Ellen Turberfield



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I cant explain why i love Irish Setters so much there is just something special about these dogs my first was Muffin i had him 12 1/2 yrs then Paddy for13 1/2yrs, now my latest boy is Finlay he`s just 2 yrs old

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  • Eunice Marott

    I can send emails from iPhone not iPad Molly just slightly coming around too long for her
  • Eunice Marott

    Molly seems a little better now eating etc ok but she is very clingy and follows me everywhere I can send emails from phone but not iPad take care
  • Eunice Marott

    That is so good for u about his medicine sitting outside as it is so hot yes she has the bone and I told her all about Finlay Corinne says I am weid talking to her as though she is a human bit to me she is picked up cats tonight they seem ok fat cat just goes with the flow as long as he has food xxxxx to
    U both
  • Eunice Marott

    Yes. Here is home we made a mistake moving where we were but that's life
    Molly asleep on bed we have to put the tick stuff on them very bad here I ordered some online for Molly cheaper that was good u can get medicine for Finlay online and what a nice vet suggesting that
    Xxx to u both
  • Eunice Marott

    Just looking at Finlay and his cake such a handsome boy Molly still waiting for her cake
  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you Ellen for your kind words.I am  getting better.

  • Carmel Murphy

    The photos on my wall that you liked;o)))))

  • Carmel Murphy

    Its not an official Crufts Rosette Ellen :o) It was a rosette organised by Barbara Gladwish back in 2011 for an ES get together at Crufts! Lots of us bought one and the design artwork in the centre was done by Ursula Wilby (Artist and setter owner)

    Barbara also did one for the get together in 2010 ;o))

  • KC and the boys

    Hi Ellen - thanks for friend request. We'll just have to meet at Crufts next year. Enjoy! Best, Catherine

  • Kenny Jarvis

    Hi Ellen, Just of out with the boy's for an hour they need a bit of Daddy time after been left yesterday, When i get back i will post some of the pic's up, not that many tho as the lighting was very poor but i did get some nice snap's. You should have grabbed me and said hi tho.

  • Kenny Jarvis

    Thank you for the kind comments about the cruft photo's< you should have grabbed me, i did not stray far away from those setters. Just going through my photo's i found a nice sharp one of you watching Mac, hope you like!

  • Dianne cook

    Thank you Ellen & Finlay for my birthday wishes, I guess I want them to slow down a bit now. I had a lovely cooked brunch at home with all the family and furkids :0) We have had horrible weather here today high 30's and a lot of bushfires, thankfully not too close to us but I'm definitely over been stuck inside.....so are the redkids :0(
    I'll be in touch and thanks again for my birthday wishes that's lovely. X
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Ellen, thanks for coming to say 'Hello' at Crufts! Was great meeting you :-) Luckily I came home just before he Big Snow set in in the UK. Hope you are ok.

  • Susan Stone

    Happy Easter, Ellen!

  • rob winemaker

    Thank you Ellen.
    I swear I thought his brains would melt. He was hot to the touch. Didn't phase him a bit.
  • Daniel White

    Thank you for your comment about Red.

  • Maria Forss

    Hi Ellen, and thank you for remembering my birthday. We have moved now to Cosweley, Bilston, and it is a much nicer area than the Penn Road, Wolverhampton. We have a very nice park just around the corner, and the area is very quiet and people are very friendly. Nearly everyone has a dog here and we feel more welcome here with the dogs. Hope everything is fine with Finley. Hopefully we'll have a good summer ahead of us, and hope that it will be wormer very soon. Maria

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Oh yes, Ellen, Dougal is obsessed with dish towels; as soon as he sees one hanging over the oven door, he snatches it and dashes by! lol Funny that Finlay hides from the camera. I'm disgusted with my new Nikon at the moment; giving us colored eyes! grrr I'm sure it's operator error lol

  • silvia

    he he thanks for the comment! mmm our garden is still there 3years later (time flies!!)- so we had bit more luck ;)

     I love your pictures !!

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Ellen,

    belated but cordial best wishes for your Birthday:-)

    I hope you had wonderful day with your family and Finlay!!!

    All the best!

    Ania nad Kasia

  • Carmel Murphy

    Good Morning Ellen!! Yes very quiet here lately!! We and miserable in Ireland at the moment, not at all like summer. But thats nothing new ;o)

  • Baileys' Page!

    Thank you for your kind comment about Bailey's photo ). 

  • Baileys' Page!

    Thankyou for your lovely comments Helen.Bailey ran around with that smelly soggy floppy fish in his mouth for ages that day..in and out of our legs and waving it in our faces and everything!!..lol. Was definately a day to remember!. x

  • Michelle Webster

    He is adorable but you forget what hard work puppies are! it's 11 years since I last had a puppy and it shows!!!

  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Ellen,

    The pups are just over 6 weeks old and growing fast ;)

  • terrie lynn stauffer

    Ellen Findly sure does has long ears. that to better hear you.hahahaI can'\t believhe has such long fethering, what beautiful dog. I will pray for you so Finlay will get better and live a verry long life.

    Take care and have Faith


  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks Ellen, I had a great day ;)

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ellen, Your kind words about my boy, Hammer mean a very great deal to me because I loved Hammer so very much. The only way I can cope without Hammer is to ensure he remains a part of every single day of my life. How is your beautiful Finlay going? I hope he is doing well, and you too. I look forward to seeing some photos of your beautiful boy very soon. xxxxx Susan

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ellen, Thank you for telling me about your vet experiences with Finlay. I can understand your tears of joy and your anger only too well. Thankfully you have found a good vet now and I am so very pleased to hear that Finlay is well. He is certainly a very beautiful boy in every way. You must feel so proud of him. I cannot talk about what was done to Hammer but I will tell you a little about Hobson. As well as the vets almost killing Hobson twice, I discovered just before Christmas 2013 that Hobson has been suffering muscu-skeletal problems for at least 3 years which have been misdiagnosed as "skin" problems. None of these idiots have listened to me and I have paid them a great deal of money for Hobson to suffer so much pain for so long. I feel a great deal of anger towards them. Take care too, Ellen, and sending you and Finlay Love and Hugs. Susan xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ellen, It is horrific that the vet wanted to amputate Finlay's leg. You have been through hell and back trying to do your very best for Finlay. I had a very good vet for my dogs from 1976 - 2008. He used to support me to care for my dogs and he made the effort to understand my relationship with my dogs. This is what vets are supposed to do, but times have certainly changed now. Hugs to you and Finlay xxxxx Susan and her kids

  • Mike

    Hi Ellen, Thank you very much. He is my first IS!

  • Mike

    Hi Ellen, He has already become my best friend. We are together all the time. I think I have bonded with him more than any other dog I've owned. Fortunately, I have been able to stay home with him; we play a lot and go for two walks every day.

  • Mike

    Thanks Ellen, the face of Gunner is my favorite photo of him. He is only 6 months and I cant believe how small he used to be, how quickly we forget!

  • Mike

    Thank you Ellen,

    He is getting so big. His coat is getting darker and longer. Any suggestions on removing the orange fuzz on his legs? I don't want to remove any or the darker red hair, but the orange seems to be taking over his back legs. Supposedly; the Coat King, is the tool I need?

    Thanks again for the comment.


  • Mike

    Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for answering. It doesn't seem right to me to pull the hair out. The Coat King supposedly cuts the hair off close to the body so it doesn't show up. That would be better than pulling all that hair out, I could never do that to Gunner!

    Crufts sounds like a great day. Would love to see all the Irish Setters! There are not many IS here; so when I take Gunner out, he gets a lot of attention; which he loves.

    If you do hear of a less painful way of removing the orange fluffy hair, please let me know.

    Thank you so much,


  • Mike

    Hi Ellen, Glad you had a good day at Crufts! Whenever I can I love to attend places like that. So much to see and learn.

    Thank you so much for asking about the fluff! That was really great of you to do. It seems that everyone just pulls it out, and all agree its dead hair. My problem is just pulling out hair!! It is attached very well still and must hurt when being pulled. The fluff seems to be taking over more and more of his body. Soon he will have to be "de-fluffed", or re-named Fluffy!  :-(

    Gunner lets me trim his feet and grind his nails, we started that at 8 weeks. That was a lesson learned from my last dog. She hated me touching her feet, I never really touched them until she was older and needed her nails trimmed.

    Thanks again very much Ellen for thinking of me and asking questions, I really appreciate that.


  • john murphy

    The next time you and finley are welcome to do some setter sitting

  • Eileen Olivares

    Hi Ellen, We are all fine! It's great to hear from you and I'm so happy to know that Finlay continues to do so well! I also like that photo ... it's not so easy to get the four of the to pose ... ;-) Lots of greetings to you, dear Ellen!

  • Mike

    Thank you Ellen, for the nice comment. He is no longer my little red ball of fur, but he is turning into a great dog!

  • Sandra Mather

    I made birthday cakes for my dogs .Willow rather enjoyed them.

  • Sandra Mather

    Your Finley one of Elaines. Keagan is also from Elaine. Both me and Elaine had litter sister and bred down from them..

  • Sherry Miller

    Ellen Molly loved being on the boat....two trips on water for her but I fear next time we pack suitcases she is really going to be mad when she goes to the kennel!

  • Sherry Miller

    Ellen I fear we are in for it as one of Molly's rules is if I like it it will always be that way! Afraid with our girls grown Molly gets a wee bit too much attention from us..

    ..and for Alan it is like he never had an Irish Setter before as this is the first one he has had the joy of being home with...plus our first female so not sure which is more important with the two of them. I just tell everyone Alan has a red headed mistress....to shocked expressions which I laugh at....once they see Molly with him they understand what I am up against.:)

  • Sherry Miller

    Ellen not sure how I managed to leave my comment to you as a comment to myself....it's there if you care to read it. 

    Mostly I wanted you to know how thankful I was that your first vet was wrong about Finlay.....who my the way is beautiful and I even heard from Eunice what a special boy he is. Enjoy each funny antic he does a.d keep right on spoiling him.....what I plan to do with my Molly.

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hello sweet Lady  :-)  yes, I signed on after too long a break, in fact I received a nice friend request which prompted my decision. Glad to know that you and adorable  Finley are well. Any chance to see a picture of him now?  Take care lovely friend, big hug from me and of course plenty of cuddles to Finley boy.

  • Lynsey Geary

    Hi, Yes Rosie is 8 months now, Elaine has emailed me this week and im trying to take some up to date pictures of this crazy puppy who keeps moving every time the camera focuses. i'll tell mention you when i email her. Elaine has one of Rosie's sisters who she's training up for the show ring. Fin does look a handsome boy

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Ellen, Sending you and your beautiful boy, Finlay, many hugs. Best wishes from Susan, Hobson and Misty xxx

  • Fran Griffin

    Thanks  for the comment on my profile Ellen. Hope you Christmas was better than ours..... read my post to you lol xxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Ellen, I took some days off work so that I was home on Hobson's Birthday and had some extra time to spend with him and Misty and my horses. I do not want to go back to this job! Sending you and Finlay many hugs. xxx

  • Lesley McRoberts

    Hi Ellen
    Happy Birthday, hope you have a lovely day!!!

    Best wishes
    Lesley,Candy,Poppy & Libby