of you and your breed.

    Have a good day, Pedro! :-)

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Pedro just love all your knew photos your dogs are really beautiful
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hello Pedro,

    I don't find anymore your website ? What happened ? did you change the address ?

    thank you, kind regards.


  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Pedro! Is it still warm enough to spend the day on the beach with the dogs! I hope so! Have a lovely day!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Pedro!!!  the B-cake must be huge if you want to share it with all your 4 legged friends  :-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday!!

    Have a super birthday. JO.XXX