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Hortobágy Cup and Saint Hubert for Hunters in Hungary, Hortobágy - new photos on my page

You can see other photos on my page, thanks to the official photographer of the event.
This weekend was held Hungary's biggest water and field competition and the Saint Hubert for practical hunters at the Hortobágy, Hungary's most famous National Park, called also the Puszta (lowland of Hungary).
This year I decided to enter Andy instead of the Hortobágy Cup, at the Saint Hubert handled by my hunter friend (owner of the pointer bitch, you can see on a lot of photos on my page) who knows Andy quite well - (at this competition only hunters can partecipate). From 16 partecipants they achieved the 6th place, which is quite good considering that they had an area where only one hare was found by Andy - chased for a few meters and turned back immediatly on the first whistle - and unfortunately no pheasant cock, which was the only shootable game this time. So judges couldn't give points for point, behaviour after flush and shot, to hunter for shot and for retrieve. They got a very positive critic from judges as for covering the territory, cooperation between dog and hunter, style, hunter's behaviour, clothing etc. I'm also satisfied with this result because there were several dogs behind them who found, pointed, cock was shot and retrieved. Bena, the pointer bitch got the 3rd place with two times point on quails and once on pheasant hen, completely correct on flush every time - (total points of Bena 68, Andy 65). Unfortunately we, the outsiders, couldn't go with the competitors and judges, so I couldn't take any photos during work, but I hope to receive some from official photographer of the event.
And now the main point of why I started this whole blog. We are partecipating at this event for 5 years, but as I was always busy and excited I never made photos of this wonderful place. So now I want to share a bit of the feeling of it.
The first day is always for Hortobágy Cup, this year there were 22 dogs.

Judges and the director of the National Park who is always there for us to welcome

After the tiring day we are invited by the National Park for the so called Puszta Program, which is a very interesting programme where we get on coaches and they bring us out in the plain land where the director of the park tells us the history of the Hortobágy, the traditional animals of the area like grey cattle and horses. It is never boring and I never heard the same story from him. He always tells another one!

The sunset at the Hortobágy. Every year we gather around the fount hand in hand :) and we all wait for the sun to set - hoping that the next year we will all be there again - may seem a bit too much emotinal but believe me in that situation it is not.

Returning to the hotel gipsy music, slambuc (traditional potatoe-pasta dish) with GREY CATTLE STEW. Alcohol, dance, music!

The next day is the Saint Hubert for practical hunters.

All the hunters have to sign their name on the list with the number of their hunting license.

Next day, passing by the road I had to stop to make this photo of the sheeps, the shepherd and his shepherd dog.

Sunday, after all events finish, there comes the moment everybody waits for with agitation. The announcement of the results. The winner of the Hortobágy Cup gets the challange-cup and a traditional horn which he/she has to sound! Believe me it is not easy, last year I was not able, but they forgave me as I'm a woman and to tell you the truth I didn't even practice it at home after the event. This trophy is the most beautiful memory of my dog handler-life - though it is not too long:)! This year's winner was Nagy Zoltán from Slovakia with his German Shorthaired Pointer bitch.

Views: 202

Comment by Susan Stone on October 20, 2008 at 2:45pm
Wonderful, Petra! I enjoyed reading your blog very much and admiring the photographs. It looks a very special event in a fascinating landscape. I've heard of the puszta riders and their horsemanship - must be great to see them.
I had to smile looking at the last picture: the german shorthair is not used to his owner blowing a horn!
Comment by Petra Kasznár on October 20, 2008 at 3:14pm
Thanks for the comment Susan, I was wondering if anybody will be interested in and I'm glad you enjoyed it. In fact it is a very special event. Maybe you could join us next year!
Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 20, 2008 at 3:29pm
hehe, i am interested, you know that! beautiful photos, even if i have seen it in real as well (not that hard, living here...). hope you and zsolt had a nice time.
igaz, a győztesnek nem örülök, de te tudod, miért ;-)
Comment by Nadine Bonjean on October 20, 2008 at 6:18pm
Beautiful photos!
Comment by Petra Kasznár on October 21, 2008 at 12:33am
thanks for the compliments.
laura: yes, we indeed had a very nice time this year, too. képzelheted a győztesnek mi mennyire nem örültünk és nem is volt jogos egy cseppet sem, mivel Berek még csak nem is talált vadat. el tudod képzelni, hogy Berek jobb lenne Benánál??? ezek után a bírók mondták, hogy legközelebb sokkal részletesebben meg fogják beszélni a pontozást, mert tudod, a szabályzat eléggé nem konkrét, sok teret hagyva a subjektivitásnak. viszont a hortobágyon csak 3. lett, katika mögött, attól baromi mérges volt:))
Comment by Renata Berlińska on October 21, 2008 at 1:12am
Great photos! I must see it on my own eyes. Congratulations for Andy! We also just came back from international autumn trial, I'll try to write today!
Comment by Danica Morarova on October 21, 2008 at 1:21am
Excellent.Big kiss for Andy.
Comment by Dušan Rauški on October 21, 2008 at 2:59pm
Congratulations to Andy, and thank you Petra for the pictures.
It realy looks great: great panonian planes, cikosz riders, podolean catlle... very autenthic.
Great blog.
Comment by Caroline on October 23, 2008 at 1:39am
Great photos, but I'm not suprised - lovely country, emazing landscapes
Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 24, 2008 at 8:04am
hihi :-)


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