Dianne cook




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
7 years
About Me:
Hi, Im 45 married with 3 adult kids and have gone through a mid life crisis!! I now have 3 red kids, the love of my life. Flame a rescue setter 7 years and poppy and ruby 18 month old litter sisters.

Comment Wall:

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Dianne!!! 

  • Dianne cook

    Thank you im very new to this
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Diane, Have just seen that you are new here so wanted to say a very warm Welcome to Exclusively Setters.  This is such a lovely, fun group to belong to.  I also notice that you're from Australia.  I am also & from Victoria too.  We live in an area close to Lilydale in Melbourne. 

    Your 3 dogs are just gorgeous.  My Irish girl Tess is almost 11 yrs. now & is absolutely the light of my life.  In October 2010, we lost our lovely English girl & Tess, & us were devastated.  We now have a 9 month old English Setter pup who is a very sweet & lovely girl.  Must admit though, a new pup, after having two 'older' dogs is a bit of a shock to the system, but we are getting there (lol).


    Your photo's are beautiful.  I've loved looking through them.


    Again, welcome. 


  • Eunice Marott

    I think I sent to myself

    hi Dianne

    a pleasure to have australian friend on the site. Molly came from QLD on a Virgin Plane to Sydney airport. She was sight unseen but I would not swap her for the world. She is our third IS and I must say the best. We lived on the northern beaches for years and recently moved to Terrigal on the central coast. Sorry to say I don't particularly like it so we will try and move back next year. Molly does not do that much exercise she is such a lazy bones but when she gets going she sure makes up for it. Molly comes from a very large litter of 15 (16) I think one died anyway she is smaller than our previous IS but just a darling. So you have 3 IS? that must be great and keep you busy. Talk later

  • John Murphy

    Hi Dianne.

    Love your photos.  I had three setters at once before my 'mid-life crisis', so I've got it out of my system now!  As my Flame has now entered senior citizenship, I have been thinking a bit about another puppy, maybe from working dog stock, but I'm not keen to distract myself too much with ideas about a puppy when Flame is requiring more of me.  I want to fully enjoy the pleasures of an old Irish for as long as I can.  Good to make your acquaintance.  Best wishes, John.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Dianne, thanks for your friends invite glad to accept, Ellen& Finlay

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Hello Dianne

    Great to catch up. Glad you caught up with the breeder in the end. This is a great site.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    The girls are looking beautiful.

  • Keith Knight

    Thank you very much Dianne, I appreciate the nice welcome!  Your dogs are also very nice, great pictures.

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Diane, for your very kind comments on my English girl Grace.  She is a real sweetheart.  Has just had her 1st. birthday & is slowly progressing from a silly pup to a beautiful lady.  She brings so much pleasure & happiness to our family & is always making us laugh with her silly antics.  She has such a beautiful nature as of course do all our Setters.  

    Thankyou again.


  • Keith Knight

    Thank you Dianne!

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Thank you Diane! Love your pics! And haha, "someone to keep me young" influenced my decision on a) choosing an IS and b) a puppy, to boot! (An American expression) lol

  • Kimberly Simmons

    My childhood has been awhile too, Dianne! I'm keeping all of the "gardening" posts from my husband, we'll cross that bridge when we get there! And I chuckle noticing all of the "covered" furniture in the photos ...I'm stocking up.. :) Can't wait

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Dianne, thank you for your kind words on my anniversary blog for my English Setter boy, Hammer. I feel extremely lucky Hammer came to me, even though our time together was too short. xxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Dianne, You won't be disappointed with a Setter with spots. I was lucky I found Misty. I purchased her sight unseen but I knew her breeder and he did not let me down. An English Setter will never disappoint you but you have to be careful with the breeder you choose. I have learned the very hard way not to trust a breeder just because they are registered with a Canine Control Council. xxx

  • rob winemaker

    Hi Dianne,

    Saw your comment to Kim wondering if your Irish own you instead of the other. Make no mistake, they totally own you. Is there anything at all you do where you don't consider the dogs first? See what I mean.


  • rob winemaker

    Hi Dianne,

    My mother tells me I was hooked from when I saw Big Red as a kid. There was no doubt that when I got my first dog what it would be. I love to say, with some trepedation to other dog owners that if it is not an IS, it is just a dog. I had a father and son team for many yrs as well. I also had a couple of rescue dogs too, one who died at age 3 to that bone cancer thing. He dug a whole under a tree when he was dying and to this day I have not filled it in. Dogs pass through our lives so quickly and I've found I measure the eras of my own life by which Irish I had at the time. Best to you and all the reds in your life.


    they are my daughters, and although I love going to shows with them, so I enjoy most is traveling with todas.Yo am breeder, but only when I grew up staying with another girl.


    they are my daughters, and although I love going to shows with them, so I enjoy most is traveling with together..I am breeder, but only when I grew up staying with another girl.

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Dianne, thanks for your message.  It would be lovely to know you have a relative of my redheads!  I guess it may be my boy, Clancy?  I would love to know more details about your girls' pedigrees?  cheers, Cheryl 

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Dianne,  now don't be too hard on yourself.  It's hard work remembering all these pedigrees! 

    I have a bit of an obsession about them!!   Yes, Troy used Jason over his girl.  I take it then, that you may have a couple of pups from Diane Anderson?  I think only Diane and Troy have now used Jason over in Aus.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my redheads.  I love them to bits.  Emby is now 14 and still doing well.

    Yes, I am at that point now needing to get some exercise plan so that I can show and do activities with my dogs into the future!.

    Take care and chat soon, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Dianne, lovely that your girls are from Eirean.  I have never met Diane, but spoken to her on the phone.  My 14 yr old, Emby is an old Lady!.

    Thanks for the heads up on the boy on Gumtree.  He was bred by a friend of mine, so I made contact with family.  He has now a new home, so things seem to have worked out well for the family and the dog.

    Take care, chat soon, Cheryl

  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Dianne would love to have you as a friend.  Xx

  • Gayle Patricia Turner

    Hi Diane,

    Thans for the welcome.i currently have one ES Bailey. not sure I know wat I am doing, takes me hours to workout  Gayle

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Thank you Dianne, he may just be "the one"!

  • Jo Ottinger

    Thank you for your kind words,  Tiz was a very special girl, she was an Aussie not an Irish.  She helped raise my three red heads and was a huge help when I lost Scout to SLE.  Never expected to loose her to bloat as it is not common in Aussie's. 

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter! I thought that I was going to be keeping Lilly today because she's ill, but her momma decided to stay home with her...whew! lol  My daughter said if I have trouble keeping up with a 2 1/2yr old, wait until the puppy arrives! lol

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Dianne, Thank you for your kind comment on my blog for Beau, Hammer and Rose. It has disappeared so I cannot read it now but I know it was heart-felt. Hopefully your comment will come back soon, and Lynn's too. Take care. Susan xx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Dianne, wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Ellen&Finlay xxx

  • john murphy

    Happy birthday, Diane

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Hello Diane

    It is the ISCV novice field trial on Saturday. I have put the schedule that was sent to me by Dennis Everard up on the ISCV facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Irish-Setter-Club-of-Victoria-Inc/...

    They welcome people to come and walk in the gallery.

    You have to contact them on Thursday night to see where it is going to be held.



  • Rhonda Fisher

    Dianne. Gordon is running a  training day for new dogs on the last Sunday in August. They teach the dogs and people how to quarter, find, and stand to a shot (Blank). You do it with a really long rope as a lead. I will find out more details for you. We took our boys when they were younger and it was a great day.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Field Fun Day & BBQ - Sunday 25 August 2013
    Ring Gordon Strachan for exact place and more details before 10th August.

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Diane, Thank you for your well wishes .. much appreciated. I have not seen my friend, Sam since I took the photo. I must admit my heart is breaking but it is better that Sam stays away than I have to drive away one day and leave him behind. Best wishes, Susan xxx

  • Susan Stone

    Dear Dianne, it is very kind of you to be thinking of Bramble. Yes, she is still with us! I have just added a few photos of her. Despite her age of 13 1/2 years she still enjoys her little outings. We've had a few ups and downs but nothing related to her bloat episode. She is surprising us all! I hope your boy Flame is also doing ok?

    all the very best


  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Dianne,

    Nice pictures ! beautiful and lovely reds ... and such great place !!! pefect to run and play.


  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi, thank you for your nice comment also. Your girl is as well the daughter of Sametsuz Secret Affair, who is the father ? On which of your pictures, she is ?


    Take care.


  • Rebecca

    Oh, Dianne! You and your furbabies are having a real time of it!  I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's Newf... hope it turns out to be something else.  (My brother has had a couple of Newfs - lovely dogs.  Both had hip displaysia to varying degrees - very, very sad.)  Keeping my fingers crossed for Shelby's scan and for a fast recovery for Flame (great name, btw). Keep positive.x

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    Hi there Dianne just wanted to tell you how nice looking your dogs look. I would love to have 3 setters.


  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Dianne,

    Thank you for your nice comment about my girl Gretel.

    Take care.


  • Rebecca

    Hi Dianne.  Last night I managed to post my reply to my profile by mistake - I didn't realise until I saw an email from Ning this morning saying "Rebecca left a comment for Rebecca"!!  Doh!  So here it is in full.  Sorry it didn't get to you earlier.x


    I know exactly how you and Shelby feel about vets visits - Luna was a mess.  So upsetting.  I certainly don't mind you asking about Luna and checkups. We decided, after very careful thought and discussion with our vet, not to get check ups for Luna, simply because we didn't feel we could put her through anything else.  Chemotherapy was discussed, but it was a long distance away for her to go for the drugs, and our vet said some dogs don't tolerate it well.  We also didn't feel it was a good idea to have more surgery to remove lymph nodes.... so other than occasional blood tests when she started to drink and pee a lot (caused by hypercalcemia), and minor surgery on serbaceous cysts (no general anesetetic as she had raised liver enzymes), we didn't have any scans or exams.  The vet would feel along her spine when he saw her though (checking lymph nodes) and he would check her gums for signs of anemia.  He would also look at her anal gland (or rather the area where the gland was removed), but not religiously (and I also kept an eye on her anal area, although I think Luna would've told me if anything was wrong with her bottom!).  We called the vet to the house rather than going to the surgery for the last year or so.  She didn't like getting in the car and wasn't so steady on her feet (arthritis).

    So I guess the question is what intervention you would want for Shelby if they do find something.  The CT scan will be looking for lymph nodes that are inflammed, whereas the rectal exam will be looking for a recurrence in that area or in the other gland. 

    There is no right or wrong answer, of course. Every dog is different and I guess any progression will be too. I would talk over the options with your vet if you have doubts - I know it's difficult to know what to do for the best, and I remember the anger, fear and uncertainty when Luna was diagnosed and we thought we were going to lose her... and yet she went on for all those years, and was still gambling around in the fields two weeks before she passed :-).

    Wishing you the very best for tomorrow. Will be thinking of you.  xxx

  • Rebecca

    Hi Dianne.  Not surprised you cancelled the scan with all of that going on!! 

    I found the photo of Shelby and Flame on your deck.  Lovely dirty nose!!  Does Shelby like to snuffle, as we call it?!  Luna spent a lot of time with her nose in the dirt - she particularly loved to snuffle out mice in the stubble, but any hole would do!  We would also throw treats for her and she always found them, no matter how difficult we made it!  It was actually rather useful to be able to get her snuffling on command, as you could use it to distract her from other unwanted behaviours, like chasing after rabbits... instead she would snuffle where the rabbit had been!  Success!  Murphy, well, rabbit = chase.  We've been working hard on his recall over the last few weeks and it's sooo much improved, but I don't think we will ever stop him from running after a rabbit. 

    You have the most beautiful setting there.  Lovely pastures.  I am very envious!

    Keep up your positive thinking.  It's so important, and I think it's part of the reason that dogs often get on better than humans - they aren't aware of their illness, just of how they feel at that specific time.  They don't read the information on the internet either!! 

    Glad you have pet insurance.  We made the decision to cancel ours a couple of years before Luna became ill, but it wouldn't have made any difference as the insurance company excluded all warts, growths, lumps and masses, whether cancerous or otherwise, all because she had a non-cancerous serbaceous cyst removed.  As the vet said, it's rendered your policy almost worthless, except for third party claims and broken bones.  But it wouldn't make any difference, as you said - we paid for whatever she needed.  Murphy, our rescue Irish, has his own bank account and we make a montly payment - he's quite a rich boy now!!  However, we have decided to take out a pucker inurance policy for our new Gordon Setter puppy, due to be collected on 19 December - you are the first person outwith family I have told about her! :-)

    Let me know how you get on next Wednesday.x

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    Dear Diane, Did you say you have a setter that has cancer? I had 3 that had cancer one lived to 12 and 2 lived to only 9 yrs old this was very hard my Radley lived to be 14 an a half. They are always hard to let go but you will know when it is time. your right you will see it in their eyes.I pray for you when that day comes.

    love thru our setters

    terrie stauffer

  • Debra Wiesner

    Hi, Diane!  Thank you for being the first friend request I've received. I graciously accept your friendship.   It's nice to have a friend in a far away place I'd like to see one day; if only it wasn't so far away )-:  Let's stay in touch!

  • Eileen Olivares

    Dear Dianne,

    Thank you so much for accepting my friend request! I wish you and your beautiful dogs a wonderful Christmas time and all the very best for 2014!

    Take care,

    Eileen, Lucas, Molly, Fiona & Jason xxx

  • Mike

    Hi Diane, Thanks for accepting my request. How big are your girls? Gunners dad is from the Big Red Kennels. The breeder thinks he should weigh about 95 lbs, or 43 kg. My preference is larger dogs rather than smaller. That was a reason for choosing the IS, 95 lbs is a little bigger than I expected!