Lynn Spencer


Melbourne Victoria


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
one Irish & one English Setter
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
14 years
About Me:
I have 2 Setter Girls, one English & one Irish. They are both aged 6yrs. I am married with 3 children, grown up now. I am Australian and live in Melbourne. I have loved Irish & English Setters for more than 20 years and now have one of each which are both an absolute joy to own. We got them both as baby puppies together. They are best friends and are always looking out for each other. We belong to a local obedience club where the girls have done well. Tess, my Irish, continues to go to school each Sunday.

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  • Sandra, Monty and Kerry

    Hi Lynn, I'm already enjoying the site with all the superb photos. Your two setters look lovely.
  • Laura Kolbach

    hello Lynn, just wanted to say hi, wondering how you feel - though i know it is not much better... Odin has been gone for 1 year 2 months and 7 days and yes, it still makes me cry from time to time. i hope you soon get another puppy to ease the pain a bit, how about your plans regarding this? hope Tess is doing okay.

    love from all of us

    laura & all the girls

  • Peter Hennig

    Thankyou Lyn for your nice comments on my photos I see you are from melb I grew up in oakleigh my wife in forrest hill and we are now in a small town near warrnambool on a small property filling it up with dogs
  • Peter Hennig

    Thankyou Lyn for your comment the affys are fun and very different in almost every way from IS, the older boy Azif is very reserved the young one Rahni is the complete opposite
  • Laura Kolbach

    very welcome Lynn! hope you will be able to hug the pup of your dreams very soon.
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Lyn thanks for your comment on the photo , those bestest friends had a blew over a bone not long after the photo Elton now has a couple of teeth marks on his nose, two weeks before a show affys are not very tolerant like IS
  • Dot

    Hi Lynn,
    How are you and Tessie going? Havent seen you for a while so just thought I'd say Hi from Dot and the gang :-).
  • Lesley Shirley

    Thanks Lynn, we went over to Perth for the week and had a lovely break in the sun!!
  • Marta Galuszka

    Thank you for your nice comment on my photo.


  • ereni

    Hello Lynn:D

    How are you and Tess?

    Hugs from Reni and Isis

    PS Thanks for your kind comments!



  • ereni

    WOW...a new puppy...I think it will be OK as for Tess. She needs a company , new and lively ball next to her:)...

    Let me know ASAP when your new baby comes to your house, please.
    Hot,almost summer greetings from Slovakia.
    Reni and Isis
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Lynn

    thak you very much for lovely words about Jamies Birthday. we had have a lovely day with his setterfriends. A rainy, but funny walk :-)

    hope you all are fine. best regards


  • Laura Kolbach

    hi Lynn, thanks for your comments on my recent pics! how is the puppy project going? :-)

    hugs from us, Laura

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn, Thank you for your kind comments about my English Setter kids. Despite their health problems Hammer and Rose look physically okay but Hobson looks dreadful at the moment. I hope he picks up very soon. As you said though, people do not seem to notice and continue to admire Hobson, as well as Hammer and Rose. I find that any human who smiles at my Setter kids and/or comes over to talk is very nice. I notice Ereni's comment that a puppy is coming to live with you soon. I will keep checking for photos. xxxxx
  • Barbara

    Hi Lynn! Thank you for your kind comment on my photo. Hope you and Tess are well? All the best. Barbara
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Lyn, thanks for your lovely comment.  Hope all is well for you down your way and not too cool at the moment.  cheers, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Lynn, thanks for your comment on my old girl, Emby.  She is very special!  Hope you and your dogs are well.  cheers, Cheryl
  • Peter Hennig

    Thanks Lynn
    it was a great weekend lots of fun
  • Peter Hennig

    Thank you Lyn he is a joy to have and handle
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Lyn glad to be your ES friend
  • Peter Hennig

    thanks Lynn he is quite aristocratic sees nothing wrong with standing/laying/sleeping on the table
  • Barbara

    Hi Lynn! Thank you for your lovely comment!
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn, Hope you are well. Hugs back to you.
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn

    Thank you for your kind comments about my photos. I am having a sentimental day. Crying lots of tears. This seems to have become a normal day. I did not buy a digital camera until just before Hammer came to me in November 2006. I could not manage to find the time. Then one day I met a lovely man in the dog park who recommended I buy the Canon Ixus 60 and I have been so pleased with this camera. I have taken hundreds of photos of my kids. I studied a short photography course just before Khomet died in 2008 but have never got back to this. Did you receive my email?

  • Peter Hennig

    Thanks Lyn , he is a joy to run with he has this beautiful springing movement
  • Michelle Walsh

    HI Lynn !

    Hope all is well with you ! many thanks for you lovely comment on Rohan's photo, I'm glad you like my red rascal :)

    ~Michelle & the lads

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn, Thank you again for your kind comments. Hope you and Tess and the family have been well. Any news about the puppy? Hugs from all of us

  • Peter Hennig

    thanks Lynn for your nice comments

  • John Murphy

    HI Lynn.

    Thank you for your welcome.  A lovely tribute to Megg.  Best wishes from the Mornington Peninsula.  John

  • James Doran

    The beautiful Romeo sends long range cuddles to you and the girls in return for the Birthday wishes,Lyn. Sincere regards.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Lynn for your comment about Kruszynka. She was so sweet girl...

    Cuddles for your red and white girls

    Have a nice summer, In Poland is the worst form of autumn

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Lyn, thanks.  Sorry to hear it is a bit hot down your way.  It's a bit overcast up here today and we are getting a bit of wind!!  I missed all the Christmas messages as my computer crashed and was in the shop for two weeks and we have just been away in Brisbane for 5 days visiting family!!  Hope you had a great Christmas too.  cheers, Cheryl

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Lynn , no secret the first part of the walk is me stopping every few meters from them pulling eventually they work out if they want to move on they have to stop pulling. The answere to why do dogs pull is... you come along .When you don't come along it takes a little while for them to work it out but eventually the penny drops.

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Easter to you too Lynn!  will you hide little bunnies in your garden for Tess and Megg?  :-)

  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Lynn, just wanted to say thanks for the kind comments you left about Jack, we do miss him terribly of course just as you miss Meg and Sky....I have come to realise though that we are not the only ones by any means to lose a dog at a young age, so sad.We are just getting on with life and enjoying the other two boys at the moment.

  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Lynn, had a look at your photos as well, such beautiful girls!! Sounds as if you had  lot of fun with them!! You new puppy? is that Grace?she is stunning and no doubt keeping you very busy lol!! You forget what hard work they are!! Yes we are slowly recovering thank you and you're right, it does take time, the other two boys also seem to be improving although on ehas now developed separation anxiety, not from us but from our other dog so that is quite sad but am sure he will recover, he was very close to Jack and is just missing his mate. 

  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Lynn,

    Thanks so much for your message, I'm sure you are right, Harry will get over it I'm sure bt like people it varies as to how long that will be. Am so pleased that the puppy was accepted eventually, bet your heart sank!! When we got Harry, Jack was having a bad episode health wise and did nothing but growl at this little bundle who wanted to curl up. Merlin, being a complete wuss just ran away from him!! After a couple of days Merlin let Harry curl up to him and then went into mother hen mode while Jack decided it must be ok and was cautiously friendly. eventually Jack and Harry became imseperable. Harry HATED it when we left Jack behind for any reason and they always curled up together at takes a while but they get there in the end!! Am just off out with them, trying to avoid the heavy downpours!!

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thank you Lynn for your nice consolation. Bajka was the oldest and the last dog from our doggish circle. So her death is an end of some period. We have a lot of wonderful memories because these 15 years were great:-)

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Sometimes they need a bit more time to bring them closer.

    I have wanted to have a puppy much earlier but some duties delayed that very much. I've been thinking that Kruszynka will be the best friend and a guide for Kasia. But that didn't work at all, Kruszynka was not very enthusiastic about Kasia. Now I know , I suppose, she was not interested in plays with her because she was ill. Soon I lost Kruszynka so they stayed only two - 14 years old Bajka and Kasia - a puppy. Entirely Bajka's perfect character let them live together fine but Bajka couldn't show her how to find pheasants, chase hares, swim in the river - so Kasia has to learn all that skills on her own, using only her inborn abilities.

    Only thing Bajka thought her was how to dig gigantic holes in the ground, and Kasia was very quick to learn:-)

    But despite they couldn't run together, at home they were very close and Bajka accepted her very easy.

    And now Kasia stayed alone. I know she is missing the company of Bajka and Kruszynka. Fortunately we have other dog friends:-)

  • Dianne cook

    Hello Lynn, thank you so much for your warm welcome to E.S and your lovely comments on our red kids:)) I live on a rural property which is between Loch and Leongatha. And I think your girls photos are absolutely gorgeous you most obviously love them. My boy flame has been the love of my life and now I have the two litter sisters Poppy and Ruby.... OMG am I alive!!! They honestly never stop unless I stop them!! I do obedience with both on a Sunday too, Poppy is a little show pony and Ruby a tomboy who adores agility. I look forward to sharing many of my red kid stories with you and others on ES and once again thank you. Take care Dianne
  • Dianne cook

    Happy belated 1st birthday Grace, I imagine mum spoilt you :)) love Dianne, Ruby & Poppy. X
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Oh,yes, Lynn,  first year goes definitely to fast. I think some dogs should stay at puppy stage all the time. My friend used to complain about her labrador puppy girl. And now she regrets this time. Fortunately our setters mature slowly:-)

    All the best,

    Ania with Kasia

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Thank you for your well wishes. :) Both of your girls are lovely, what characteristic differences have you noticed between an English and Irish?

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Thank you for your friend request! : )

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn, Thank you for your comment on my anniversary blog for Hammer. Your words, and the words of other ES members, made the tears stream down my face. xxxx

  • Dianne cook

    Happy New Year Lynn, family and furkids. I hope your had a lovely Christmas and a fun New Years Eve. Your greeting and picture you have blogged is so cute, we wish you a memorable 2013 filled with fun. Take care Dianne and Irish. X
  • Rhonda Fisher

    Thank you for the invitation Lyn. Great to have another setter friend who understands all that it is to be a setter' pet.

  • Eileen Olivares

    Dear Lynn,

    It's encouraging to read that Tess and Grace are best friends now! With Lucas and Molly it's still a bit of a hit and miss, they play a lot, but they often play quite roughly and Lucas often looks unhappy about Molly's presence ... I think he's a bit jealous too. Do you remember how long it took for your two girls to get on so well? Do you have any tips?

    Much love and best wishes from Mexico, Eileen with Lucas and Molly

  • Gayle Patricia Turner

    Hi Lynn,

    Finalyworked ou t how to reply to you.  Yes I had Madison (Ch Landmark Louisana).  I lost her 3 years ago after a short unknown illness. Very sad.  Then I got Bella the beautiful black greyhond to keep Bailley company (heis nothappy as an only dog.  Added Harry the saluki to show. I think we met at a Setter match at Mornington a few years ago.

    Loved your photos, ths is hard totype must b easer way.


    Cheer, Gayle.

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Lynn, Thank you for your comment on my blog for Beau, Hammer and Rose. It has disappeared for now but hopefully it will come back soon. Sending hugs to Tess and Grace. Susan xxx