graham edwards




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
one, a lovely girl called Cara.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years ago and now.
About Me:
Owned and shown Irish 20 years ago with Cavalier king Charles but with life changes and work comittments we had to give it away.
Now we have an Irish again we hope to be back in the show ring again.


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  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    I knew of the Listowel Kennels, but didn't see any as I didn't travel much back in those days!

    My boy, Clancy has Listowel breeding back in his pedigree behind the Rednasyl lines (so back about 6 generations).  Clancy's dad,  Amhurst Shadows of Eire lives in Brisbane with his owner, Carmel Stringfellow.  Carmel has the Shadowvale kennel and Clancy's Mum is a local girl here and has the Listowel lines behind her.  If you scroll far enough through my pics, you will find Clancy's 5 gen pedigree (I can't attach files to comments). 

    My girl, Bridget has come from England from the Millcroft Kennel and her lineage goes back to the Wendover lines too.  My Clancy also has a Millcroft dog back in his pedigree behind his Amhurst lineage.

    I have their 3 gen pedigrees on my website: if you wnat to have a look.

    Yes, we are definitely sick of the rain!  Our driveway has springs popping up, so its an interesting exercise!!!

    It is raining again now and they don't think it is going to let up any time soon!!!!

    chat soon


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invite Graham and very happy to become your ES friend!!!
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    That's good news.  I'm glad you are sticking with the UK lines.  I was hoping my putting 2+2 together meant you were getting a pup from Carmel.  She had told me her plan for the end of the year and we were chatting on e-mail over the weekend. 

    So, if you get a pup from Carmel (Annabelle & Mac), then we will own relatives as my Clancy is a son of Brodie and you will have a grand-daughter!!

    I noticed another comment on your page re Myra.  Myra is the breeder of Carmel's Brodie ("Amhurst" kennel in WA).  She is also on ES, if you want to check out her page.

    We have actually had some blue sky today!!!!  YEAH!!!! 

    Cheers and chat soon


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hello Graham,

    looks like you are having fun on the site. Showing this weekend. Miss Annabelle on 65 points. Should have her wrapped up by the time she comes back into season.



  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham,

    I had a good win at Durack. Mac got the dog challenge and then Annabelle got BOB. We are going to Pine Rivers tomorrow so hoping we pick up some more points. Mac is on 42.

    I see you have been talking to Nardi. The bitch Regae that she is talking about was the mother of my first dog from Myra, Amy. I sadly had to put her to sleep just before

    Christmas. Sophy is her daughter so Mac is her grandson. Funny how they all tie in isn't it?

    Will keep in touch,


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham,

    Annabelle and Mac were the only entries. I had a friend help me, but the judge asked us to swap dogs, I had Mac, and then gave BOB to Annabelle. 71 points.


  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Thank you Graham for your nice messages !

    I guess you should come to Europe to find the type of Irish setter you like.

    Kind regards.


  • olive & brendan carty

    Thank you for your nice comment They are uncle and niece. Since that picture was taken Lola has gained her Irish Tital.




  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham,

    she is a distant relation, I would have to dig out Brodie's pedigree but I don't think it goes back far enough. Cheryl Gorey would know...she is a bit of a genius when it comes to pedigrees.


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham,

    yes Cheryl is great isn't she. Hoping that she will come down next year to a good judge at the Caboolture.

    Hopefully, we will have Annabelle babies by then.

    Have a great Easter.



  • Eunice Marott

    Our Molly is related to Annabelle. i tried to send you an email but I need to be friends first. Take care Eunice
  • Eunice Marott

    Hi Graham

    Hope you do get a pup. Molly and Annabelle are sisters. Molly is a delight we do not show her just enjoy her as our IS in our family. Sometimes I think of having two but not where we live now. We would need more room and it is costly having more than one.

  • Eunice Marott

    yes I keep in touch with Carmel. Molly is just a darling. I have owned setters before (2 from the same breeder) and they were great but Molly is so much better. I am not working at the moment so I have more time with Molly.When I first got her she used to go to doggie day care while I was at work. I will be getting back into things again within the next few months but I will still be able to be with Molly.

    My husband and I have been to Europe but not Ireland. Saw many IS around met a really nice one in Rome.  Last time one in Germany. I always get excited when we IS while away because we miss Molly so much. Let us know if you get a pup our Molly will be Aunt Molly. Talk soon Eunice  

  • John Bell Young - Mike Connolly

    Thanks, Graham. Sounds as if you have spent a lot of years with Setters!  Oddly enough,  here in the Boston area, with its huge Irish-American population you'd think there would be lots of them. But there aren't!  Seems as if the favorite breed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are Golden Retrievers and Labs. Anyway, we look forward to availing oursevles of this wonderful site!
  • Irina Isaenko

    Hello Graham,

    Thanks for nice comments about my dogs and my photos.



  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham,

    all well on the Annabelle and Mac front. They just got locked up though because they pulled all the towels and sheets off the shelves in the rumpus room and had strewn them all over the yard. And then lay on them looking very surprised when I got cross!!!

    Another great site that you and Gay might like is The irish Red Setter Pedigree Collection. It lists almost every dog in the UK, past and present.



  • Teresa Jones

    Hi Graham

    Thanks for welcoming me to ES we don't plan to show Murfee but I am looking forward to training him as we didn't really train Paddy (our previous setter) very well.  Unfortunately we lost him to cancer over 7 years ago.  I've retired early to get another setter as I don't think Paddy was happy being left alone so long.  Will post some photos soon.


    Regards Teresa

  • Rita Wilson

    Hi Graham


    The sport of mushing is getting more popular in Ireland in the last year. I think ours are the only Irish Setters who mush at the minute but we are hoping the change that. If you visit you can see more photos of them mushing in the public galleries. Or even join the forum for a natter :D

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday Graham!  Hope you have had a great day!  cheers, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    Sounds like a lovely day.  I heard it is a bit chilly down your way! 

    On the main page if you scroll down and view the list on the left of the screen, you will find a list of who is celebrating a birthday. 



  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks for the congrats on Clancy and Mitchell's tracking qual.  I put the criteria on the blog, but just in case you haven't gone back to view it.  Here it is:

    The criteria for the 1st Tracking Qualification:

    The dog will follow a trail for approximately 400 metres, and the exhibitor shall nominate the Tracklayer.  The Track will have two changes of direction of approximately between 30 to 90 degrees, the first change of direction to be not less than 100 metres after the start.

    One article will be placed on the Track, as nominated by the Judge; this article does not have to be indicated to gain a Pass.

    The minimum time for the commencement of the track must be 20 minutes and the maximum 40 minutes, from the time the Track is laid.

    The Tracklayer or final article must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.

    The next Tracking Test will be 800m long with a longer wait time from when the track is laid.

  • Rieky van Hal

    hello graham

    thanks you like ower houston he is from charmain of the travlinstar and his father is atron limited edition

    on my website you can see the pedigree


  • Susan Morley

    hi graham  thanks for the comment on my photo's  sue
  • Eunice Marott

    just looking through your page... You must be looking forward to getting your new pup later this year. As I have said previously Molly is just a darling. Carmel will let us know when the day arrives and very close to those points also.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    Yes, you are right Lyn Muir is the breeder under the Romarne prefix.  She does have lovely dogs.  The young girl that Rhys Dwyer has in NZ, has the same grandfather as my girl, Bridget. 

    chat soon, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    I have the pedigree for Rhys' girl and will send it to your e-mail.  Rhys does have some nice dogs (from the photos).  I am planning to go to NZ maybe at the end of the year or early next year, so hope to meet up with a few over that way!

    Yes, I agree that Irish do better with a companion.  They are such a family member, they enjoy company and are less naughty!!!  Yes, it is good to a do a lot of research and with your first pup coming later this year, you have a bit of time.

    My son, Mitchell who is in the photo is over 6ft tall (?abt 189cm) and yes the judge was short as well!!  My older son, Kelvin is 6ft 5, so both tall.

    Thanks for your congrats.  We are very excited about how well both Clancy and Bridget have done lately.  We don't have any shows till August now, so a nice break for us all.

    chat soon. Cheryl

  • Pat Aldridge

    Hi Graham,

    I have sent you a message.



  • Pat Aldridge

    Hi Graham, my email address is - not. dot com.  We'll get there in the end LOL!



  • Rieky van Hal

    hello graham

    sorry for the late reactie

    thank you you like houston

    his mother is charmain of the travlin star

    his father is atron limit edition

    the pedigre from charmain you can fint on my website

    kind regarts rieky

  • Eunice Marott

    yes a wait for you but hopefully all will be well.

    I regularly speak with Sherry in the states as she has a Molly also. The bully stick is a joke after finding out what they are made from. Many laughs have taken place between us after finding out. All good here Molly at Hanrob back tomorrow. We are just back from Alice where my son and his family are living for awhile. Molly is coming along fine she is such company for me at the moment. take care Graham

  • ricky young

    Hi Graham

    I didn't own Ch O'Toole Mike Lad. He was owned by his breeder Charlie and Dot Bingham in Chatswood Sydney. He was a lovely dog as was his sister O'Toole Scarlet O'Hara who was owned by the great Evlynn Lambert of Tara kennel fame. Setters of today are so different to those of Today due to the imported American lines. Are they better or worse is a topic that you could go on forever with no outcome as we are all sufferers of kennel blindness and love our dogs.

    Cheers Rick

  • ricky young

    Hi Graham

    Cheryl Gorey has an imported English bitch which she may breed from,so you may be interested in a pup from her.

    Cheers Rick

  • graham edwards

    Thanks for the reply Rick.

    were you showing setters in the mid 70.s and 80's? if so we might have crossed paths at some time.

    we had Irish and Cavaliers and used to travel a bit to country shows in SE Queensland.



  • ricky young

    Hi Graham,

    Yes I was showing from 1974 -1988. Mainly in NSW Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, Canberra and Western NSW.(Originally from Lithgow) I did however attend a couple of Brisbane Royals in 77 & 79.

    Cheers Rick 

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham

    Yes, all good here.  Another quiet weekend at home.

    Great to hear and look forward to updates along the way. 

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Nardi Rowe

    Hi Graham,

    Lauren and I had a lovely time with Myra, John and all the Irish and Labs.  Ciara is looking beautiful and is very well.  Myra thinks she is in whelp and I am thinking she is too so keep your fingers crossed.  Got home to only have all my emails lost when going thru the ones that came while away.  My computer man yesterday could only retrieve up to June this year so have lost your email with your phone numbers.  I am going to another computer man this week in the hope of him retrieving them.  In case he can't help would you kindly send them thru again to me?  Regards, Nardi

  • Karen McKelvey

    Hi Graham thank you for your comments about our puppies . I may still have 1 bitch to home. I havent had a litter in 6 years so had a waiting list for some from people wanting to replace ones they had from me 13 years ago and have just recently lost them.As there was only one dog some folk are disappointed.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham, thanks so much for your congrats!!  We are very happy.  She is a lovely little girl. 

    I was so sad to read Nardi's news and sorry that you are back to square one with your search for an Irish puppy.  I hope there is good news coming soon.

    Best wishes to you and Gay for some great news soon.



  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Graham and Gay,

    thank you for your Christmas wishes and I hope that you and Gay have a lovely Christmas especially with those lovely grandchildren.

    Annabelle still not showing any sign of coming into season. I will not mate her to Mac however as he has returned as a Carrier for PRArcd4. Annabelle is clear. A lot of people have said 'don't throw the baby out with the bath water', but I would rather mate Annabelle to a clear than have to test puppies. I will be looking for a mate for her at Sydney in April but at the moment my strong inclination is to use Myra's dog that I have always liked as he is clear too. He will be at the show in April so I can have a really good look at him.

    Tried to collect DNA from Brodie for the test but he ate the swab. Replacement kit arrived yesterday so will send away after Christmas.

    Take care and keep in touch.

    Carmel XXXX

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham and Gay, thanks for the seasons wishes.  I hope you had a great Christmas too and have a great year ahead!  Just got back from 5 days away for Christmas with Paul's familiy in Brisbane.  Here's hoping for a very productive "fertile" year for the Irish in Oz.

    chat soon Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hey Graham, we had a couple of shows a couple of weekends ago, but the rain had made the grounds horrible and I was just too exhausted to go to the trouble. Turns out I was glad I didn;t go, with the judging on the day!!  Still pretty humid up here and won't have any local shows till next month now.  Not travelling until we come down for the Easter Shows.

    Yes, great news for Carmel and you with Annabelle's litter.  I look forward to hearing the news next month.

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham, sorry I missed your chat!  I love your new profile pic!  Is that your little girl with your grandaughter?  cheers, Cheryl

  • Tricia Hogarth

    Hi Graham


    Thank you for your comment,Louis does not have any Wendover in him.If you pm me your email address i will send his pedigree to you.


    I love the picture on your profile,is it daughter or grand daughter,she looks very comfortable holding the puppy  Tricia

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Love your profile picture!!!

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Graham, great to read you have a show coming up with Cara.  Have a great time and I look forward to hearing all about it.

    Times are a bit quiet up here.  Clancy was awarded best of breed last Thursday at our local Ag Show and was awarded State Bred in Group a couple of weeks before that. 

    I am having a nice quiet week off this week, so enjoying some home time.

    Check out my blog.... Troy's girl, Relic is pregnant and expecting 7 pups (by scan) on 12 July.

    chat soon, Cheryl

  • Dawne Morgan

    Hi Graham....lovely to meet you , although I suspect we crossed paths at some time in the past! I started showing in 1984 when I purchased my beautiful Jassy from Ali Nielsen - she became Aust Ch Rustmoor Red Arrow CDX . My dad was responsible for the obedience side of things! On the advice of Trudy Upton I mated her to Aust Ch Inishlarne Tfa Triumph owned by John and Jane Ross in Bundaberg...which gave me Aust Ch Maughold Touch O'Jazz. Unfortunately Brianna escaped during a bad storm when she around the age of 4 or 5 and got hit by a car. That broke my heart and I have never had another Irish. I also showed Goldens. I also need to go searching in my garage for pedigrees etc - I know they are there somewhere lols! I am looking for the beautiful Wendover lines again....Jassy and Bri were typical Wendover girls....elegant, aloof with people they didn't know, but crazy as two bob watches at home!!! Just putting my toes in the water at the moment and want to consider all options. I am patient....I have waited all these years (around 20 now :) ... ) so I can wait a few more months to find what I am looking for. Am also in the process of finding a Golden as am really getting back into it with a bang :). Hope to chat again....Dawne
  • Dawne Morgan

    Just read you are going to be at Durack on 8th July......more than likely I will be there as well.....have all the equipment but no dog lols!!! But I am having a great time socializing with old friends (and new) while waiting for my puppies to come along! I can send you my mobile and perhaps catch up with you then?
  • Jacky

    Hi Graham, you left me. Msg ages ago, sorry for not replying sooner, haven't been on for ages. My Seamus is son of Carmel's Brodie. Have never shown, my 70's irish was just a beloved pet, but fostered a love of this wonderful breed. We live on the Gold Coast. Cheers Jacky & Seamus
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Graham, Glad the question on height sparked a debate, always a good thing;o)) The number of setters shown here is also very low compared to years ago !!!  When Rua became Champion she had plenty of competition, but now, even though the numbers are lower, its actually harder to make up a champion????? Politics perhaps??;o))

    A Green Star is like a CC in the UK and you need 7 Green Stars (7 different judges) to make up an Irish Sh.Champion. Rua won 11 in her time and her daughter Abbey unfortunately only has 2 so far!!!! We live in hope this year that we achieve a few more;o))))

  • Carmel Murphy

    In the UK you need 3 CCs from 3 different judges ! In Ireland, as we are now a member of the FCI (European Group), we go by their rules and they are actually stricter, in that your dog is graded by the judge in each class, so only the first place winners, who are graded excellent can compete for the Green Star! You could be graded very good, good, insufficient, cannot be judged or disqualified!