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Happy 13th Birthday, darling Joy!! You made it!!! When you collapsed onto our living room floor just before New Year, we thought, that was it... we rushed you to the clinic at half past ten that night and fought for your life. The diagnosis was devastating: Severe heart deficiency, arrhythmia, partial fibrillation and and - plus lung edema, caused by the heart, that was not beating properly any more! 

The summer before, you had the usual signs of old age: Some problems with the legs or not being able to cope in hot weather; so we bought you a cool coat and you were happy as ever. Uphill became more difficult but after a short break, you did not show any signs of slowing down. Little did we expect that your heart was probably already severely ill.

You enjoyed the autumn of your years together with us and were still on tour with our new camper van, always happy, always active and always keen to explore new areas. 

After your collapse, the vets saw no chance and wanted to put you to sleep - but the cardiologist tried one last treatment with a different medication to dehydrate the lungs and one hour later, your lungs were clearer and with the beginning of this treatment and your enormous will to live, we went, on what we thought were our last walks, enjoying a bit of snow.

Day after day, you became stronger and managed longer walks. You started to eat properly again and gained weight and strength. You defied the odds and jumped back to your old self, pulling on the leash like always. The vets shake their heads and wonder how you made it, because even with the new treatment, they did not think, you'd live that long.

The first photo on top is from today: Joy had a nice walk of nearly 4 km, was twice in the river and does not look ill or tired but happy and content! Every day is a gift now, a bonus, so to speak - I doubt, you will enjoy another B'Day. So we will celebrate your Birthday for the rest of your life and are thankful for the Joy with which you enriched ours!!!

Views: 295

Comment by Eva on April 25, 2021 at 2:54am

Keep fighting Joy!!!

Comment by silvia on April 25, 2021 at 3:13am
I just saw this blog after responding to you mum. Happy birthday Joy!! Every day is a bonus and you look as the usual joyful curious happy puppy you will always be in your soul. Enjoy the warm spring sun on your coat and the smell of the grass !!!! Hope you will have many many days to go !! Love Silvia Marco Oberon
Comment by Cornelia on April 25, 2021 at 4:30am

Thank you both, we will!

Silvia, this is a Cool Coat. I bought it in England, size XL. You put it in water and it keeps the dogs breast cool on a hot or warm day for about two hours; then you have to make it wet again or easier: Let the dog have a nice splash in the next brook or lake and it will do the trick again for another 2-3 hours.

Love C & J xxx

Comment by Catherine Carter on April 25, 2021 at 6:19am

Happy Birthday, Joy !!!! :-)

Comment by Sherry Miller on April 25, 2021 at 10:19am

Happy Birthday beautiful Joy! I'm so happy you've shared your Joy with us all. Everyday is precious and even more so as our beautiful redheads age. Hugs to you all!

Comment by Cornelia on April 25, 2021 at 11:11am

Thank you both for your nice wishes!

Comment by ereni on April 25, 2021 at 12:14pm

Happy Birthday Joy!
Enjoy every your day with your mum <3

Comment by Barbara on April 26, 2021 at 4:23am

Happy Birthday dear Joy!!! Love B+V

Comment by Cornelia on April 26, 2021 at 5:40am

Thank you so much Ereni and Barbara! 

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on April 29, 2021 at 6:50am

Happy Birthday, Joy! You are very clever girl, keep going that way to make your parents happy! All the best Cornelia!


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