Michelle Webster



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
One now: Glenvarna Fire And Ice At Hooley (Mulligan)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
37 years
About Me:
My first dog was a much loved Corgi called Bryn.
My previous Irish were:
Kerrigan Amber Dream (Oliver)
Twoacres Joker The Hooley (Flynn)
Twoacres Fergus (Fergus)
Cymbeline Fallon By Hooley (Geordie)
I taught 4 -7 year olds for 17 years and often used to take my first Irish Setter into school. He loved being with the children and they loved being with him. The favourite place to be at story time was next to Oliver!! He was affectionately known as Ollie and many generations of children grew up thinking of Irish Setters as Ollie dogs!!

I got into showing when I retired. Oliver died suddenly only two months after I stopped teaching and as the house was so empty I just knew that I had to have another Irish. I was lucky enough to get a puppy from the late Mrs June Coates (Twoacres). He was Twoacres Joker The Hooley, (Flynn).We went on a steep learning curve together as we found our way around the show world. I very quickly became hooked on this new past time and an obsession began. Over the years I have learnt so much and met so many wonderful friends, all through a shared interest and love of this magnificent breed.

I am on the B Judging list for Irish Setters in the UK and have also judged English Setters, Gordon Setters and Irish Red & White Setters at Open Show level. I was secretary of the East Midlands Social Region of the ISBC in the UK for 14 years and a committee member for 18 years.

As well as showing when possible, I like writing, so often contribute items to the ISBC Newsletter. I also have a particular interest in health matters concerning the breed.
Why are you applying for membership?
B. I am a dog and my owner is at work all day

Comment Wall:

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  • Susan Mogony

    Hi Michelle thank you for your nice comment, we still miss her but we get lots of love from the other setters in house ...Evi is still living on in them. Thank you
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Dear Michelle, thank you very much for your nice words. I do miss her a lot and I am happy for the beautiful years she has given us...
    Best wishes,
  • Gillian Kennedy-Sloane

    Red Ribbon
  • Sue Paterson

    Thanks for the welcome Michelle.
    I've been looking on from the 'outside' as it were and decided with some time on my hands to sign up. You're right it is very addictive...I just love all the photos. And the forum is interesting too.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Best wishes
  • Sue Paterson

    Hi Michelle.
    Thank you for the welcome.
    Wrote a comment before, but don't know where it went!
    Very addictive...had some time on my hands so signed up after a few months of 'spying'!
    Love all the photos and the forum.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Best wishes

  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Michelle
    just had a look at your photos. I could see your dogs where and are spoilt rotton by their owner.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A very good day to you Michelle,
    Without knowing it, you really have made my day, my weekend even and I wanted to thank you so much about it. I had 2 IS until early May this year, the Appelgrove database gave me plenty of info about my youngest one, Darwin (Walshestown Darwin - show dog), but I couldn't find any about my dear oldie, MC (Agivey Grouse - field trial), until via Astrid Landsaat and her so dedicated and interested comments on dogs' health and heredity. Reading her Ginger's memorial I accidentally discover on your site your pedigrees database and could trace some of MC's ancestor until 1866 !!!! Unbelievable, I was totally thrilled.
    This message is to thank you so very much for having collected all this info and sharing it with the wider public.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invitation to become your ES friend and more than pleased to be.
  • Corinne Wakefield

    Thank you so much Michelle for your spinach tip for Ryan. It's on my shopping list to buy this weekend.

    I have looked at your website before and your beutiful dogs. I especially love your dog coats.

    I am hooked on ES now - what an informative forum.
  • Corinne Wakefield

    Thank you Michelle.
  • mimmo presta

    to michelle
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Hello Michelle, nice to meet you, thanks for adding me as your friend and my best wishes for the New Year !!!!
  • Sheree Parrish

    Sorry if I upset you again, I did know you had lost your darling boy but it was such a lovely photograph of him that I felt compelled to comment. I know the pain you are feeling. Sheree xxx
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Michelle,

    thanks for inviting me to be your friend.

    My Bajka used to be a dog therapist. After Bajka's retirement Kruszyna started to countinue her mum's career  We used to visit f.e. integrated schools. Bajka was so happy working with children. ANd for me that was nice and inspirating seeing changes in children's behaviour. Dogs are often wiser than us.

    All the best for 2011!!!

    Anna with Bajka and Kruszyna

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Michelle,

    Sorry for such a delay, but I'm quite busy now.  I think I will be busy yet some time. But in the spring it will be much better))).

    Bajka's  (ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET z Arislandu) parents are:  SCANDAL v.d. Wester-Huy x MORENA Mahagon Moravia.


    Kruszyna's (PSOTA KRUSZYNA Bajkowe Rudzielce) -   Sandwick TOPAZ  x  ON The SUNNY.....).


    That will be very nice to see them there.


    Have a nice week:-)


  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Michelle

    Thank you for asking me to be a friend. I will have to check my settings because I did not know that you had sent me an invite. Thank you also for your kind comments about my naughty English Setter kids playing up at photo time. I am going to check all the photos in the competition now.

    Best wishes from Susan and her English Setter kids

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Michelle

    I just checked out the photos and my ES stand out. Whenever I see ES I automatically think English Setter and not Exclusively Setters. Hammer (in the front) was yawning because he knew what the other pair were up to. Just as I was about to take the photo, Rose and Hobson turned to face each other and tried to throw off their Christmas hats!! My ES HATE having their photos taken. Unless I cheat and have a squeaky toy, just as I am about to take the photo, they all face in different directions!!!

    Bye for now, Susan and her ES kids


  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Michelle

    Thank you for adding a link to your website for Beau.

    I have never received any information about Beau despite the fact that, excluding my own advertising which was extensive, the media attention had reached 5 million readers within several months after Beau was stolen. However, this is what happens to stolen dogs who literally vanish and are never seen again. Despite the odds I have continued to search and hope to find Beau, even now, more than 7 1/2 years later.

    If I can ever complete it, I hope my book will do something to raise more awareness about what is going on as well as what I continue to do "behind the scenes".

    For a human to steal a living conscious being is indeed a terrible act of cruelty as well as a criminal offence.


  • Mrs Brenda Russell

    Thank you Michelle for requesting to be my friend, hope to catch up with you one day at a show.     Brenda


  • Régine Finck

    Thank you. I'm sure I will as well ;).
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Michelle.

    I agree with you wholeheartedly, I think that it is the fact that we know this breed all too well, and we all, well most of us, feel for them...especially when they are in trouble, and poor wee Tally was in trouble...I am so thankful to the vet that has her he/she need not have emailed me back, but they did, I am so very grateful to them. But I now feel she is lost to me...so very sad...people can be so cruel can't they...

    Thank you for your thoughts Dee and the gang

  • Terry Crossman


    Thought it was about time i didn't just read the comments.

    Best Regards


  • Delia Bryce

    Michelle..... Thank you so much for your support ...... I cant believe the interest shown in us but we all appreciate it!
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle thank you for the information i know shannon will never eat this food

    i was feeding her james wellbeloved white fish and rice the cranberry tablet sounds good will try that. 

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle thank you for the invite you will try anything to help them your photos are lovely
  • martina mckeag

    HI michelle was looking at your web site its great

    Shannon is sire pol ch Hero's Heart Diervilla.

    Dam Ardbraccan Lady in Red . Sophie is from  Sire Irish sh CH Glennara Coer De Lion

    Dam Thendara Daniella. 

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle shannon is called Ardbraccan outrageous .
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle Sophie was born on the 10/03/2011
  • Howard Glansfield

    Hi Michelle,

    Maggie was born on 04/02/98 and her kennel name was Pemmas Double Vision.


    Could you ,please,also add Bobbie?Her name was Coralmist Chantrelle and she was born on 06/12/91

    Thank you for all your interest and help.

  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you Michelle,

    I have a photo of Maggie but I am not sure how to send it to you!

    Take care,


  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle thank you so much for all your help
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Michelle, Hope you are all keeping well. Have not forgotten your link. Have had my hands full these last few months. xxxx
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Michelle rememberi was asking about crystals had Shannon back to vet xray all came back clear but they said i still had to give her the royal canin urinary she does not like the food i have to hand feed her so she will eat something she has alredy lost weight i put her on the grannberry tablet she has not leaked i was just wondering what you feed your dogs i was feeding her james wellbeloved white fish and rice
  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Michelle

    Many thanks for your kind message and support for Hattie. I am afraid that the news is not good. She had a biopsy taken last week which is suggestive of osteosarcoma. Over the weekend the biopsy site became angry and sore and the analgesia that she was on wasn't keeping her comfortable so on Monday she was admitted to the surgery with a view to operating later this week but things came to a head yesterday and she had her leg amputated. I went to see her this afternoon and I thought I was prepared but it was an awful shock to see her lying there - have had tears in my eyes ever since! She is bright and eating but is sedated and on pain relief.I feel so guilty that somehow this is all my fault! Just want to have her home to look after her and give lots of love. The girls in the surgery are brilliant and Hattie is always delighted to go to the surgery but hate to think of her lying there!!

    Sorry to go on - just wanted to chat to someone who loves the breed as I do. Will let you know how she gets on and fingers crossed we might have her home for the weekend.



  • Christina Lewis

    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for the warm welcome and for inviting me to join up.  Ive enjoyed looking at your photo`s and reading your pen picture.  I can`t wait to meet you in person one day.  I will have to load some pictures on here soon too.  Thank you. x


  • Christina Lewis

    Hello again Michelle,  Ive loaded some photo`s now but think they have gone to be anthoirized?  The last one has been kept as a profile pic but will change it if they are approved tomorrow.  Im going to take loads and loads of photo`s when i have a new puppy for all his.her life... 

    Speak soon.

  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Michelle, thanks for your nice words for my Kruszynka:-)

  • Viviane Dietens

    Hello Michelle,

    Perhaps you are going to receive a question to add 'Autumn of Kyntire' on your site on the item In Memorium .

    I gave the people the advice to do it.

    For me, with Ynez, it gave me a good feeling.

    Thank you in advance.

    Merry Christmas and a happy 2012 from my home to yours.


    Luc, Viviane, Queenie and Spencer.

  • Maria Trench

    Thank you so much Michelle
  • Peter Hennig

    Dear Michelle I'm so very sorry to read your news of the loss of Geordie , you devoted your life to his preservation, the care you've displayed is an astounding credit to you, in the hands of anyone else Geordie would not have known the love and care you bestowed on him. The commitment you gave him makes his passing all the more painful, I truly am weeping for you and I've only share a tiny portion of both your lives. My deepest sympathy to you, words seem shallow but I hope they give some comfort knowing many people feel your pain

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Michelle, i'm quite new to the site so just looking around, sorry for your loss, Geordie looked a lovely dog, i also read your stories on web site they made me laugh, liked the one of you tied up by the dogs in field at service station (",)

  • Michelle Webster

    Thanks Ellen, pleased you liked my Irish Tails, there are plenty more still to add, just haven't had the time yet. If you go to the pedigree section on the site you will be able to trace the pedigrees of your dogs. Thanks also for your words about Geordie, he was wonderful, I adored him and I really miss him.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Michelle for friends invite, i have looked on your pedigree section did find my boys, Finlay who i have now (sebbys gorgeous green), Paddy ( hazelbeck jack be nimble) couldn't find first boy as i didnt register him but looked up his parents could only find his sires parents but enjoyed looking (",)

  • Christine Pullen

    HI Michelle,

    Thank so much for your kind words and the "friend" email. So sad when one of our beloved dogs has to say goodbye. Jack had been ill for all his life with MO but it took a few years to diagnose. He was a very happy, funny boy, full of character when he was well and I feel we were lucky to be owned by him for so long. Luckily we have LOADS of good memories, photos and videos but of course we would rather he was here with us if he could be fit and well. The other two boys are sad, especially Harry who is three, Jack and Harry were very close and he is loookng every now and agin and coming to mum for a cuddle. Lovely to be your friend and look forward to talking to you agin soon..am going to have a look at any photos you have on here now!!

  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks so much for your kind words and the friend request...we are very sad at the moment of course, we miss Jack terribly but the kindness and empathy we have received from other members, friends and family are all helping us through....would be lovely to chat more with you...I have had a look at your pictures...beautiful dogs you have, the youngest look full of mischief!!

  • Nick & Sue Britton

    Hi, Michelle, thanks for your friendship request and thank you also for amending your (brilliant ) pedigree info website last week. Our 13 month old IS Darcy is recovering from a laparotomy to remove a stone she swallowed but is getting back to her cheeky self every day now! Best wishes, Sue and Nick

  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hello Michelle,

    Great website for pedigrees you have! Yes of course you can use that story for your website. Can you cut and paste from ES? If not I'll send it. The picture is copyright pressagency UPI, 1976. Not sure wether or not you can use that on a website. Anyway let's hope it will inspire in these dark days for the breed. Cheers, Henk.

  • Dianne cook

    Hello Michelle, thank you for the friends invitation. your a very lucky lady having beautiful Irish Setters for so long...wish I had. I do obedience with Poppy and agility with Ruby Flame looks on,wondering what all the fuss is about. I hope to learn more next year and then I can do show and tell on ES. Take care Dianne Flame, Riby and Poppy.x
  • Dawn Riddell

    Hi Michelle, I'm delighted to see you have a new puppy. Mulligan looks divine. You must be so excited to have this little stunner. Good luck with him and hope to see you both out and about soon.

    Dawn R.